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The Pro-Toggle Thread for same gender content.


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Ok a filter is anything that removes content visible from game. Toggle that makes certain romance arcs disappear from game Is a filter.


This is not a comprehensive or satisfactory definition of the term filter as it applies to the game, nor is filter even itself a comprehensive description of a character option.

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Made it to about page 24 before I gave up...


I'll preface by saying that I'm awaiting the implementation of SGRA - my smuggler's progression/play time came to a screeching halt once Risha joined the crew. I have no issues having my smuggler flirting with...well, anyone in the storyline. The older gent that Corso introduces the smuggler to on Coruscant, I flirted for everything I thought I could squeeze outta the old geezer. 'Fade to black' scene? Hasn't happened yet (even after Port Nowhere, or whatever the station is called), but it's nothing I'm going to lose sleep over if it does. The smuggler uses every tool at her disposal, and "intimacy" is simply another spanner in the toolbox - she is played as completely bisexual, so an expansion of the current system wouldn't particularly bother me. I have no problem selecting or ignoring options - so in that sense, I am 'looking in' on this discussion.


I am instead working on my SI, where I don't plan on using anyone but Khem Val in a companion capacity for...well, quite a long time, actually. And regardless of anyone's preference, dashade are simply never going to be my type. :D


Going on the assumption (and I do) that preference is something determined from birth, the best option, in my opinion, is to select the preference at character creation. One thing that should not be done is a switch where you can turn orientation back and forth at whimsy, like profanity or the helmet slot. That does not make any sense to me.


Lastly...what I do with my crew in the confines of my own starship is the business of one person, and one person only. Myself. I ask only that neither viewpoint dictate to me what I can or cannot do in this regard.

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I vote "No Toggle", myself. I can't toggle the same-sex partners out of a Star Wars novel, I can't toggle straight people out of my school, and I can't toggle lesbian couple out of my mostly-straight-guys television show. I feel games should follow the same pattern.


I believe Dragon Age: Origins handled the showing/not showing of same-gender content extremely well. It was an option on the wheel, but it was natural, and you could even back out of it naturally if you had selected the wrong option accidentally or thought it lead somewhere else.


To be clear, I'm not gonna throw a fit if it does come with a toggle. I only have one character out of my five that would even be interested in same-gender content. But the other four should have the choice half-way through the game to make that switch if they so choose. Or, heck, for the one homosexual to turn straight after the stress of the story is over, even. These ideas become impossible if the toggle is a set-in-stone sort of thing (which it would have to be, in the way it was presented in this thread).


As a side note, there was a point earlier where some called making SGRA content censored or toggled compares it to profanity. The response to that was to quite how they will make chat bubbles togglable, and to say that it proves there are reasons other than hate. I don't know if it was pointed out earlier in the thread - I couldn't read through all of it - but did anyone else notice that the line itself still mentions that the reason for chat bubble toggle is "for those that hate them"?

That makes it still the same thing, in my book. Again, if it has already been pointed out - then... I dunno. Sorry? Harping is not the intent.


I am of the opinion that what anyone feels personally about whether they want to see SGRA flirts, straight flirts, or flirts at all is perfectly valid. I won't argue. I just find that when you go from one person to a group, any of those complaints lose their hold. Inclusion is always the higher road with society, I feel.

Edited by Elblai
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Can I flirt with the opposite sex and make them feel uncomfortable? A sexual force persuade? I mean if we are pursuing EVERY option in a damn game why not? You can say its harassment, but we murder and do worse things by L5 so whats your point?
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Fine. Then I request an option to turn off all flirts then please.


No matter the gender no flirts appear and no NPC will try to flirt with me. Explain how THAT is offensive to anybody.


That I would support. A single option "Flirts or No Flirts". I don't see any issue with that.

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Just an FYI for all the pro toggle people out there. The idea of a toggle has been thrown around for every game that has had same sex content since DA:O. Just look on the BSN forums if you want proof. If Bioware didn't add toggles to those games for same sex content then they aren't going to start now. Bioware has faith in its players that they can choose to not pursue any optional content be it romance, light/dark side choices, pvp, space combat or the like without having to hold their hand by creating a toggle. If you the player are not mature enough to avoid content you don't want or don't use then you shouldn't be playing SWTOR in the first place. The same goes for parents with children playing, although the game is rated T for Teen and is most certainly not child appropriate even without same sex romance added yet. If you as a parent have an issue with SWTORs current or planned content then maybe this game isn't for your children.
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It just strikes me as an unneccessary option for those who would not be inclined towards that gender. You can say that since there are three choices, BW has already narrowed down the most relevant responses (no option for "Mr. Sith Lord, do a barrel roll" or "Take me to the nearest Biscuit Baron"). If an s/s flirt isn't relevant to the player because they've selected an opposite-gender orientation, or vice-versa, why replace a more relevant option with one that's not useful to that character ? Edited by Paralassa
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It just strikes me as an unneccessary option for those who would not be inclined towards that gender. You can say that since there are three choices, BW has already narrowed down the most relevant responses (no option for "Mr. Sith Lord, do a barrel roll" or "Take me to the nearest Biscuit Baron"). If an s/s flirt isn't relevant to the player because they've selected an opposite-gender orientation, or vice-versa, why replace a more relevant option with one that's not useful to that character ?


That's a slippery slope right there... You could apply it to anything as well. My character is light side oriented so why not toggle the dark side options off? My character is not a jerk, so let's toggle the "jerk" responses off, my character is not so pro-empire, so lets toggle the "pro-empire" options off. So, what do we have in the end? The game pretty much plays out for us, and we have no options at all.


So that is why we have multiple options even if they are not relevant to your idea of your character. It gives us a choice. And as the other poster said, you may even select a [flirt] choice as a funny response. They do not all lead to the "fade screen of naughty things", they may just garner a funny response. And we do that in real life all the time as well. We may make off comments with same sex friends saying how "sexy" they look in their new car or something. That does not mean we have any kind of intentions towards them, it's just banter.


So leave the options. The less options we have, the worse it will be.


Edit: As an example that not all [flirt] options lead to "doing the fandango", play a male character in the Taris questline with Thana Vesh. All the flirts you make, she just shrugs them off, and with pretty funny responses to boot!


*** spoiler alert!! ***

2nd edit: you can see Thana Vesh responses to flirts:



It is very clear that the flirts are used to just poke fun at Thana Vesh, and no other intentions.


*** spoiler alert!! **

Edited by Raximillian
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That's a slippery slope right there... You could apply it to anything as well. My character is light side oriented so why not toggle the dark side options off? My character is not a jerk, so let's toggle the "jerk" responses off, my character is not so pro-empire, so lets toggle the "pro-empire" options off. So, what do we have in the end? The game pretty much plays out for us, and we have no options at all.


I understand what you mean, though I still think that attitude and morality are more flexible than sexuality. I might tell someone snarky to get spaced, while being on my best behavior for the governor. I might choose to show mercy to a hired gun begging for his life while not showing compassion to my helpless and disarmed enemy. But because I'm interested only in guys, I'm not as likely to jump into bed with someone of my own gender, regardless of the circumstances.


The other choices just seem more situational than orientation, which is pretty consistent.

Edited by AquaSky
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It just strikes me as an unneccessary option for those who would not be inclined towards that gender. You can say that since there are three choices, BW has already narrowed down the most relevant responses (no option for "Mr. Sith Lord, do a barrel roll" or "Take me to the nearest Biscuit Baron"). If an s/s flirt isn't relevant to the player because they've selected an opposite-gender orientation, or vice-versa, why replace a more relevant option with one that's not useful to that character ?


If the content was there for that I'm sure there would be a dialog option lol. But here the debate isn't /whether/ the content is coming, but that some people would like to be able to ignore it, which all other things aside seems to be a bit odd just purely from a "you paid for the game, why would you want to miss out on a ton of new content" standpoint(assuming they don't just recycle the current dialogs, which would be rather annoying).


As has also been stated these options don't just have to do with getting someone in bed. Maybe your straight female flirts with another woman at a bar in order to get skip a few steps for some quest for example.


If you feel as though the character you're playing would never in a million years make that choice then by all means, never make that choice. I find it odd that players don't want to be presented with dialog options in this game, it's by bioware, what did you honestly expect? There are *tons* of games out there that have nothing to do with homosexuality/bisexuality lol, if it's really that central to your enjoyment of the game, maybe you are playing the wrong game...

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There are *tons* of games out there that have nothing to do with homosexuality/bisexuality lol, if it's really that central to your enjoyment of the game, maybe you are playing the wrong game...


Not trying to pick a fight, but the same might go for those who demanded SGRA.

It wasn't originally in the game, maybe Tor wasn't the game for them.


Just sayn'.

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Not trying to pick a fight, but the same might go for those who demanded SGRA.

It wasn't originally in the game, maybe Tor wasn't the game for them.


Just sayn'.


glad you brought that up lol, I would be inclined to agree with you actually, however bioware said before launch that the game *would* likely include it...


I personally wish they hadn't(and irl I am bi, but I really don't care if a /game/ allows my /character/ to be bi, I play for more than just the relationships, this isn't a dating sim lol), I don't like it when game companies try to make political statements, imo they either should have had it in at the start or not at all. At this point I honestly think it was more to just garner attention than anything else. However this is not the topic of this thread lol, and if they do end up putting in the content at some point I would be againt them making another political statement by including a toggle(this point could be argued, but I believe if a significant number of people think of it as a political statement then it is a political statement, I live in a democracy and that's generally how it works).

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I have to say, aslong as the toggle is set to off by default - I don't see why anyone could have an issue with this same sex business... I would just hope any development in this area was a lower priority than any bug fixing and content updating...


Perhaps a same sexpansion pack? (I jest.)


However, all that said, remember Jedi... Personal attachments and romantic relationships are forbidden by the code!


Goodluck in getting this pushed through!



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Most of the people here aren't saying that they want to "toggle off all gay content". We want to toggle off flirt prompts for one sex or the other when it comes to our characters. There's a difference between having a gay NPC and being presented with multiple Flirt prompts for the gender you're not into. Yes, you can ignore the options you don't care to use, but many of us would prefer if we could customize which gender our character is into. Edited by Paralassa
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I am absolutely for a toggle as long as that toggle also includes a toggle option to turn off heterosexual flirt options as well.


Those that want a toggle find the idea of having same-gender romance options offensive. I find it offensive that opposite-gender romance options are the only ones available and would prefer to not have to see them at all.

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I am absolutely for a toggle as long as that toggle also includes a toggle option to turn off heterosexual flirt options as well.


Those that want a toggle find the idea of having same-gender romance options offensive. I find it offensive that opposite-gender romance options are the only ones available and would prefer to not have to see them at all.


And that again is a perfectly reasonable expectation. I'm not saying same sex flirts are wrong... I'm saying they are wrong for ME.

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SWTOR has a ESRB rating of teen. Currently according to ESRB, games with homosexuality fall under the Mature rating. Whether it is right that heterosexual falls under Teen while homosexual falls under Mature is an argument for ESRB and not EA/BW.


I do not believe that EA/BW is going to do something that will raise it's base game ESRB rating to Mature so I don't think this will be "patched" in or change the base story arcs/options or have a toggle to turn on or off.


I believe that they will include SGRA at some point but it will be as part of an expansion pack that has the Mature rating.

Edited by JansanRuno
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SWTOR has a ESRB rating of teen. Currently according to ESRB, games with homosexuality fall under the Mature rating. Whether it is right that heterosexual falls under Teen while homosexual falls under Mature is an argument for ESRB and not EA/BW.


I do not believe that EA/BW is going to do something that will raise it's base game ESRB rating to Mature so I don't think this will be "patched" in or change the base story arcs/options or have a toggle to turn on or off.


I believe that they will include SGRA at some point but it will be as part of an expansion pack that has the Mature rating.


i think you need to go check the ESRB site again and reread this thread. because what you just posted is not only wrong but has absolutely nothing to do with the topic of this thread.

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There should always be support for common sense character options. Exposure = good, but: exposure < common sense. Anyone who cares about the game should put the game first - when they're putting personal issues in front of our games, they're being unreasonable.


Gamers can support causes without this being at the expense of their game. Putting exposure over playability is asking too much.

Edited by Paralassa
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S/G romances are coming, and what we're asking is that S/G flirts are added along with more female flirts so that the game has more balance. My IA is hardly the mistress of seduction when I've had all of two or three flirt options in all. Furthermore, if a smuggler or AI has seduction as one of the tools in their belt, it should go (logically) that they'd at least have the appearance of bisexuality to have as a way of getting out of trouble.


How does s/g flirts affect playability? Taking this argument to its logical end, this is how it goes:

> S/G flirts affect playability.

> A game that has poor playability isn't able to be enjoyed.

> S/G romances are coming for companions.

> SGR will contain flirting options.

> Since, SGR options are coming, it affects playability negatively.

> S/G flirt options make the game unable to be enjoyed.



Notice that the only variable that makes the game unable to be enjoyed is same-gender options. Yes, it's an emotional issue, but we're talking about developer-promised content, and wondering how and when it is implemented- and wondering if s/g flirts will be implemented. If not in the same patch as SGR, then we would like it implemented. We argue exposure, emotions, et cetera, but also because it is strange that BW has not implemented it from launch and put it off in this way when they've had SG flirts and romances in many of their prominent games.


Imagine, if you will, if all of the sudden Bubsy got rid of its VA for Bubsy, and instead of rich, colorful environments, it were replaced by epilepsy-inducing blinking polygons. That is an example of an extreme change that makes the game entirely awful- and consequently, prevented Bubsy from making it past the age of mascots. Now imagine you are playing Galerians: Ash. The storyline continues, and there is a homosexual kiss in there. This was one of very few changes in gameplay and storyline. However, it's still got the very same cult-hit following it had in the first game.



@ ESRB guy: Learn2ESRB


M Rating

Titles in this category may contain more blood and gore than the Teen rating would accommodate, sexual themes/content/references (which are censored, most case.) and vulgar language. This content is strong[disambiguation needed ] in impact. Many retailers have a policy of not selling games with this rating to people under 17, at least without parental approval

These are the 30 warning labels attached to any game which complement every rating.

Alcohol Reference - Reference to and/or images of alcoholic beverages

Animated Blood - Unrealistic depictions of blood, including depictions of blood that isn't colored red

Blood - Realistic depictions of blood

Blood and Gore - Depictions of blood and/or mutilations

Cartoon Violence - Unrealistic depiction of violence (i.e., a character incurs an injury that would severely hurt or kill someone in real life, but in the cartoon world, the character is either fine moments later or mildly hurt and comically shown in bandages)

Comic Mischief - Depictions or dialogue involving slapstick or suggestive humor

Crude Humor - Depictions or dialogue involving vulgar antics, including “toilet” humor

Drug Reference - Reference to and/or depictions of drugs (legal or otherwise)

Fantasy Violence - Violent actions of a fantasy nature, involving human or non-human characters in situations easily distinguishable from real life

Intense Violence - Graphic and realistic-looking depictions of physical conflict. May involve extreme and/or realistic blood, gore, use of weapons, and depictions of human injury and death

Mild Language - Mild to moderate use of profanity

Mild Lyrics - Mild adult themes (profanity, sexuality, drug abuse, and/or violence) in musical lyrics

Mature Humor - Depictions or dialogue involving "adult" humor, including explicit sexual references

Nudity - Graphic or prolonged depictions of nudity

Partial Nudity - Brief and/or mild depictions of nudity

Real Gambling - Player can gamble, including betting real cash or currency

Sexual Content - Implicit references to sexuality (may also include partial nudity or implications of intercourse)

Sexual Themes - Verbal references to sex or sexuality

Sexual Violence - Depictions or references to **** or violent sexual acts

Simulated Gambling - Player can gamble without betting real cash or currency

Strong Language - Explicit and/or frequent use of profanity

Strong Lyrics - Explicit and/or frequent adult references (violence, sexuality, drug use, and violence) in musical lyrics

Strong Sexual Content - Explicit and/or frequent references to sexuality (often including stronger or more frequent scenes of nudity and/or more explicit references to intercourse)

Suggestive Themes - Mild references to sexual or other "adult" themes

Tobacco Reference - Allusions to tobacco products

Use of Drugs - Depictions of characters consuming drugs (legal or otherwise)

Use of Alcohol - Depictions of characters consuming alcoholic beverages

Use of Tobacco - Depictions of characters consuming tobacco (particularly in the form of cigarette smoking)

Violence - Scenes involving aggressive conflict. May contain bloodless carnage and/or bloodless dismemberment

Violent References - References to violent acts

Edited by Paralassa
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