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Does it get better?


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Truth be told I WANT to enjoy my Marauder. I just can't seem to. I feel very weak, and leveling as a whole just seems way more difficult than it should.


Especially once compared to my Assassin and Sniper.


I dropped my 50 Assassin because my guild lacked any Marauders and we needed the Bloodfrenzy. But I am seriously considering just being a sniper or going back to my Sin.


I'm level 20 now, and while I know it's a small sample of the class it just isn't... Fun.


Does it get better? Is it simply because so much of my skill set is missing? Or is it a special kind of taste thing?


I played a fury warrior for 3 years in WoW, Marauder should of been an auto pick... But yeah...



Thoughts? Flames? Cookies?

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I have a level 34 jug (amongst other toons) and decided to make a marauder too. My marauder is only level 19 but for what it is worth, I have done some seriously nice things in PvP with this dude already... and using him helped me learn jug better.


Additionally, there are some pvp streams on the marauder thread to look for... these dudes as very skilled marauders and usually top several charts in PVP.


From all I have seen and read, marauder is one of the fiercest classes in PVP. However, they have the steepest learning curve and player skill requirement. The top marauders have something like 32 to 36 key bindings. Seeing as you have a level 50 melee character, I would think you would have a bit of a head start on learning marauder, but if you are struggling to the point that you feel posting you issues on the forums is appropriate, it may honestly be a L2P scenario. I don't mean that in any negative way. Truthfully, not everyone can play every class.


If you are a clicker, marauder is not for you.

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I have a level 34 jug (amongst other toons) and decided to make a marauder too. My marauder is only level 19 but for what it is worth, I have done some seriously nice things in PvP with this dude already... and using him helped me learn jug better.


Additionally, there are some pvp streams on the marauder thread to look for... these dudes as very skilled marauders and usually top several charts in PVP.


From all I have seen and read, marauder is one of the fiercest classes in PVP. However, they have the steepest learning curve and player skill requirement. The top marauders have something like 32 to 36 key bindings. Seeing as you have a level 50 melee character, I would think you would have a bit of a head start on learning marauder, but if you are struggling to the point that you feel posting you issues on the forums is appropriate, it may honestly be a L2P scenario. I don't mean that in any negative way. Truthfully, not everyone can play every class.


If you are a clicker, marauder is not for you.



I'm not a clicker, I have keybinds.


But in all seriousness I have a handful of abilities at my disposal right now. It's not that I'm struggling with the content. I just feel much weaker.


And the play style, at least right now, is rather dull.


Maybe force choke will make me enjoy this more? I don't know.



It just feels like the class is missing something. I don't feel like the whirlwind of destruction this class is meant to be.


Maybe I just need to level more..

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From all I have read and to sum it up "I was about to give up on marauder, then I hit 40, and it became a whole other game." I have seen that quote, or some version of it, on several occasions.


If you are only doing it for a single buff for your team, I wouldn't stress over it. Let someone else deal with it. If you are looking for a strong alt, I would go with powertech pyrotech. That is my main, and they are monsters. The only thing that compares 1 on 1 is very well played marauder.




Personally, I have a blast with marauder. I feel like I am going on a furious rage the entire time.

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32 to 36 key bindings


This is my reason for not playing a Marauder. In my opinion there is no reason to play a lame class that needs that many bindings.


I can wreak stuff on my Jug, have more survivability and more fun because of it. Marauders need a lot of skills removed and a boost in defense.

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I'm not a clicker, I have keybinds.


But in all seriousness I have a handful of abilities at my disposal right now. It's not that I'm struggling with the content. I just feel much weaker.


And the play style, at least right now, is rather dull.


Maybe force choke will make me enjoy this more? I don't know.



It just feels like the class is missing something. I don't feel like the whirlwind of destruction this class is meant to be.


Maybe I just need to level more..


It a bit of a late bloomer class actually. By lvl 30 it starts picking up a lot more and by 40 when you can take your top tier talent its really easy.


I would also suggest taking biochem and making reusables. I have had at lvl reusable med pack, might stim, crit adrenal the whole way up. I leveled a jugg tank to 50 with scynth and it was useless really... had I taken biochem I could have probably leveled faster using DPS pet the entire time like I do with marauder.


All I can say is stick with it. It really shines once you get the hang of it and have your skills.


Few tips I got when leveling that are super helpful. Use cloak of pain before even fight when its up. Dont use it to save yourself, its pointless then really.

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I am a clicker and am thoroughly enjoying my Annihilation Marauder.


....I just wish there was a medium armour moddable lower robe I could purchase somewhere - I hate the way he looks in pants :(




I have heard a lot of people wish they didn't have to wear a dress. :D


Anyway, I will rephrase. If you are a clicker, marauder is probably not for you and less likely to display the results you are looking for.

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Yes it gets better. But.



Vs a Jugg same skills an gear ,, its going to be hard u need to kite

With you dots ..



I am bm gear vs other Juggs in pve and pvp gear

Some Juggs have 23000 hit points vs my 16000 so, and i begining crit for 4500+ and stuned or cc more in i Can dó, so u need to play you class really good and save you cooldowns and When to use Them , and you chocker


And not talking about then clickers in Low gear, i am talking about bm and WAR heros

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What spec are you?


You get deadly saber at 20, if you spec anni. Its a pretty interesting skill.


What I like about my marauder is that theres a lot more things to look for. My assassin is pretty straightforward, slash-slash-shock, discharge. Repeat. However on my marauder I'm constantly juggling 4-5 cooldowns to be effective.


I am 30ish only on my marauder, but so far its been fun. And force charge, man, how cool is that. I never get bored of jumping from mob to mob.

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Truth be told I WANT to enjoy my Marauder. I just can't seem to. I feel very weak, and leveling as a whole just seems way more difficult than it should.


Especially once compared to my Assassin and Sniper.


I dropped my 50 Assassin because my guild lacked any Marauders and we needed the Bloodfrenzy. But I am seriously considering just being a sniper or going back to my Sin.


I'm level 20 now, and while I know it's a small sample of the class it just isn't... Fun.


Does it get better? Is it simply because so much of my skill set is missing? Or is it a special kind of taste thing?


I played a fury warrior for 3 years in WoW, Marauder should of been an auto pick... But yeah...



Thoughts? Flames? Cookies?


I just got done soloing a heroic 2 on tattooine taking on three (non droid) gold elites at a time, only two levels lower than me, using Quinn. Couldnt' do that on my vengeance jugg at the same level.


Marauders are beasts.

Edited by Vember
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This is my reason for not playing a Marauder. In my opinion there is no reason to play a lame class that needs that many bindings.


I can wreak stuff on my Jug, have more survivability and more fun because of it. Marauders need a lot of skills removed and a boost in defense.


32 to 36 is an exageration. You can do perfectly fine with as few as 15, I'd say. If you play the class you'll know which abilities you can safely drop *cough* Savage Kick *cough* Hilt Strike *cough* (for example), at least for PvP.


The progression IS badly designed, meaning that from level 25 to around level 40 it's a miserable experience, and on top of that, you do need to keep updating your gear every couple of levels.


What I have found to be a myth about marauder is that they are more difficult to play. Any monkey can punch in an annihilation rotation, it's 5 buttons; same thing for defensive priorities. What is true is that marauder is a lot less forgiving about mistakes. If you make a mistake with a juggernaut, your armor and passive abilities hide it. If you make a mistake with a marauder, the fight can be compromised. That's all.

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32 to 36 is an exageration. You can do perfectly fine with as few as 15, I'd say. If you play the class you'll know which abilities you can safely drop *cough* Savage Kick *cough* Hilt Strike *cough* (for example), at least for PvP.


The progression IS badly designed, meaning that from level 25 to around level 40 it's a miserable experience, and on top of that, you do need to keep updating your gear every couple of levels.


What I have found to be a myth about marauder is that they are more difficult to play. Any monkey can punch in an annihilation rotation, it's 5 buttons; same thing for defensive priorities. What is true is that marauder is a lot less forgiving about mistakes. If you make a mistake with a juggernaut, your armor and passive abilities hide it. If you make a mistake with a marauder, the fight can be compromised. That's all.


that's where all the other keybindings come in is to save us from our mistakes... L2p marauder!!


Edit- PvE Savage kick will be that last hit that you need on a strong or Normal enemy.With Jaesa you never have to do anything to use savage kick really.And it's a good opener with quickly dispatching some of the normal enemies around an elite.

Edited by Herblaw
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that's where all the other keybindings come in is to save us from our mistakes... L2p marauder!!


Edit- PvE Savage kick will be that last hit that you need on a strong or Normal enemy.With Jaesa you never have to do anything to use savage kick really.And it's a good opener with quickly dispatching some of the normal enemies around an elite.


I don't think I need to L2P if I consistently get 10 kills per death in warzones, and can handle pulls in PvE. Anyway.


Every keybinding in the world won't save you if you make a mistake. If you pop ward when you're low, you're gonna die. If you don't pop cloak when you enter a fight and everytime it's available while you're taking damage, your survivability is going down. If you use obfuscate on a rage juggernaut, you're gonna die.


Compare to juggernaut with heavy armor & soresu passive bonuses. If you don't get the obvious point, I can't do anything about it.

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I'm not a clicker, I have keybinds.


But in all seriousness I have a handful of abilities at my disposal right now. It's not that I'm struggling with the content. I just feel much weaker.


And the play style, at least right now, is rather dull.


Maybe force choke will make me enjoy this more? I don't know.



It just feels like the class is missing something. I don't feel like the whirlwind of destruction this class is meant to be.


Maybe I just need to level more..


it will be a lot better when you get a 31-10 tree, but it will be more demanding also.

my post below is relevant to your topic , have a say if you want to.


friendly tip for quests , dump you healer asap it will benefit you a lot, other companions can do some real damage and ofc absorb some instead of you .

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This is my reason for not playing a Marauder. In my opinion there is no reason to play a lame class that needs that many bindings.


I can wreak stuff on my Jug, have more survivability and more fun because of it. Marauders need a lot of skills removed and a boost in defense.


i dont agree

1)mara's are not lame most guys simply think they can run into groups with them witch is not the case

2) having actuall rotations instead of facerolls and being demanding is at least intriguing ti me

3) indeed we have serious survivability issues when there are way too many ranged opponets

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It's weird that like half these posts talk about how great the Marauder is in PVP, when the question was clearly about PVE.


I hit 31 as of them morning, and 20-30 has been kind of "meh" for me. I wouldn't say that I hate it, but it hasn't been my favorite class so far (50 guardian-defense, 32 commando-gunnery, 25 shadow-infiltration, 25 scoundrel-sawbones, 31 marauder-carnage). I think my abilities just haven't really started picking up their synergy yet, I think.


I've actually had more complaints about my companion (healer) though, until I figured out that I needed to turn off his CC as he prioritizes it over healing me. Still, there's a lot of tools, and I'd say that the marauder has been my favorite class to GROUP with, but my least favorite to solo so far. He's just squishy, and at least my Shadow has a tank companion.


At 31 I still don't have a tank companion on the marauder.


All that out of the way, I've found things are improving as my ability to just crank out a crazy amount of burst when needed is really helping, and the bindings aren't that bad really.


My primary abilities are Battering Assault, Gore, Scream, Ravage, Vicious Assault, and Assault. Leap at the start of a fight, use Cloak/Smash at the start of most fights (soloing), and save Berzerk/Choke for Elites. I don't use Retaliation or Rupture as they aren't worth the focus I'm blowing on them.

Edited by Eugee
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I hit 31 as of them morning, and 20-30 has been kind of "meh" for me.


I've actually had more complaints about my companion (healer) though, until I figured out that I needed to turn off his CC as he prioritizes it over healing me.

At 31 I still don't have a tank companion on the marauder.


I don't use Rupture as they aren't worth the focus I'm blowing on them.


Level with Annhilation, its sooo much easier. Silvers barely live long enough to use ravage and golds just melt once you fury burn em :)

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I don't think I need to L2P if I consistently get 10 kills per death in warzones, and can handle pulls in PvE. Anyway.


Every keybinding in the world won't save you if you make a mistake. If you pop ward when you're low, you're gonna die. If you don't pop cloak when you enter a fight and everytime it's available while you're taking damage, your survivability is going down. If you use obfuscate on a rage juggernaut, you're gonna die.


Compare to juggernaut with heavy armor & soresu passive bonuses. If you don't get the obvious point, I can't do anything about it.


No one said anything about Cloak.. But yes you are right how many fights that you are in solo last more then 30 seconds? Not many.. by that im saying you have longer duration with that cooldown..on top of that Zerk is a great move.. I use Jaesa instead of Quinn so most of my fights last like 10-15 Seconds. PVP wasn't even the area of a marauder in question here. You bring that up to cover that my post was indeed correct.

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Level with Annhilation, its sooo much easier. Silvers barely live long enough to use ravage and golds just melt once you fury burn em :)


It looks like Annhilation is good for sure, but the burst of Carnage was very appealing to me. Just takes awhile for the burst to really develop though. It wasn't bad from 20-30, it just wasn't making up for my squishy body. But now I'm really starting to just flatten strongs with burst, and enjoying it immensely.

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I've read all te reply's so far. I've got a 50 marauder and enjoying it ALOT in both PVE and PVP.


In pve as many have said it is important to keep your gear up to par with your level. While questing ALWAYS pick the commendation instead of the boxes. And when possible upgrade your gear for your companion. Depending on your playstyle, i'd suggest to pick 1 companion and gear him/her up all the time.


If u want to zerg through it with a lot of burst, go for Jeasa. If you are like me and want to learn your skills at the max, go for Quinn, as his heals keep you alive longer and where there is room for mistakes.


Talents: Annihilation is idd very nice to lvl with, tho i did it on carnage. At about 40 u get alot better thanks to talents/skills.


But i do have to say, after i dinged 50, i started leveling alts, wich ALL played ALOT smoother then the marauder did. If u want a challenging class with advanced tactics, dont give up on the marauder, cuz as many said, its a BEAST.


For PVP the marauder is greatly depending on his gear to be honest. While you are gathering your cent/champ gear, no doubt u WILL get facerolled by the ton of sorcerers and ops out there. But now that gathering your pieces goes ALOT faster, u'll zerg through and once u get your epic sabers and about 440 expertise, u'll notice u'r not that easy to kill.


I've laughed alot when people said they are doing 400k dmg as a marauder in a warzone, and i still do. Dont think i've seen a screenshot so far of anyone claiming to do that. 200-250 seems fairly reasonable. Maybe in a premade where u got 2 healers on you, then maybe, just maybe u can get that kind of dmg. Compared to juggs we just dont top them as much as we should. DPS juggs are wearing heavy armour, wich i find quite unfair to us marauders.


Maybe the devs should consider in putting the Heavy Armour ability as a talent instead as a passive skill. This would put the jugg on the same level as the marauder armorwise.


Stim and adrenal buffs are the way to go in both pve and pvp. NEVER leave home without them.

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