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sith warrior faster than inquisitor?


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so my friend and I recently rolled new alts together, him going with a warrior and me with an inquisitor. While running through Korriban, I've noticed that he seems to run and level faster than me


I first noticed that he hit level 6 while I still had about 1 bar left on level 5. later I noticed he hit 7 while I still had about bars on 6. now, if I estimate correctly, he's probably about 1/3 a ways into level 8, while I still have 1 bar left on 7. we both have done the same quests and everything, except the occasional split for our story quests, but we meet right back at the entrance of whatever area we are in. this could explain how he gets more experience than me, but it only supports the "warrior levels faster than inquistor" idea because they get more experience from their story quests


as for the running thing, I've noticed while running next to each other that he sometimes appears to do a quick dash, as if he's quickly turning his sprint on and off, which he obviously doesn't even have yet, being under level 14. not sure how I could explain this, but it causes him to get way ahead of me during long runs, like say from the sith academy running to the tomb of Tulak Hord. doing this, he managed to get so far ahead that his portrait on the party window turned transparent before getting about halfway there

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so my friend and I recently rolled new alts together, him going with a warrior and me with an inquisitor. While running through Korriban, I've noticed that he seems to run and level faster than me


I first noticed that he hit level 6 while I still had about 1 bar left on level 5. later I noticed he hit 7 while I still had about bars on 6. now, if I estimate correctly, he's probably about 1/3 a ways into level 8, while I still have 1 bar left on 7. we both have done the same quests and everything, except the occasional split for our story quests, but we meet right back at the entrance of whatever area we are in. this could explain how he gets more experience than me, but it only supports the "warrior levels faster than inquistor" idea because they get more experience from their story quests


as for the running thing, I've noticed while running next to each other that he sometimes appears to do a quick dash, as if he's quickly turning his sprint on and off, which he obviously doesn't even have yet, being under level 14. not sure how I could explain this, but it causes him to get way ahead of me during long runs, like say from the sith academy running to the tomb of Tulak Hord. doing this, he managed to get so far ahead that his portrait on the party window turned transparent before getting about halfway there


lol^ why not ask "you friend"

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I've never understood why people that can't answer a question bother responding to a topic at all


Because your friend is either speedhacking or you are having serious connection issues (or you're turning walk on instead of run). All classes pre-10 run at the exact same speed.


As far as xp goes yea they're going to vary because class quests aren't identical in mobs to kill or xp rewards.

Edited by hadoken
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I know he isn't speed hacking 1 because we've been friends for years and I know him, and 2 he sits righ across the room from me. As for connection issues I'd imagine if one of us is lagging we both would be. As for walking, I think I would notice if I was doing so
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As others have said, class missions give different amounts of XP. This is most noticeable on the starting planet, because the ratio of class to planet missions is quite a bit higher. As you go, this difference will become negligible and ultimately pointless since space and pvp dailies have more impact that differences in class missions.


As to run speed: you're lagging. It's plain and simple. Warriors do NOT run faster than any other class -- every class runs at the same speed. You even describe the lag, as you seem him "sprint" forward when your system compensates for the lag and moves him quickly to the point he's actually at. You're just lagging.

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As others have said, class missions give different amounts of XP. This is most noticeable on the starting planet, because the ratio of class to planet missions is quite a bit higher. As you go, this difference will become negligible and ultimately pointless since space and pvp dailies have more impact that differences in class missions.


As to run speed: you're lagging. It's plain and simple. Warriors do NOT run faster than any other class -- every class runs at the same speed. You even describe the lag, as you seem him "sprint" forward when your system compensates for the lag and moves him quickly to the point he's actually at. You're just lagging.


I mean it actually looks like he's not turning the sprint skill on and off, there are no sudden jerks or anything in speed at all, which is what lag usually does


In either case, how would it explain him getting ahead of me? Lag or not, I'm still running in a straight line at a constant speed. If anything, I would be the one ahead with him jerking forward behind me. As would have every other player running around

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I mean it actually looks like he's not turning the sprint skill on and off, there are no sudden jerks or anything in speed at all, which is what lag usually does


In either case, how would it explain him getting ahead of me? Lag or not, I'm still running in a straight line at a constant speed. If anything, I would be the one ahead with him jerking forward behind me. As would have every other player running around


Well i don't know what to tell you. All i know is that every single class in the game moves at the exact same speed (without buffs, etc.).

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