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Please nerf Sorc/consular


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This is a QQ/nerd rage post, i want them nerfed!

they got: insta CC, slow, interrupts, speed, bubble, heals and mega dmg by channel spells and they can pull people to them, Ever tried to win vs 5-6 team sorcs in Huttball ? They are top dps and medium to top healers at the same time !! every1 i know is rolling a sorc please NERF THEM TO PIECES !!!!!!

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This is a QQ/nerd rage post, i want them nerfed!

they got: insta CC, slow, interrupts, speed, bubble, heals and mega dmg by channel spells and they can pull people to them, Ever tried to win vs 5-6 team sorcs in Huttball ? They are top dps and medium to top healers at the same time !! every1 i know is rolling a sorc please NERF THEM TO PIECES !!!!!!


One spec has insta-CC.


The interrupt is on a 12-second cooldown. That is the longest cooldown timer of all classes that have an interrupt.


Force Speed is usually your only defense against melee in every spec.


Bubble abosrbs about 3k damage. That's perfectly fair for having light armor. No bubble has ever absorbed more than 4k.


They don't have any acceptable heals whatsoever unless they are specced deep into the healing tree. Beyond that, they can top people off out of combat and that's about it.


Only one hybridized spec that specifically talents for nothing but the channel spell has "mega dmg with a channel".


The pull friendly to them has a 1-minute cooldown. Every hostile grapple/force pull is a much shorter cooldown. They don't have stealth. Grip them down before they can grip their carrier up. Plan ahead. Zerging the ball carrier is idiotic.


Yes, I've tried winning a huttball against a team with 5-6 sorcs AND one with 5-6 sages. Won both of them by passing.


They are good damagers when left alone. They are good healers when left alone. They can't deal with pressure as well as other ranged or as merc/commando healers.


Most of their healing scores are inflated because bubbles count as healing.


Why would you want any class "nerfed to pieces"? That's the opposite of balance. You want them brought in line with others.

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The only place I really have a problem with sorcs are in huttball. I think they just need to make some adjustments when in that wz (more restrictive rules for moving/passing with the ball, etc.) and/or restrict the # of them to say...less than 1. :)
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I don't think any specific class is the problem. I think it's the insane amount of CC in TOR. Most I've EVER seen in any MMO.


There need to be CC immunity timers after you've broken one/waited out the timer.


Or the CC break ability needs a MUCH shorter cooldown than 2 minutes.

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The only place I really have a problem with sorcs are in huttball. I think they just need to make some adjustments when in that wz (more restrictive rules for moving/passing with the ball, etc.) and/or restrict the # of them to say...less than 1. :)


Gripping a friendly should put a debuff on that friendly that prevents them from being rescued again for 30 seconds. Bam. Problem solved.

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The only place I really have a problem with sorcs are in huttball. I think they just need to make some adjustments when in that wz (more restrictive rules for moving/passing with the ball, etc.) and/or restrict the # of them to say...less than 1. :)


If you start restricting stuff you are opening very nasty box - most of the classes would need to have something restricted.


Lets say:


"when you carry the ball you cannot use any skills except pass the huttball" to make it simple.

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If you start restricting stuff you are opening very nasty box - most of the classes would need to have something restricted.


Lets say:


"when you carry the ball you cannot use any skills except pass the huttball" to make it simple.


That would make things interesting. Encourage more team play.

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This is a QQ/nerd rage post, i want them nerfed!

they got: insta CC, slow, interrupts, speed, bubble, heals and mega dmg by channel spells and they can pull people to them, Ever tried to win vs 5-6 team sorcs in Huttball ? They are top dps and medium to top healers at the same time !! every1 i know is rolling a sorc please NERF THEM TO PIECES !!!!!!


Sith Juggernaut here:


Insta CC? Force Choke/Backhand/Scream.


Slow? Chilling Scream, no CD and spammable.


Interrupt? Disruption.


Speed? Force Charge.


Bubble? Shield, Blade Barrier, Invincible, Saber Ward, Sonic Barrier.


Heals? :(


Mega Damage? No, but you don't want to be close to me for any length of time... see Chiiling Scream above.


And I'm not even trying.


Point? I played Sorc, Sage all through beta and I have them both now. I don't find them, or teams of them overly problematic.


These "nerf!" cries are complete BS and have l2p writting all over them.

Edited by VainEldritch
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Sith Juggernaut here:


Insta CC? Force Choke/Backhand/Scream.


Slow? Chilling Scream, no CD and spammable.


Interrupt? Disruption.


Speed? Force Charge.


Bubble? Shield, Blade Barrier, Invincible, Saber Ward, Sonic Barrier.


Heals? :(


Mega Damage? No, but you don't want to be close to me for any length of time... see Chiiling Scream above.


And I'm not even trying.


Point? I played Sorc, Sage all through beta and I have them both now. I don't find them, or teams of them overly problematic.


These "nerf!" cries are complete BS and have l2p writting all over them.


You can also leap to friendlies remember. STEALTHED friendlies even!

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sorcs and sages are only really a problem in Huttball as ball carriers or when they pull the ball carrier. Aside from that they are fine.


But seriously, they should not let you use that speed buff while carrying the ball. Every other skill is fine (even that annoying pull). It makes the hazards a non issue, and really just dumbs down the game. Huttball should be about using good tactics and passing to win, not giving the ball to the sorc so they can just run through fire and score 6 times.

Edited by DarthMikesta
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My main is a battlemaster sorc specced hybrid lightning/madness.


Have several alts, namely a 45 Jugg, 41 marauder, and a 27 powertech.


Done a lot of PvP on my Jugg and Sorc and I'll tell ya right now that Sorcs aren't gods like you think.




The key to beating a sorc is PRESSURE. Pressure pressure pressure. You have to relentlessly attack a sorc. If he knocks you back, charge back at him. Snare him or slow him down. If he force speeds away, charge him again. Or break line of sight if he tries to attack you at range until you can charge him again.


Sorcs are going to panic if you pressure them, especially in melee range.


People mistakenly think Sorcs are OP and have all this utility but fail to realize that no single sorc has every utility they claim. Each spec has its own strengths and weaknesses, but the common denominator to beating every sorc is to apply pressure to him and never leave him unattacked.


Insta-CC has to be specced for in the madness tree. So if a healer has it, the healer doesn't have a strong bubble (in the lightning tree). If the sorc is specced to have a rooting DoT (Creeping Terror) then they don't have chain lightning or any good healing.


If the Sorc has massive dps channeled and chain lightning, theyll have good burst dps but no sustained dps, no heals, and less crowd control.


If the sorc has all this lightning utility and roots, then he has no unlimited force lightning and very low sustained dps.




The best part about the sorc class is the versatility. It is one of the few classes in the game where all three talent trees are viable for SOMETHING and where you can mix and match and get some unique skills (at the cost of others, especially high up in the trees). Hybrid specs work well for sorcs but they suffer from the "jack of all trades, master of none". My spec drains the crap out of my mana, and makes my DPS very dependent on procs. But my AoE damage is fantastic.


Playing as a Jugg and playing against a Jugg, I know that if I put pressure on the sorc, he's gonna panic. If I have melee classes on me, I stop DPS and go into survival mode. You've already neutralized the sorc DPS, and now he's running away or trying to stop you. Especially in warzones, you've done your job. Even if you can't kill him, he's blown all his cooldowns to escape and is probably low in health and needs to heal.


Seriously, I wish people would play the class and see that yeah, they're very fun and have a lot of neat tricks -- but are squishy as hell, and really are true glass cannons.


Better yet, they are ice cannons. Put the heat on them and they'll melt right in front of ya.


Try it.

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My main is a battlemaster sorc specced hybrid lightning/madness.


Have several alts, namely a 45 Jugg, 41 marauder, and a 27 powertech.


Done a lot of PvP on my Jugg and Sorc and I'll tell ya right now that Sorcs aren't gods like you think.




The key to beating a sorc is PRESSURE. Pressure pressure pressure. You have to relentlessly attack a sorc. If he knocks you back, charge back at him. Snare him or slow him down. If he force speeds away, charge him again. Or break line of sight if he tries to attack you at range until you can charge him again.


Sorcs are going to panic if you pressure them, especially in melee range.


People mistakenly think Sorcs are OP and have all this utility but fail to realize that no single sorc has every utility they claim. Each spec has its own strengths and weaknesses, but the common denominator to beating every sorc is to apply pressure to him and never leave him unattacked.


Insta-CC has to be specced for in the madness tree. So if a healer has it, the healer doesn't have a strong bubble (in the lightning tree). If the sorc is specced to have a rooting DoT (Creeping Terror) then they don't have chain lightning or any good healing.


If the Sorc has massive dps channeled and chain lightning, theyll have good burst dps but no sustained dps, no heals, and less crowd control.


If the sorc has all this lightning utility and roots, then he has no unlimited force lightning and very low sustained dps.




The best part about the sorc class is the versatility. It is one of the few classes in the game where all three talent trees are viable for SOMETHING and where you can mix and match and get some unique skills (at the cost of others, especially high up in the trees). Hybrid specs work well for sorcs but they suffer from the "jack of all trades, master of none". My spec drains the crap out of my mana, and makes my DPS very dependent on procs. But my AoE damage is fantastic.


Playing as a Jugg and playing against a Jugg, I know that if I put pressure on the sorc, he's gonna panic. If I have melee classes on me, I stop DPS and go into survival mode. You've already neutralized the sorc DPS, and now he's running away or trying to stop you. Especially in warzones, you've done your job. Even if you can't kill him, he's blown all his cooldowns to escape and is probably low in health and needs to heal.


Seriously, I wish people would play the class and see that yeah, they're very fun and have a lot of neat tricks -- but are squishy as hell, and really are true glass cannons.


Better yet, they are ice cannons. Put the heat on them and they'll melt right in front of ya.


Try it.


This ^^


I don't even ply a sorc/sage (and don't really want to, they seem boring to me, and this is coming from a tracer spammer :p) but from all he PvP i've done, the one thing I've learned is pressure on sorcs (well any class really) is key. Even if they aren't dead, they are running away and you've essentially taken them out of the fight. Now you can either chase them down and finish the job, or focus a different target

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sorcs and sages are only really a problem in Huttball as ball carriers or when they pull the ball carrier. Aside from that they are fine.


But seriously, they should not let you use that speed buff while carrying the ball. Every other skill is fine (even that annoying pull). It makes the hazards a non issue, and really just dumbs down the game. Huttball should be about using good tactics and passing to win, not giving the ball to the sorc so they can just run through fire and score 6 times.


If sorcs/inq can't use speed when they have the ball then jugs/powertechs shouldn't have access to leap.

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Agree totally with NYRFan. I have 2 lvl 50 sorcerers and a lvl 50 assassin. I can tell you right now that the sorcerer is absolutely screwed vs an assassin. They really have NO answer.


Assassin sneaks up in stealth and opens with spikes for a guaranteed maul. First response for a sorcerer is to stun/overload. Assassin drops shroud just as the spike cc ends which makes him completely immune to ALL sorcerers attacks but thrash(who uses thrash as sorc anyway lol?) for 3 - 5 seconds.


This is enough time to "almost" kill any sorcerer. He will try to run away and you simply slow/pull him and then force speed after him. If they spam lightning at you, you interrupt. When your immunity wears off you electrocute them and proceed to wail on them even more.

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sorcs and sages are only really a problem in Huttball as ball carriers or when they pull the ball carrier. Aside from that they are fine.


But seriously, they should not let you use that speed buff while carrying the ball. Every other skill is fine (even that annoying pull). It makes the hazards a non issue, and really just dumbs down the game. Huttball should be about using good tactics and passing to win, not giving the ball to the sorc so they can just run through fire and score 6 times.



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If sorcs/inq can't use speed when they have the ball then jugs/powertechs shouldn't have access to leap.


Those classes don't have access to leap unless there is someone to leap to. I don't like the fact that they can, but its not quite the same as a sorc, who doesn't need any help running through fire pits

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Those classes don't have access to leap unless there is someone to leap to. I don't like the fact that they can, but its not quite the same as a sorc, who doesn't need any help running through fire pits


Using force speed with no bubble still guarnatees 2-3 ticks of fire for going through it. It doesn't make them a non-issue. It's also vulerable to knockbacks, slows, stuns, and snares, which leap is not.


Pros and cons. Both classes are balanced.

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This is a QQ/nerd rage post, i want them nerfed!

they got: insta CC, slow, interrupts, speed, bubble, heals and mega dmg by channel spells and they can pull people to them, Ever tried to win vs 5-6 team sorcs in Huttball ? They are top dps and medium to top healers at the same time !! every1 i know is rolling a sorc please NERF THEM TO PIECES !!!!!!


A pug with just two sages just won against a group with six inquisitors in Alderaan. Score was at least 200 -0. I can see Alderaan isn't Huttball, but most classes can either pull, root, knockback or stun.


I don't see a problem. Unless, you either don't look at your skills or don't team up?

Edited by Calista_ZK
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