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Cross Server Queues? Nooooo!


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I for one am glad they are adding it. I am not only tired of not being able to get in a match after an hour of waiting, but having them end prematurely due to not enough people in the match. This is very good news in my opinion.


It sounds more like your server needs to be merged more than anything else, an hour in queue? I've never heard of that even on both sides of my server, 5 - 10 minutes maximum.

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guys learn to read before complaining, they do say that you ll be able to choose to play against people of our own server ? what the fuss about ? it gives more options to people, without destroying anything.


We covered that, take your own advice please. We mentioned that the other option wouldn't even be viable because of the population gaps queuing for cross realm rather than same realm.

Edited by Parali
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Throwing in my support for no cross-realm PvP.


Also, seriously, just merge the really low-population realms so those people have others to play with. BioWare started off with too many servers and not high enough population caps, resulting in many "full" servers that ended up not gaining any population after they expanded caps.


The best way to fix PvP queues is to address the faction imbalance. Not put a bandaid on it by allowing cross-server PvP/PvE content.

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Throwing in my support for no cross-realm PvP.


Also, seriously, just merge the really low-population realms so those people have others to play with. BioWare started off with too many servers and not high enough population caps, resulting in many "full" servers that ended up not gaining any population after they expanded caps.


The best way to fix PvP queues is to address the faction imbalance. Not put a bandaid on it by allowing cross-server PvP/PvE content.


It seems like it's two steps backwards rather than a step forwards, addressing the population issues would definitely fix all the queue problems for low pop servers, which is generally where most of the complaints come from, that or baseless accusations from people who PVP maybe once a month.

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Agreed, it ruins the community. No longer seeing the same faces, you don't get to know each other and make friends. I hate this, not worth it, I would much rather wait a little longer rather than getting instant gratification. If thats what I wanted I would just hop on TF2 and pick a random server and play.
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Ah. The "Community!" argument again.


I'm really starting to hate that word.


I really don't care what the name I see is. If it is red, I attack it. Doesn't matter to me if it's JohnnyJedi or SallySith. I'm not going to build some kind of nice camaraderie with someone I can't even communicate with.


If I want familiar faces, I'll ask my friends to come with me, not get constantly lumped with the same lame duck that let that Operative ninja a door in my last Voidstar.


I also don't want to be pitted against that same overgeared guild group that I had to fight the last 7 times.


I get plenty of "Community!" from my guild. I don't need or want it from PUGs in a Warzone queue. Instead, I'd like more variance in gameplay by grouping with and against different people, and a faster queue.

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10th thread of the same topic with the same poeple crying community who are trying to kill PvP in SWTOR.


Hey NOOBs crying about community go join a PvE server.

Cross Server WZ fill the WZs with your server 1st then any spots left will be filled by other servers!

Your argument of community is VOID.

Stop being short sighted & think of how many other players will benifit from this, you dont seem to care that a good player may be stuck on a low populated server with no one to WZ with! i would love to group with anyone that loves to PvP!

& telling someone to server transfer at their own cost is sad, not everyone is made of money!

So i say to you wheres your community spirit as you seem to not want to PvP with the whole PvP community & just group with your little premade trying to farm solo quers!

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Ah. The "Community!" argument again.


I'm really starting to hate that word.


I really don't care what the name I see is. If it is red, I attack it. Doesn't matter to me if it's JohnnyJedi or SallySith. I'm not going to build some kind of nice camaraderie with someone I can't even communicate with.


If I want familiar faces, I'll ask my friends to come with me, not get constantly lumped with the same lame duck that let that Operative ninja a door in my last Voidstar.


I also don't want to be pitted against that same overgeared guild group that I had to fight the last 7 times.


I get plenty of "Community!" from my guild. I don't need or want it from PUGs in a Warzone queue. Instead, I'd like more variance in gameplay by grouping with and against different people, and a faster queue.




That's pretty much how I feel to, minus the lame duck thing. I'd much rather play with a player that isn't the greatest than one of the many mouthpieces in my so called internet community

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That's pretty much how I feel to, minus the lame duck thing. I'd much rather play with a player that isn't the greatest than one of the many mouthpieces in my so called internet community


For me it's more about variety. I don't mind getting the 'lame duck' ally or the 'super pro' enemy. I just don't want to get either of them 10 games in a row. I'm a pretty average skill level player myself, so I certainly make mistakes. I just get tired of the lack of variance.


Edit: In fact, I get just as frustrated when my side is continually stomping the enemy side because we keep ending up with the same players.

Edited by thenewzero
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Why is so many against cross server ques? One in guild say he will quit but i don't get it, what is so bad with it?

I play on the highest pop server in EU and i think the ques when you are in a premaid is too long, would really suck if you are on a low pop server.

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I get plenty of "Community!" from my guild. I don't need or want it from PUGs in a Warzone queue. Instead, I'd like more variance in gameplay by grouping with and against different people, and a faster queue.


The underlined part was how it was for me in wow too. And it was a problem. Because you couldn't socialize or get to know people outside your guild.

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The underlined part was how it was for me in wow too. And it was a problem. Because you couldn't socialize or get to know people outside your guild.


This summarizes it quite well. People who don't care about how the community behaves, are generally those who behave poorly in the community.

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please close this thread or ill start to troll!

FYI cross server BGs saved WoWs PvP & community is up to you! dont force everyone on your PvP server to be your friend most of you crying community are in guild or high populated servers with solo quers on farm so go away! you lot dont know about community!

ill repeat myself shall i


Hey NOOBs crying about community go join a PvE server.

Cross Server WZ fill the WZs with your server 1st then any spots left will be filled by other servers!

Your argument of community is VOID.

Stop being short sighted & think of how many other players will benifit from this, you dont seem to care that a good player may be stuck on a low populated server with no one to WZ with! i would love to group with anyone that loves to PvP!

& telling someone to server transfer at their own cost is sad, not everyone is made of money!

So i say to you wheres your community spirit as you seem to not want to PvP with the whole PvP community & just group with your little premade trying to farm solo quers!

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The underlined part was how it was for me in wow too. And it was a problem. Because you couldn't socialize or get to know people outside your guild.


I had a bit different experience from you in WoW. I was in a *very* large guild, but my core raid group was about 15 members from our guild, 7 from another one, and 5-6 PUGs that we had picked up and kept around but that had their own social guilds they stayed in. I often ran instances with at least one or two PUGs as well when I was on my main. But on my alts? I loved using dungeon finder, since none of my guildies/pug friends had comparable level alts.


I feel like there's a happy medium for this, but it really depends on BioWare. If they make World PvP (like Ilum) more balanced and worthwhile than it is currently, you can have a PvP community through that, and I can still have my cross server Warzones.


The same thing could work for PvE. Makes the 4 man world Heroics more worthwhile (like Flashpoints are) and those would require same server groups, while Flashpoints could be done cross server.


But that would require them to actually make World PvP / 4 man Heroic missions give comparable rewards and have a comparable difficulty. So who knows.

Edited by thenewzero
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<...> this is a complete turn off for me and one of the main reasons i started to hate WoW. The addition of cross server PVP destroyed it and made the community an unfriendly group of trolls spamming general chat.


Yes, It is annoying that if your side is imbalanced you constantly play huttball, but the solution to this isn't cross server PVP, the solution is server balance which they said they were working on. I would much rather sacrifice 5-10 minutes of my time waiting for a queue against people I know and can depend upon to be taught, rather than just fight in warzone chat and never have to see these people again.


Cross Server queuing leaves players not responsible for their actions, it allows them to behave like children and not work as a team. It is a fundamental reason that destroys the fun of PVP for me.


Does anyone else share these feelings?


Absolutely, just exactly my thoughts! Cross-server queues will ruin all the fun. PvP is at its best when it's personal. And, FYI, I play on probably the "lightest" server in EU, Tott Doneeta, and still don't have to wait more than 10 minutes, so what's the point of these evil plans?

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hey, rollplayers join a facebook or smth or stick to your rp/pve server. i chose a pvp server and want fast wz. im up for cross server wz for pvp servers. if i ll have to wait 20 mins for wz thats a baibai from pvp players. that stick to one server crap killed l2 and aion pvp.
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Reading these threads is painful.


Look, I'm an adult with an adult job and adult responsibilities. I get a half hour or an hour a few times a week to kick back and enjoy games. When the queue times were longer than the time I had to game, my brother and I rolled on a low pop server.


Now we've been there for a while, and I've reached 50... And queues don't pop. Ever. Since implementing the patch, I've played in two warzones, both of which ended early because of low attendance. Two more were played while I was offline, and the only reason they filled is because a guild managed to scrape together enough people to play a guild-only night.


Cross-server queues or a server merge are a necessity for people in this position. My time is valuable, and to pretend there's a community here where there isn't at the expense of literally days of waiting in queue for enough people to sign up is unacceptable. To tell me I have to re-invest my /played on some other server to get to where I already am is unacceptable. I will welcome with open arms either solution to the problem, but seeing people claim that doing nothing is the best solution is mind boggling and stupid.


A server merge doesn't necessarily ruin your community on your servers big enough to have one. I think you'd be hard pressed to find people on a low pop server like Sedyn Kyne or Firaxan Shark that both dislike the idea of joining the two, and possess multiple brain cells to spark together.

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I agree with the OP, I hate all things x-server. Played DAoC for years, when they clustered the servers in RvR, it lost it's appeal for me. Rift had x-server PvP zones and basically gave me no interest in playing a game that had decent PvP classes.

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