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BW announced their plans to kill server communities yesterday...


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How does it exactly ruin pvp? Does it make certain classes stronger? no. does it make certain sides stronger? no. all it does is make ques shorter, so please enlighten me, how exactly does it ruin anything, other than Que times?(In a good way)


It doesn't ruin PvP it ruins the community behind it. I am a little disappointed because I posted this thread in the community section but a mod with a big epeen moved it here where it is basically off topic because I am talking about the effects to the community. Yes, it will be great for some pvpers to have instant que times. But any there will be no team pride, there will be a lot more AFKers who could care less, and you will never get to know the people who end up in your match. The game will become nothing more than another TF2 or Counter Strike, instant gratification and who cares who you play with.

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It is a bit of a shame, in that you will be less likely to fight against guilds you know in warzones, but you'll still meet them in open world, and have much lower queue times.

It has good points and bad points, but more good points in essence.

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It is a bit of a shame, in that you will be less likely to fight against guilds you know in warzones, but you'll still meet them in open world, and have much lower queue times.

It has good points and bad points, but more good points in essence.


this game has no open world, end game is a lobby for instanced content.

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To create a happy medium, they could implement a couple different systems.


A) If queuing for random warzones, you are placed in a same server queue. If you select a specific warzone, you're placed in x-server. There could be a small (but worth it) bonus for queuing random with your server to prevent too long of queue times. The downfall of this is that it would only really work on healthy populated servers.


B) Just make a checkbox of whether or not you want to be queued with other servers. Bonus would still apply for queueing within your server.


It'd be nice to see those options in at some point. This would allow you to play against people you recognize/know on the other faction, and with other you know on your own faction. Then if you wanted slightly faster queues, you could go x-server and even learn some new strategies and such from other servers.


If they added these and they were a bust, then oh well. At least they tried.

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Thing is, Gabe was a pve develpoer in warhammer who has just been shunted out of pvp in star wars because of an almighty cluster. So many problems here that you cant fathom the depths of stupidity by EA and Bioware. Our guild quit this game. Its going nowhere fast and i for one am severely disappointed at the ineptitude by its developers.
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Most people rolled empire because they wanted to play classes/stories on that side more than republic characters. I sure didn't roll imperial because I wanted to be on the side with the most players, I rolled empire because I couldn't play a BH on pub side. No one deserves long boring waits for Q's. Try not to be so much of an ---Clown next time.


wich is complete and utter bs since i never wait for ANYTHING on empire side in one of the heaviest pvp servers....yes its a lot of huttball, but dont give me the " long Q wait" when it simply doesnt exist outside of empty servers...and again, no reason to not merge them instead of screwing it over for the rest of us on already THRIVING servers

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Perhaps I was wrong about you being fluent in the English language.


"I do not pretend that I've had people whispering me after warzones" = People have whispered me after warzones.


"nor do I pretend to have whispered other players who I have enjoyed playing with" = I have whispered other players who I have enjoyed playing with.


"I do not pretend that the majority of people in my friendlist consists of people I've met in warzones" = The majority of people on my friendlist consists of people that I have met in warzones.





Okay just going to react on this.... You're overlooking one thing. Usually, the phrases starting with: "I do not pretend....", imply that you do not do something. In your case, it wasn't a bad way of expressing yourself, it was just unfortunately phrased. Since this is the net, people can't "hear" emphasis. In this case the emphasis would've needed to be on "pretend" so as to confer that you do not PRETEND to have done it, but that you actually did.


So I get both your points.

This miscommunication might've been easier to see through if both posters could've looked from one another's perspective, but then again, it's the net.



Soooo.... on topic.


I can't say I have experience with cross server que'ing, since I didn't play WoW in ages, nor did I play a lot of other server-based mmo's.

I say this from the perspective of playing on a low pop PvP server; Cross server que'ing might help alleviate queue times. But it won't help me to get to know more people to play with on a regular basis. I'd much rather, as has been brought up before, they'd merge a couple of low pop servers, also ridding us of that incredibly cluttered server selection screen. When I first logged in, I was like: WOW, that many servers? Must be a lot of people playing then! (Having only played a few server-based games that only added servers when the pop on the previous ones was exceeding thresholds on peak times).


Well I am dissapointed, because I assume I'm not at the worst server by a long shot, but it's already quite annoying.



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Teams are what causes the 12 on 8 rounds from the start and I've read at least one place that team queuing funniness is the root of the 'WZs not counting' issue. Time for the minnows who only feed in schools to find out if this pond holds bigger fish.
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