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No Cross Realm LFG tool please!


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It's difficult to explain. Those of us that experienced its implementation in WoW probably make up the bulk of those not wanting it here. There are plenty of threads here and over at WoW that have discussed it to death. My quick take, it promotes ***-hatery and the killing of the zones. 99% of the WoW population are in the two faction capital cities, the zones are a ghost town.

WoW had no community. Ever...It didn't hurt the community at all.

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I dont see him raging. maybe frustrated.


you say you're "arguing" an oppossing side but you havent brought up any valid points.


you say it will destroy the community, but of course fail to mention exactly how it will go about doing that.


you say it causes people to be ninja-lotters/jerks - but neglect to mention that if you pug regularly without lfg you run into those people. You also fail to mention that with an lfg you group more often so are running into a ton more people so only a fool would think you wouldnt run into more jerks.


You mention frustration with joining a group under-geared but neglect to point out that 1. more people are able to get geared up because of LFG and be good in groups and 2. no one is forcing you to pug, if you enjoy grouping with guildies/group of friends, you still can


You also fail to mention nit-picking points like in WoW where raids like Tol Barad and the heroic level raids are not able to be LFRd - that an LFG tool for heroics and the nerfed-raids allow people to gear up in order to participate in them.


Tol Barad would be run less than half the time if people were not able to gear up properly in lfg.


but hey - I bet you have the time to run without lfg, and hate to see people getting a gear score close to yours - so why bother with reason and logic when all you care about is feeling superior to people.


EXACTLY! See, this guy knows what he's talking about. His points are all valid and make total sense. You people screaming NO to cross realm lfg have made absolutely no valid points yet. And I've been reading this whole thread. Bioware will do itself a huge favor to ignore the naysayers. BRING ON CROSS REALM LFG!!!!

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You played a different WoW then I did.


The community during vanilla was amazing on my server.


Vanilla had barrens chat.


but again - explain exactly by what you mean a "good" community.


What great things went on in your server other than constant ra*e references in barrens?

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WRONG AND COMPLETELY SELFISH. You are crying because your little community was destroyed and you couldn't run your LAN parties. Well, admit it or not but it created a much larger community. It just happened to be a community that YOU didn't like. Well, the needs/wants of the many outweigh those of the few. Whether you like it or not, the larger community that was created was better for the majority. Stop being so selfish and only concerned with yourself.


What about people who would have liked to join your LAN parties but didn't live near you, didn't know you, or had no way to get to you? How is it fair that they be excluded from the fun? Well with Cross Realm LFG everyone is able to play. That includes the people who live out in the middle of nowhere, the people with very little time on their hands to attend a LAN event, the people who work 2nd and 3rd shift jobs, underage kids who can't get permission to go to your event, and adults with families who can't up and leave their families for an evening to go attend.


The types of people and sheer number of them who would benefit from a Cross Server LFG system completely and totally outweighs those in your situation who don't want their little elitist communities ruined. Not to mention the game and the game company benefit from longer life for the game because you would have one giant community instead of several smaller communities. If a person leveled up to 50 and spent tons of hours on a character only to find out their server is dead, well chances are they would be more likely to quit the game rather than level up again on another server. And don't say server transfer, because not everyone has the money to waste transferring servers repeatedly until they find a good one.


Oh, and one last thing, the server loads of over populated servers. Without Cross Realm LFG, there would be servers that become over populated because word would spread and more and more people who begin to flock to a particular server when they learn how popular it is. While the people on that server would have an easier time finding groups, other servers would be left out in the cold with less and less activity. Then the over populated server would have ridiculous queue times and massive lag which would ultimately hurt those people playing on that server. Cross Realm LFG is the best way to bring all SWTOR players together without overloading or underloading individual servers.


TL;DR - Cry about it all you want, you know it's true and you know your reasoning is selfish and elitist. Cross Realm LFG is what is better for all the player base and not just what is best for your little clique.


Great post, this is why your ranked 22nd in Cross Server discussion

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You played a different WoW then I did.


The community during vanilla was amazing on my server.


The only difference I saw pre and post cross realm LFG is how quickly I found groups for heroics.

Pre LFG it was the same as SWTOR is now. Impossible to find groups for anything without a guild, all PUGS are full of ninjas, A holes, and D bags, the only "social aspect" of the game is your guild or spamming the lfg channel(called trade chat in WoW) and MAYBE a small group of friends you've met along the way.

Guilds are damn near impossible to find unless you had one pre-launch(TOR) or you're geared IN raids, not for raids, they expect you to have gear from the raids they want to bring you into.(WoW)

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I think guilds should probably be banned. They don't promote the greater community of the game.


I mean - why should guild members only be grouping with guild members? that's anti-social and should not be accepted.


We should actually eliminate friends-list to - that does not promote server community and is anti-social.


We should actually make it so you can not talk in the game, and your name should be auto-randomized every single time you log in.


That way you are forced to play the game socially with the other members of your server so you can all group together.


it will be fantastic.

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I think guilds should probably be banned. They don't promote the greater community of the game.


I mean - why should guild members only be grouping with guild members? that's anti-social and should not be accepted.


We should actually eliminate friends-list to - that does not promote server community and is anti-social.


We should actually make it so you can not talk in the game, and your name should be auto-randomized every single time you log in.


That way you are forced to play the game socially with the other members of your server so you can all group together.


it will be fantastic.


That makes about as much sense as the three or four people that are anti lfd tool...

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while after 51 pages of tl'dr i hope it has been mentioned and emphasized by the community that...


1. realm? you're an obvious WoW fanboy...

2. WoW fanboys have no place in a SW community (in the MMO world yes... but don't insult the SW fans with your fantasy over SciFi... SciFi > fantasy)

3. The majority of us played WoW, we know WoW and we love Blizz... however, the majority of YOU didn't play during its launch year and have no idea of the problems mos PC games face (not only mmos) during the first 6 months after launch. (blame console ports)


So honestly, stop beating this topic to death considering how many times it has been brought up in the last two months that SWTOR is "sup-par"


we don't care... we like this game... we like this company... we liked WoW but wanted different... so **** and play or ****.

Edited by Eonz
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while after 51 pages of tl'dr i hope it has been mentioned and emphasized by the community that...


1. realm? you're an obvious WoW fanboy...

2. WoW fanboys have no place in a SW community (in the MMO world yes... but don't insult the SW fans with your fantasy over SciFi... SciFi > the fantasy)

3. The majority of us played WoW, we know WoW and we love Blizz... however, the majority of YOU didn't play during its launch year and have no idea of the problems most games face (not only mmos) during the first 6 months after launch.


So honestly, stop beating this topic to death considering how many times it has been brought up in the last two months that SWTOR is "sup-par"


we don't care... we like this game... we like this company... we liked WoW but wanted different... so **** and play or ****.


Well you heard the man, the issue is settled

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while after 51 pages of tl'dr i hope it has been mentioned and emphasized by the community that...


1. realm? you're an obvious WoW fanboy...

2. WoW fanboys have no place in a SW community (in the MMO world yes... but don't insult the SW fans with your fantasy over SciFi... SciFi > the fantasy)

3. The majority of us played WoW, we know WoW and we love Blizz... however, the majority of YOU didn't play during its launch year and have no idea of the problems most games face (not only mmos) during the first 6 months after launch.


So honestly, stop beating this topic to death considering how many times it has been brought up in the last two months that SWTOR is "sup-par"


we don't care... we like this game... we like this company... we liked WoW but wanted different... so **** and play or ****.

..If you think this game is much different, you're blind by fanboyism. I wanted to love this game...I really did. But there is no innovation at all. Its the same MMO thats been recycled for the last 12 or so years...

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..If you think this game is much different, you're blind by fanboyism. I wanted to love this game...I really did. But there is no innovation at all. Its the same MMO thats been recycled for the last 12 or so years...


So go play any other recycled MMO and leave this one alone. Or does it have to be exactly identical to every other MMO?

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..If you think this game is much different, you're blind by fanboyism. I wanted to love this game...I really did. But there is no innovation at all. Its the same MMO thats been recycled for the last 12 or so years...


Lol, MMO is a genre... like FPS is a genre and to complain about the recycled aspect of the MMO is to say that every shooter game you've played since Quake and HL has no innovation.. it's the same gameplay mechanics... yes... but the abilities and story line are far different from the others.

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+1 for no crossrealm LFG


Cross realm just makes for lazy arse dps.

I have over 9500hrs played on WoW the majority of my toons are either heal or tank.

Main was a disc priest.

Just before SWTOR was released I was playing a new toon as tank, 5man heroic geared...(no raid gear on it) depending on the instance my tank was pulling 15-20k average dps.. cross realm LFG ment I got 2 slack dps usually pulling 8-15k and 1 good dps pulling 20-30k dps.

Slack/bad players SHOULD become known on realms, either L2P or dont get a group.


If you really must introduce cross realm LFG to save the game.. fine.

Put a test mob at the beginning of each instance, give us dps meters.

Introduce "roles" into LFG system

Tank+Healer vote = kick.

Tank+2 dps vote = kick.

Heal+2 dps vote = kick.

2 dps vote = nothing.

No cooldown on kick.


If your a bad player and get kicked.. oh well, to bad.. Either play content suitable to your gear level, character level, personal ability.

We pay just as much as you, we choose to tank/heal.. your not dead, we are doing our job, you do yours or ****.


Only people who will argue against this are slack god damn dps who need to L2P or go back to playing the sims!

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I am disappointed to see the cross realm LFG tool being talked about as a future addition to the game. I was really hoping to keep that out of TOR just because of it's ability to destroy community in a game. I would be all for LFG server wide but cross realm is a no go for me.


Why? can't other players from other servers belittle us too? What Community? this "community" you speak of wont be hurt at all.

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+1 for no crossrealm LFG


Cross realm just makes for lazy arse dps.

I have over 9500hrs played on WoW the majority of my toons are either heal or tank.

Main was a disc priest.

Just before SWTOR was released I was playing a new toon as tank, 5man heroic geared...(no raid gear on it) depending on the instance my tank was pulling 15-20k average dps.. cross realm LFG ment I got 2 slack dps usually pulling 8-15k and 1 good dps pulling 20-30k dps.

Slack/bad players SHOULD become known on realms, either L2P or dont get a group.


If you really must introduce cross realm LFG to save the game.. fine.

Put a test mob at the beginning of each instance, give us dps meters.

Introduce "roles" into LFG system

Tank+Healer vote = kick.

Tank+2 dps vote = kick.

Heal+2 dps vote = kick.

2 dps vote = nothing.

No cooldown on kick.


If your a bad player and get kicked.. oh well, to bad.. Either play content suitable to your gear level, character level, personal ability.

We pay just as much as you, we choose to tank/heal.. your not dead, we are doing our job, you do yours or ****.


Only people who will argue against this are slack gosh darn dps who need to L2P or go back to playing the sims!



Oh don't even get me started on that. I died inside little bit every time I saw damage dealer doing same amount of dps at level 85 as I did on my hunter at level 70.

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Lol, MMO is a genre... like FPS is a genre and to complain about the recycled aspect of the MMO is to say that every shooter game you've played since Quake and HL has no innovation.. it's the same gameplay mechanics... yes... but the abilities and story line are far different from the others.


I'm not really into shooters either so..Your argument is invalid.


Also, shooters have more difference between them then say, swtor and everquest..

Edited by acheros
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Simple solution to the people who don't want this...don't use it and keep spamming as a DPS for 2 to 3 hours for a group...


So what you are suggesting is players that are happy with the current state of the game should be pushed by removing potential group mate that will just queue up back to back?

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So what you are suggesting is players that are happy with the current state of the game should be pushed by removing potential group mate that will just queue up back to back?


and what you're suggesting is that players who can't find a group due to their class/spec/server get punished by not adding potential group mates?

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I'm not really into shooters either so..Your argument is invalid.


Also, shooters have more difference between them then say, swtor and everquest..


Please stop talking. FPS when to boiled to down to the basics is First Person + Gun + Shoot Opponent because they shoot you. That is the genre. MMORPG is basically Leveling + Side Objectives (Professions) + PVP Instanced Zones + PVE Instanced Zones. That is MMORPG genre.


What defines each game is how those elements are implemented.

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and what you're suggesting is that players who can't find a group due to their class/spec/server get punished by not adding potential group mates?


Actually what I am suggesting is 1. Implemented Galaxy Wide Chat. 2. If server population is the issue, merge servers.

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Good players aren't struggling to get groups.


I have no problem finding groups and I'm on a realm that varies between Light and Standard population. It has never taken me longer than 15 minutes to get together a group, and that was during a slow time on the server.


The problem is that people *think* they are good, and they're not. They're sitting there getting ignored by guilds who aren't interested in running with a fail player. And yes, that is how it should work. Bads should not be getting groups, if they want to get better, they can turn to a guild and say "hey, I'm having trouble grouping, I'm looking to improve".



I love how you draw a causative association between ability to group as one pleases with being 'good'. By inference, anybody that, for any reason, no matter the circumstances, that struggles to find groups must be 'bad'.



Your terms of infantile (you think it's really such a simple matter as that 'good' and 'bad' magically explain everything? Really? ...Really?) and your logic, embarassingly naive.


Your mindset, as demonstrated by your past several posts, engenders absolutely no sense of understanding for anybody's circumstances but your own, exhibits abject rejection of acquiring any and conveys nothing so much as total resistance to even entertaining the possibility that you might, in fact, be attempting to arrive at an absolute conclusion upon a matter you're obviously ignorant of beyond the thimbleful of your own opinions.



You wanna talk about who's bad? Bad is a fool that thinks he knows much because he believes much and doesn't know how to tell the difference.


Stop being that fool if you'd like to be taken seriously. Otherwise, you're just going to be ignored by anybody that thinks beyond tiny little circles and have no interest in entertaining the opinions of a fool just because he had the temerity to have them.


Yes, that is how it should work. Fools should not be taken seriously. Try harder and learn to think respectably, then frame an argument of disagreement.


Otherwise, just go ahead and bash your face on the keyboard a few times, then hit 'Submit'. You'll waste your time and everyone else's less.

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Please stop talking. FPS when to boiled to down to the basics is First Person + Gun + Shoot Opponent because they shoot you. That is the genre. MMORPG is basically Leveling + Side Objectives (Professions) + PVP Instanced Zones + PVE Instanced Zones. That is MMORPG genre.


What defines each game is how those elements are implemented.


Okay, but I'm not arguing about the "boiled down product", I'm arguing about the product as a whole. SWTOR is just EQ with a star wars skin and voice acting. There has been almost no innovation in the genre since its inception.

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