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Damage check


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how much damage at the end of a lvl 50 huttball match do you usually have? along with what gear are you in and who won? How much strength do you have? how much expertise? do you use 2 on use or just one on use relic/relics?


screen shots are gold


please keep the **** talking to a min.

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A little over half BM here. All of these screenshots are from solo Q play.


Full duration:




Ended about 2 minutes early:




Civil war with 100 tickers left:




That's a sampling of games. I would say the average in a full length game is anywhere from 400-500k if the enemy team knows what they're doing (usually about 100k less for Civil War due to node transfer times), it's actually less if they're clueless because that usually means they get rolled.


In my personal experience for DPS, if you're hitting anywhere from 450-650 DPS you're doing well. Higher numbers typically require a few healers on their team or the players end up dying so fast to focus fire you don't get many hits in.


A freecasting DPS sorc/sage can still outdamage you, but if you're letting them freecast then that's a problem. They don't have nearly the same survivability as a mara, and they rely on casting bars to do their damage.

Edited by deathTouchIG
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i said huttball... huttball! lol im asking because im in anni spec with champ gear columi on use and champ on use >.> welfare ear,belt and im not even getting close to that in my matches. im not dying but im and im topping charts but im not at 400k in huttball
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i said huttball... huttball! lol im asking because im in anni spec with champ gear columi on use and champ on use >.> welfare ear,belt and im not even getting close to that in my matches. im not dying but im and im topping charts but im not at 400k in huttball


You should be breaking 400k if you have BM gear.


Self-buffed 1507 str, 549 expertise, 103.5% accuracy on special attacks, 35.xx% crit chance on force attacks, 84.xx% crit multiplier.


EDIT: Found an image:



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hmmmm... the highest i get is around 300k i got near 400k once, but only once.


What spec are you?


The first thing I notice is 11% accuracy (way too high imo), a low (66%) crit multiplier, and a low power value (289.1). The the marauder pvp enhancements, for some reason, almost always have accuracy on them. Finding other pieces from different classes and swapping out the mods and/or enhancements to reduce accuracy and gain surge/power is preferential.


I only have 93.5% melee accuracy, enough to get a bit of a benefit from the low DM at the beginning of the curve, but not so much that I'm cutting out other, more valuable stats such as surge (84%) and power (410ish).


Accuracy is really only moderately important for carnage build, rage and anni maras would benefit much more surge and power stacking.

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Half BM/Half Champ, with Champ Power Relic and the Strength T5 Cube


Voidstar I can do 350-450k with over 100k healing


Huttball depends really 250k-400k


Civil War is usually my lowest due to alot of running back and forth from Snow to Grass but I can usually pull in 250k-350k


My highest has been 485k in Voidstar w/ 100k+ healing. Can't wait to break 500k

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Half Columi/Rakata and 0 Expertise is gear is what I usually wear. I ripped all the good mods out of my PvP gear lol.. Most of my PvP gear is centurion(+3 champ pieces) with crap mods since I farmed 38-49 valor in Ilum and don't do WZs much(missed out on all the bags :(). Once I hit battlemaster I'll be using BM gear for sure. It's insane how much damage bonus/reduction BM gear gives.




Broke 500k in a void star yesterday(2nd to last image) and most games I do 300-400k. I typically screenshot every game I play unless it's under 300k dmg. The only time this really happens is in huttball when there's nobody's bothering to carry the ball so I'm stuck doing it, which is unfortunately all too common with solo queue WZs.

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Majority of the screenshots are huttball since that's usually the one I get when I queue. If you focus on killing healers and people waiting for the respawn at mid then you should be able to break 300-400k every single time, especially with PvP gear.
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Breaking 400k gets harder and harder for me.Seems my love for harrasment tactics in huttball(killing ppl at their spawn point after scoring/killing ppl who was knocked down from ledges etc)gathered much appreciation so i get focused,chain cc`ed,chased by 4+ ppl and stuff so my damage done often goes down to 250k.
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Breaking 400k gets harder and harder for me.Seems my love for harrasment tactics in huttball(killing ppl at their spawn point after scoring/killing ppl who was knocked down from ledges etc)gathered much appreciation so i get focused,chain cc`ed,chased by 4+ ppl and stuff so my damage done often goes down to 250k.


I do this on my jugg all the time. not so much with the mara right now, but I am lvl 45, no 50 with expertise or full skills etc yet.


On topic, if you have 3-4 chasing you because of the hate, then your team is going to win pretty easy probably. I love when it takes 3-5 people 15-20 seconds to kill me due to CDs and CCs. In that 15-20 sec the rest of the match is a 7 vs 2-3. Easy caps happen.

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i said huttball... huttball! lol im asking because im in anni spec with champ gear columi on use and champ on use >.> welfare ear,belt and im not even getting close to that in my matches. im not dying but im and im topping charts but im not at 400k in huttball


All depends... are you running the ball? otherwise it should be anywhere from 200k-300k in huttball

Edited by HollowVamp
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okay - well it seems i am a far worse player then i thought .


on "the ravager" - generally 160 K to 220 K (if i am lucky)


that is with all champion bar legs / belt.


running carnage - cause i love it - just cant bring myself to like anni/rage (have gotten higher numbers with them but they are sooooo meeeeehhh)




what interests me is that i am generally 2nd to 5th in dps meters - i have never seen anyone break 300k on hutball on my server - disclaimer this in any match i have been in . it may happen - just never seen it.



*edit - thinking about it - my days of just hammering on someone are well gone - it is now find the hurt animal ,wait for it to seperate and then pounce.

suppose if i was wailing on someone consistently it might make a difference -

then again bad player is still a bad player :D

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