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I profess my relationship commitment with a marriage proposal and BOOM... she doesn't put out anymore, she won't talk to me and will only send me letters via galactic snail mail... really? Can I please put in for a galactic divorce and romance someone that will put out on a regular basis!!!
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I profess my relationship commitment with a marriage proposal and BOOM... she doesn't put out anymore, she won't talk to me and will only send me letters via galactic snail mail... really? Can I please put in for a galactic divorce and romance someone that will put out on a regular basis!!!



If you were married in real life you would know this is normal.


Actually no...


I don't get regular gifts.

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Seeing as the marriage thing happens very close to end game, what do you expect? Also a few characters like Kira do have one final conversation later after the marriage. Also Bioware has already confirmed they will expand on this stuff so don't worry and relax. AT least your main can marry the person they want. Jahlee is forever alone. :p
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Lvl 48 JK who is shortly getting married to Doc and I am already a little sad for knowing that soon there will be nothing more. Have had so much fun with this char.


Hoping that they will add something like daily hug or something for your LI, just being able to talk a little with them would make them feel much more alive even after 50. Looking forward to seeing where Bioware will go with this =)


When the JK is done, I'll get started on my Bounty Hunter!

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