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Solo Flashpoints (3 companions)


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I'd much rather see Solo/Duo Flashpoints where we pick our Companions and/or go with another person.


It's much easier for BioWare to implement them too.

-No UI Changes

-No Companion AI Changes

-Still gives us repeatable challenging Endgame Content with our Companions

-Still allows for multiplayer in a MULTIPLAYER game

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I'd much rather see Solo/Duo Flashpoints where we pick our Companions and/or go with another person.


It's much easier for BioWare to implement them too.

-No UI Changes

-No Companion AI Changes

-Still gives us repeatable challenging Endgame Content with our Companions

-Still allows for multiplayer in a MULTIPLAYER game


The issue is your asking for content that is designed to require more then one player to be changed to suit your style of play. Why? Its not that you can't go do the content, you choose not to due to your choice of play style.


There should be solo content in the game yes, how ever the group content needs to remain group content and new solo content added in. Sorry but your not entitled to experience everything in the game unless your willing to do what is required to experience it. Your 15 dollars a month is not paid to experience everything the game has. You pay your 15 dollars a month to have the opportunity to experience the content in the game.


If you choose not to PvP and therefore you do not get to experience war-zones and the content therein, should we change war-zones to where you no longer have to PvP to experience them?


Hey BW that data-cron on Tat that I have to ride a hot air balloon for a half hour to get, Yah I choose not to ride that for a half hour so I cant get it, can you please change it to where i can just walk up to the data cron and get it.


In essence that is exactly what you all are asking for. BW we choose not to form groups with other players and as a result we don't get to see the content or story line of flashpoints. You need to make it to where we can.....

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I wanted a single player game in the first place. Wish I can do everything with the companions. Like I did in Guild Wars. As for it being a Bioware game, I like my companions throwing in their input. Yeah you get that with other people but it is more work. I already outfit my companions with extra stuff I find.


Then go play a single player game, not a Multiplayer game.

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The issue is your asking for content that is designed to require more then one player to be changed to suit your style of play. Why?


Because it would suit my style of play.


There should be solo content in the game yes, how ever the group content needs to remain group content


No it doesn't.


Sorry but your not entitled to experience everything in the game unless your willing to do what is required to experience it.


Sorry, but BioWare won't be entitled to my $15 a month once I've done all the solo content - but oh, hey, there's all the art assests, environments, writing, vocal performances, etc., that they originally put together for group content...hmmm...

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I see flames incoming, but I think it actually sounds like a pretty neat idea. I love my companions and it would be cool to see the whole crew fighting together.


Edit: I'm actually not even worried about the rewards so much--they'd probably have to tweak down the difficulty to make it possible with companion AI. I just think it would be a fun thing to do. Obviously, you should get _some_ reward to make it worth your time.

Edited by thewatcheruatu
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I love this idea too. Voted. But I don't think it should be the same FPs that require groups of live people. Make new ones that are tuned specifically for such play. Really it's no different than any of the instanced portions of the leveling process, but with slightly more difficult fights.


But yeah, the companion interface would need to fleshed out a bit more to allow control of multiple abilities.

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I see flames incoming, but I think it actually sounds like a pretty neat idea. I love my companions and it would be cool to see the whole crew fighting together.


Edit: I'm actually not even worried about the rewards so much--they'd probably have to tweak down the difficulty to make it possible with companion AI. I just think it would be a fun thing to do. Obviously, you should get _some_ reward to make it worth your time.


Its not a matter of gear as the only reward to a flashpoint, there is the story that you get to experience along with the graphical content and the boss content.


Yes it would be cool to see the whole crew fighting together. Not against that, I am against however content in the game that is designed around you having to bring more the one Player in what is actually a Multiplayer game, being changed to where you can do it solo.


If you choose not to form a group and you do not get to experience that Multiplayer content, then that's a result of your choice.


I love this idea too. Voted. But I don't think it should be the same FPs that require groups of live people. Make new ones that are tuned specifically for such play. Really it's no different than any of the instanced portions of the leveling process, but with slightly more difficult fights.


But yeah, the companion interface would need to fleshed out a bit more to allow control of multiple abilities.


The bold right there is dead on. New content that is designed solely for solo play is a better option then allowing the Multiplayer aspects of the game to be done solo.


Because it would suit my style of play.




No it doesn't.




Sorry, but BioWare won't be entitled to my $15 a month once I've done all the solo content - but oh, hey, there's all the art assests, environments, writing, vocal performances, etc., that they originally put together for group content...hmmm...



So basically because it suits your style of play its ok to change the game from a Multiplayer game to a single player game and still have bioware pay the money for the servers, the developers, ect.


Secondly you made the choice not to experience the content, no one forced you not to be able to experience it. Therefor how is it a failure of game design that you don't get to see said content. Allow me to ask you this just like I have before but you can not seem to actually answer it. If I choose not to PvP and due to that choice am unable to experience the war-zones, Should said war-zones be changed to where I can experience them without having to PvP?


If I choose not to go threw the process to find the data-crons in the game as I don't want to have to jump around on sewer pipes ect to get to them. Should they be changed so that I can just automatically get them?



Thirdly Bioware was never entitled to your 15 dollars a month. You chose to buy the game, you chose to pay that money. You can just as easily choose not to and like I have stated before obviously MMO's are not your Genre that you need to be playing. The very name stands for MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER ONLINE GAME. Multiplayer means more then one player, it means more then two players or the term would be MCO (Massively Co-op Online game). The very definition of the Genre is that there are more then one player in the game and that there is content designed for more then one player.


My suggestion to you is to go dust off your copy of KoToR, install it and play it as it was designed specifically for your play style. This game was designed to give a little something to the solo player but was designed with the multiplayer concept and with content specifically for those style of players.

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Therefor how is it a failure of game design that you don't get to see said content.


I never said there was a failure of game design. Maybe someone else did, I don't know.


If there are changes you want to PvP and datacrons, make a thread about it. This is the suggestion box, after all..


Thirdly Bioware was never entitled to your 15 dollars a month. You chose to buy the game, you chose to pay that money. You can just as easily choose not to


Once I've done all the content that I can solo, I'll do just that.


My suggestion to you is to go dust off your copy of KoToR, install it and play it as it was designed specifically for your play style.


I have a better idea: open up all the content of swtor to solo play.

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Several threads on this already, and I personally think they should only be flashpoint-style story quests that happen in later chapters of the story and possibly open up dailies themed similarly than to retool the existing flashpoints for use with companion-parties.


Much easier to balance that way. Besides, they need to be main healable and main tankable by companions.


Have nothing but companion gear drop (Yay techblades!).


Only then would I support the idea. Allowing us to solo on-level flashpoints with our companions and get full money and loot privileges would be costly, in real money to implement and in terms of our already oftentimes temperamentally small Republic communities.

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Many people have said they're bored with this game at 50 and this is quite common with mmos, especially when they have just launched. More flashpoints and operations are great but what about some solo flashpoints that would allow players to bring 3 of their companions? I think this would be a great idea to add some variety to the end game content and break up the monotony of running dailies.


The flashpoints would have to be a bit easier than the ones designed for a group of 4 actual players so maybe a "solo" difficulty could be added or perhaps some completely new FPs could be added down the road after Bioware can gauge their popularity.


Thoughts on this?


I would rather see the ability to Duo flashpoints with your companions; a lot of people play TOR with their SO or kids and being able to Duo just makes sense...I mean they could even let that mode drop commendations instead of the loot. Soloing them just trivializes the content in my opinion.

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I would rather see the ability to Duo flashpoints with your companions; a lot of people play TOR with their SO or kids and being able to Duo just makes sense...I mean they could even let that mode drop commendations instead of the loot. Soloing them just trivializes the content in my opinion.


Actually believe it or not but it makes it harder, i've soloed 2 & 4 man heroic quests on my Sorcerer with a tank comapanion. Far from trivializing the content it makes it extremely difficult.

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I co sign this. I love that I have all these personalities on my ship and would love to see them interact with each other. Maybe its too late and wouldn't make sense with the current flash points(as chronologically you don't have half of them before the end of act 2), but in the future I would love to see our companions act off of each other.


Give our companions more personality outside the field, and flash points would be perfect for this

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When a thread is closed due to being a duplicate topic, the moderators provide a link to the live thread in the closed one, but it looks like they don't provide a link to the closed one in the live one. Which means a lot of relevant comments could fall by the wayside. So, here's a link:




And, I'd suggest that moderators do this in the future. Appending it to the OP might be overkill....or not...but, something.

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I was going to tell you you'r nuts. But the way you describe the idea... i kinda like it!

they could add some FP's for this at different lvl's even. And give them a HIGH RP factor (like getting some anchient artifact for the Jedi Order OR Dark Counsil)


BUT, I have issues controlling 1 companion! 3 is gonna give me a heartattack :p

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Thanks for posting the link to my thread. There's also 2 other links within my thread to previous discussions on this subject. I really don't see how this idea could trivialize any content for anybody. If you choose to run content with friends/guildmates this doesn't throw a monkey at your wrench. All it does is add additional aspects to already existing gameplay. How is that a bad thing? Personally, I'd rather spend my time having a more personalized gameplay experience within SWTOR then have much of my latter levelled gameplay consist of chasing after one kind of item or another. Sure, it's a single player directed idea but whoever said that a MMO REQUIRES you to play with other people in order to experience all aspects of the game? Other titles didn't have the option for an idea like this but SWTOR does and I think this would really add another dimension to its identity Edited by loudernoises
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This Is an absolutely brilliant idea..


No rages, quick space-barring action if its been done already.


Love it. :)


although enemies should be at perhaps 60-70% hp, seeing at its difficult to gear 3 companions, so they may suck. (just a thought)

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No matter what you people say, you'd run these things to death in a month and be done with the game. Stupid idea that shortens subscriptions. Many people already went back to wow due to ease of finishing the current game. These people don't want anyone to sub past the free month.


Mass Effect 3 is coming soon, why don't you just go play that instead. It offers everything you're looking for instead of trying to mold their vision into you're own XBox playground.

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Many people have said they're bored with this game at 50 and this is quite common with mmos, especially when they have just launched. More flashpoints and operations are great but what about some solo flashpoints that would allow players to bring 3 of their companions? I think this would be a great idea to add some variety to the end game content and break up the monotony of running dailies.


The flashpoints would have to be a bit easier than the ones designed for a group of 4 actual players so maybe a "solo" difficulty could be added or perhaps some completely new FPs could be added down the road after Bioware can gauge their popularity.


Thoughts on this?


I have to say bravo! What a great idea!! I really hope that Bioware considers this!

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No matter what you people say, you'd run these things to death in a month and be done with the game. Stupid idea that shortens subscriptions.


Even if they were only good for a month, that would lengthen my subscription by a month. Not shorten it.

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