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Why X-SERVER anything is a BAD IDEA


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I'd rather not wait 20 minutes and I get bored seeing the same players every single match. I'm not into developing relationships with other PvPers... sounds kinky. Your idea that Ilum is a good thing because it gives PvP players a bowl to run around in while they are waiting for Q pops isn't something I agree with either. You sound like an Imperial player who is used to easy wins and is scared of any variables changing that.


So basically your preception of a MMO PvP game is a more indepth verison of a FPS. Que for a game, win/lose, que again. Easy win? That comment made you look like a moron...

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I don't care how you act. I'm guessing that you're probably way too young to be so cynical about people, but it's not my job to help you develop a healthy world-view. Why do think I would care if you make an *** of yourself in public? That's your problem -- not mine. :]
yeah, I'm 6 years old but I've seen some serious **** in my day. pls help me be nice person.


It's OK. We get it. You have lots of friends. Good for you, buddy. I'm sure that you live a fulfilling life, filled with non-stop hang-gliding adventures, sports cars, designer garments, and scantily clad fashion models.
So you tell me I have no friends then act like I'm some bragging douche when I say that I do in fact have friends (more than you probably). Now you know why I hate online gamers, have fun being an annoying ****licker.
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If your server is underpopulated, the solution is to merge that server with another under-populated server, not ruin the game for servers who are enjoying their pvp.


I very much enjoy seeing the same core groups of people when queuing for warzones. There isn't the endless douchebaggery of "You guys suck so much I can't believe I am queued with you" as there is in wow simply because you aren't some nameless face in the crowd that will never be seen again.

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bioware, stop trying to be like blizzard


if we wanted blizzard, we'd just go play wow. because honestly, wow's gameplay/engine is better, even though its 7 years older.


The fact that SWTOR doesn't have cross realm PVP or dungeons is a real plus for me and one of the reasons i love playing this game, Not sure i would be up for playing a wow clone in every respect.

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im actually waiting for the dungeon finder , maybe then i will do HMs ... now if i run 2/3 a week it is alrdy a miracle , simple dont have the patience of looking for a group.


For pvp i actually like the only no cross server cause i get to know other player and stuff , but then again i can see the reason they are adding this , and i agree that would help the people on the low pop server , even if i would still tell those people to reroll , much less painful.

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Not that I don't appreciate the conjecture hypotheses anecdotes and the like, but on a fact-related tip, how does cross-server anything prevent you from having the option to play the way you would like? I'm kinda foggy on this point and have yet to see a solid attempt to address it by anyone who is so steadfast in thw opinion that I shouldn't have this option which I personally like and want.
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I very much enjoy seeing the same core groups of people when queuing for warzones. There isn't the endless douchebaggery of "You guys suck so much I can't believe I am queued with you" as there is in wow simply because you aren't some nameless face in the crowd that will never be seen again.


This sums it up pretty well.


I'll be pleasantly surprised if I'm proved wrong and there won't be an insane amount of douchebags in every wz I join but I've seen it already and I doubt that without any particular reason, fundamental advantages trolls get by being annonymous will change.

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Not that I don't appreciate the conjecture hypotheses anecdotes and the like, but on a fact-related tip, how does cross-server anything prevent you from having the option to play the way you would like? I'm kinda foggy on this point and have yet to see a solid attempt to address it by anyone who is so steadfast in thw opinion that I shouldn't have this option which I personally like and want.


All the complaints boil down to people claiming "community" is ruined. The reality is all the players should comprise one big community and any opportunity to bring us all together should be welcomed.


I warmly open my arms to being able to play with and against a more diverse group of players. It is not like any servers were carefully molded with personal invites, most people are on servers together because of dumb luck. That people want to pretend like their server is made up of superior people is naieve, ignorant and insulting.


Cross server anything only opens the game up and circumvents the server technical limitations. Servers do not exist to create tiny communities, so any tools or mechanisms that allow us to play with more people is only good.

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as I stated earlier, many people here are on the same boat as I am:


The "I used to play wow, got sick of the things they screwed up and are looking for a new MMORPG".


If they change this game to have the same crap problems as blizzard with wow I might as well play that. I invested 6 years in wow, why should I play a copycat?


WoW has had 7 years of development, ofcourse its going to be much smoother, bugfree and enjoyable than SWTOR.


So EA/Bioware, If you change your game to be like WoW, you will loose subscribers, because the average person will not want to invest in a copycat if they allready invested in the better solution.


Make SWTOR Different. Give people a reason to stay here.

Edited by Zlashie
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as I stated earlier, many people here are on the same boat as I am:


The "I used to play wow, got sick of the things they screwed up and are looking for a new MMORPG".


If they change this game to have the same crap problems as blizzard with wow I might as well play that. I invested 6 years in wow, why should I play a copycat?


WoW has had 7 years of development, ofcourse its going to be much smoother, bugfree and enjoyable than SWTOR.


So EA/Bioware, If you change your game to be like WoW, you will loose subscribers, because the average person will not want to invest in a copycat if they allready invested in the better solution.


Make SWTOR Different. Give people a reason to stay here.


So you're using the most successful mmo ever as an example of what not to do...when developing an mmo.

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So you're using the most successful mmo ever as an example of what not to do...when developing an mmo.


You did not understand the example.


You have three kinds of people.


Those that like cake


Those that like pie


and those that like both.


World of warcraft = cake


Different to WoW = Pie


If developers only create cake then there will be alot of pie lovers left without any game to enjoy.


As an example WoW had about 7 mil subs when TBC was launched. The majority of WoWs current community started during WotLK. they currently have 10 mill subs (or so).


Conclussion: there are alot of gamers who loved what wow was who quit the genre. Bring them back.


and as for the above. If SWTOR = WOW alot of people will just go play wow. Its like saying: You will get a ferrari for the same price of a mercedes. Give the customer a reason to drive the mercedes insted of the ferrari.


Personally I find the above example as common logic in the marketing world. In the music business, the hardest business in the entire world, the only way to get through is if you are different: Unique. (No Popstars are not musicians, they are the "In today, Out tomorrow" phenomen. Lady Gaga is popular because she did her own thing, as one of the exceptions)


Its like, if someone tried to copy what Michael Jackson did people would just say: lol il listen to Michael Jackson, thats the real deal.


If SWTOr want to be succesful they need to do their own thing. EA/BW needs to stop putting wow on this pedistal of gaming. There are ALOT of people who hate wow for what it is.



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You did not understand the example.


You have three kinds of people.


Those that like cake


Those that like pie


and those that like both.


World of warcraft = cake


Different to WoW = Pie


If developers only create cake then there will be alot of pie lovers left without any game to enjoy.


As an example WoW had about 7 mil subs when TBC was launched. The majority of WoWs current community started during WotLK. they currently have 10 mill subs (or so).


Conclussion: there are alot of gamers who loved what wow was who quit the genre. Bring them back.


and as for the above. If SWTOR = WOW alot of people will just go play wow. Its like saying: You will get a ferrari for the same price of a mercedes. Give the customer a reason to drive the mercedes insted of the ferrari.


Personally I find the above example as common logic in the marketing world. In the music business, the hardest business in the entire world, the only way to get through is if you are different: Unique. (No Popstars are not musicians, they are the "In today, Out tomorrow" phenomen. Lady Gaga is popular because she did her own thing, as one of the exceptions)


Its like, if someone tried to copy what Michael Jackson did people would just say: lol il listen to Michael Jackson, thats the real deal.


If SWTOr want to be succesful they need to do their own thing. EA/BW needs to stop putting wow on this pedistal of gaming. There are ALOT of people who hate wow for what it is.




I see you decided to stick with the conjecture, hypotheses, and anecdotes, rather than answer my question.


You seem to be interested in putting forth your opinion, and then stating your opinion as fact.


We are talking about a game not cake or pie, or ferraris or mercedes, or Michael Jackson. Those are completely different subjects. It looks like you used this example as an attempt to change the subject to something you wanted it to be, rather than address the facts in question, while also putting forth your opinion packaged in the alternative subjects, presented as fact.


I could put it in terms of your argument if you like.


If I like pie and cake, and swtor offers me both pie and cake, how does that stop you from eating cake, or pie?

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I see you decided to stick with the conjecture, hypotheses, and anecdotes, rather than answer my question.


You seem to be interested in putting forth your opinion, and then stating your opinion as fact.


We are talking about a game not cake or pie, or ferraris or mercedes, or Michael Jackson. Those are completely different subjects. It looks like you used this example as an attempt to change the subject to something you wanted it to be, rather than address the facts in question, while also putting forth your opinion packaged in the alternative subjects, presented as fact.


I could put it in terms of your argument if you like.


If I like pie and cake, and swtor offers me both pie and cake, how does that stop you from eating cake, or pie?


Non cross-server = Pie

Cross-server = Cake


Adding Cake will remove the pie.

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long waiting for wz is an awesome reason to stay. literally, rofl. those carebears/rp/pve are almost as fun as commies.


So because I like community I dont pvp? I pvp actively.


But I am on a high populated servers. Longest waiting time we have is 5min.


Honestly the problem is that Bioware needs to merge low populated servers. Nothing else.

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servers are an artificial limitation.


ideally you'd want everyone on a single mega server, or at most, 1 per region, but that's just not logistically possible.


Anything that can get around that limitation and expand the player base to improve the level of competition and add to the parameters of matchmaking is good in my eyes. Winning huttball 6-0 in 5 minutes isn't really any better than losing in the same time, even games, win or lose are always better.

Edited by Adzzy
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Non cross-server = Pie

Cross-server = Cake


Adding Cake will remove the pie.


Problem with that is this. Me getting the option of cross-server doesn't prevent you from engaging in your preferred same-server, it just gives us both two options instead of only one. One I personally find not only inferior, but virtually archaic. If you choose not to use both you don't have to, but we both have more options with it, and fewer without it.

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Problem with that is this. Me getting the option of cross-server doesn't prevent you from engaging in your preferred same-server, it just gives us both two options instead of only one. One I personally find not only inferior, but virtually archaic. If you choose not to use both you don't have to, but we both have more options with it, and fewer without it.


If you can choose to go either local WZs or Cross server WZs then its fine, no problem at all.


However afaik, they will integrate it to the system so you cant choose. This is why the "pie" is removed.

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servers are an artificial limitation.


ideally you'd want everyone on a single mega server, or at most, 1 per region, but that's just not logistically possible.


Anything that can get around that limitation and expand the player base to improve the level of competition and add to the parameters of matchmaking is good in my eyes. Winning huttball 6-0 in 5 minutes isn't really any better than losing in the same time, even games, win or lose are always better.


We would need a holodeck for that.

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All the complaints boil down to people claiming "community" is ruined. The reality is all the players should comprise one big community and any opportunity to bring us all together should be welcomed.


I warmly open my arms to being able to play with and against a more diverse group of players. It is not like any servers were carefully molded with personal invites, most people are on servers together because of dumb luck. That people want to pretend like their server is made up of superior people is naieve, ignorant and insulting.


Cross server anything only opens the game up and circumvents the server technical limitations. Servers do not exist to create tiny communities, so any tools or mechanisms that allow us to play with more people is only good.


I dont have time to keep up with the entire SWTOR community. My server is good enough for me.

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If swtor plans on having epic 50v50 or 100v100 warzone games, than x-server warzones are a necessity. It will be hard to get half the people in the fleet to que and even if you could get that to happen, that's only one warzone match. Try getting a few of those simultaneously. Hate to say it but x-server queing helps people get into fresh full warzones in under a minute regardless if its during peak hours or 3:30 am. It also allows for more elaborate warzones to be thrown into rotations. Only way for server merging to work instead of x-server queing is if servers can handle 25,000 people. Atm I don't know how many people a server can hold but I know its not enough because they group 10-49 leveled characters together in warzones. Edited by OgKiller
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Cross server warzones, sadly will actually be very nice for the inferior side on each server. Instead of getting stomped by the same imps, they can get stomped by new imps or play with republic players that have gear and coordination.


I do hope they implement a better LFG tool, but not a X-server tool. Then all servers will become is chat lobbies.


By doing this I hope bioware has enough people to further segregate the pvp queue. Which will result in better enjoyment of all parties. *Crosses fingers for solo and premade q being seperate*

Edited by Kyrandis
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