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Q&A Talks Cross-Server PvP


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So this morning I woke up and saw that Bioware did a new QA. I was pumped and sat down right away and started eating my breakfast while I read. I saw dual-spec soon, target of target in next patch, and the new warzone is already in testing. I was thinking to myself "Finally a game company that is listening to the players and not just listening to the trolls." Then I came to the second to last question, where the player asked about queueing for specific warzones. I just about fell off my chair as I heard Gabe talk about cross-server pvp as if it was a sure thing.




I played WOW for many years and used to love their pvp. I was well known on my server and I knew just about every major pvp player on my server. This is a large part of what made pvp so much fun. Now in TOR I finally have gotten this feeling back. There are players that I just love to see enter my pvp match because I know the match is going to be a blast(looking at you Eve and Vidarr). Soon as you add cross-server to the mix you lose this. You all the sudden never know who you are going to be playing against, and you start to no longer care.


So in conclusion I am begging you Bioware. Please don't bring in cross-server pvp. In my opinion there is nothing that ruins the pvp community more than cross-server. However, before I end, I will mention that for ranked matches I can certainly see cross-server working well. This is not the kind of arena where you are looking for certain players that you just enjoy playing against, but instead are looking to win in order to progress. I know that maybe not everyone will agree with me, but thats fine and I look forward to reading those posts also.

Edited by Qael
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I agree, x-server destroys communities, encourages exploiting, valor and commendation farming. x-server anything is and anonymous, nameless grind that encourages the worst kind of exploitation, power leveling and real money trading.
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Cross-server PvP will be coming and you can do nothing to stop it.


Yeah all your points are valid, BUT if you want to see Ranked stuff, WZ selection and better matchmaking - it HAS to come. One server pop can't support all those queue splits without leading to insane queue times.

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cross server instances are a sign the designers have failed in making a balanced faction system, it is a band aid at best not a fix.


real care and design of a world pvp system with depth would have considered faction balance before launch and included systems to encourage or even enforce it if necessary.


wow, rift and now tor have gone the easy route, allowed imbalance to destroy any hope of good world pvp server community and chosen cross server instances as the final nail in the coffin.

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Who ever said I want WZ-selection? I would rather not see it, for all the reasons that Gabe said it causes problems. I already mentioned at the bottom of my post, cross-server for ranked matches only does makes sense, but outside of ranked matches it kills pvp far more than it does good for queue times. Would you rather have faster queues or better pvp? That is the simple question to ask here(and no stealing that AskaJedi :p).
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Who ever said I want WZ-selection? I would rather not see it, for all the reasons that Gabe said it causes problems. I already mentioned at the bottom of my post, cross-server for ranked matches only does makes sense, but outside of ranked matches it kills pvp far more than it does good for queue times. Would you rather have faster queues or better pvp? That is the simple question to ask here(and no stealing that AskaJedi :p).


I dont know how server only PvP is "better" PvP.

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I dont know how server only PvP is "better" PvP.


it is because mmorpg used to have server identity and commuinity


the modern instanced mmolite has disregarded this part of mmo and so users of it don't see cross server is a bad thing.

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it is because mmorpg used to have server identity and commuinity


the modern instanced mmolite has disregarded this part of mmo and so users of it don't see cross server is a bad thing.


Well played these games for close to 10 years and this game already has least community feel than any other game in same genre i tried. After 2 months i dont know a single player on the server by name outside my guild. Doesnt really matter if the unknown players are from same or some other server.

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Well played these games for close to 10 years and this game already has least community feel than any other game in same genre i tried. After 2 months i dont know a single player on the server by name outside my guild. Doesnt really matter if the unknown players are from same or some other server.



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We'll played these games for close to 10 years


Ya, too bad most MMOs have sucked for the last ~10 years... thankyou WoW for helping the suckage along like no other MMO in the history... If Blizzard didn't make WoW appealing to 4 year olds and casual players we'd still be playing good MMOs!

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I agree, x-server destroys communities, encourages exploiting, valor and commendation farming. x-server anything is and anonymous, nameless grind that encourages the worst kind of exploitation, power leveling and real money trading.


Rofl yeah good thing we have a solid community. Cross server queues would only bring us things like kill trading for easy valor, bots farming chests for credits, and countless war zone exploits. :rolleyes:


Cross server queues will do far more good then bad especially for those of us the don't play during peak hours. We might actually get to PvP now.

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Ya, too bad most MMOs have sucked for the last ~10 years... thankyou WoW for helping the suckage along like no other MMO in the history... If Blizzard didn't make WoW appealing to 4 year olds and casual players we'd still be playing good MMOs!


Yes, you and 300k other people, such a shame though that they cant deliver games up to todays standards with such a niche games like DaoC and SWG.

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Rofl yeah good thing we have a solid community. Cross server queues would only bring us things like kill trading for easy valor, bots farming chests for credits, and countless war zone exploits. :rolleyes:


Cross server queues will do far more good then bad especially for those of us the don't play during peak hours. We might actually get to PvP now.


All the things you mentioned are easier to arrange in server only PvP or has no difference if its cross server or not.


Sorry didnt see the sarcasm at first cause i read it too quickly. :D

Edited by Forsbacka
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I agree, x-server destroys communities, encourages exploiting, valor and commendation farming. x-server anything is and anonymous, nameless grind that encourages the worst kind of exploitation, power leveling and real money trading.

Why don't you just say x-server is the devil and makes people eat babies.

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You just need two ques one for local server and one cross server then that problem is solved, people can que for what they prefer.


I think anyone who understand how queuing systems really work and what they do would realize this is not an option.

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I agree, x-server destroys communities, encourages exploiting, valor and commendation farming. x-server anything is and anonymous, nameless grind that encourages the worst kind of exploitation, power leveling and real money trading.


This. 100%.

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It's not going to ruin the pvp to have faster queues and a larger variety of players to play with and against. Sorry, it just won't. There is no mythical, tight-knit pvp server community. That's all about guilds and friend lists. Use those, leave the rest of us to enjoy a better pvp experience.
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