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Bioware, you DO listen!


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Dual spec incoming, no AC switching.

Not yet just wait we all know its comming


A boatload of cooldown/gcd UI options


Options that Bioware thinks we want. The same people that thought we wanted blight flashes on everything every second, those are the people making the options. If they really cared about us having options they would allow addons.


Scalable UI options incoming


Yeah this is nice but again addons so players could choose would be alot better. Also looking at the brief clip of the UI changes when he scaled something everything scaled. Wouldnt it be funny if you could only scale everything and not each item differently LOL


Guild banks incoming


Massive improvements to ability delay issues


Yeah we have to wait till march for it when it should have never been an issue at all.


Gear color matching returning


Cross-server warzone queuing


Then LFG cross server then why not LFQ(quest) cross server and GTN cross server so that servers mean nothing.


Incoming heavy/medium social gear


I really hope you cant have a heavy armor bikini


Ability to unbind 'open ticket' coming


Again something that they should have had at the start


Target of target


Again something they should have had at the start


.. so, like.. uh.. I realize some of this stuff should've been in at launch, but seriously, I've never seen a company work it's butt off to put out stuff like this so quickly. I for one appreciate.


The only reason they are working their butts of is because lots of people are quitting and all they care about it the money.


Flameguard activated.


Just imagine if they did their job in the first place and added the stuff in at launch that should have been then they could have been working on adding new stuff.

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Only reason the game was shut down was due to licensing. Guess what, next Star Wars mmo you will say the exact same thing.


"Sounds like you want a TOR 2... How is that game doing by the way? Oh yeah, shut down."


^ it may take 5, 10, 15 years, but eventually, someone will want to make another mmo with Star Wars being it's main attraction and TOR will be shut down in place of that one.


Yes, but SWG was **** from the beginning.

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now maybe people will stop qqing about these issues.


The ones OP listed? Probably.


Severe lack of endgame PvE content featuring a terribly designed token system? Korean-grindfest PvP? You know, the sources of like 99% of the complaining on the forums?


These aren't being changed. PvE endgame got vague references of more content far in the future. The new PvP WZ won't change the problems of PvP, just give a bigger platform to experience them all on.



Edited by Mhak
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Almost everything you added I do not care for nor want. Sounds like you want SWG 2... How is that game doing by the way? Oh yeah shut down.


Its going to last alot longer than this game will and they also didnt spend 200 million on that game.

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Just imagine if they did their job in the first place and added the stuff in at launch that should have been then they could have been working on adding new stuff.


Not necessary at all. New features? I lol'd you do know that they have been working on new features, just because you do not know them doesnt mean they havent been working on them for months.


Ignorant post.

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Dual spec incoming, no AC switching.


A boatload of cooldown/gcd UI options


Scalable UI options incoming


Guild banks incoming


Massive improvements to ability delay issues


Gear color matching returning


Cross-server warzone queuing


Incoming heavy/medium social gear


Ability to unbind 'open ticket' coming


Target of target


.. so, like.. uh.. I realize some of this stuff should've been in at launch, but seriously, I've never seen a company work it's butt off to put out stuff like this so quickly. I for one appreciate.


Flameguard activated.



All this is very nice but as some on my talents just don't work I would rather they fix them before they bring more possible bugs for the overworked bug team.


If you cant trust your spec everything else is secondary.

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I have nothing to say to that then. I am amazed that people actually played swg.


What MMO did you enjoy that most people didn't? I'm sure there's one.


So you say yet you are here posting? mhm interesting.


I think the current iteration of the game is **** also. But I did enjoy leveling my first character. 2nd character is 45 and I can't seem to login more than a few minutes to do stuff on the GTN and send out companions for crafting. I post here because it's the most active forums I visit.

Edited by Dantragk
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What MMO did you enjoy that most people didn't? I'm sure there's one.


The only one I enjoyed for a little bit was WoW. Lvling was boring, max lvl was boring, played for my friends.


I have played many mmo's but never liked any or thought they were good.


Tor is by far the current best, and the best one I have ever enjoyed.


List of mmo's:


Global agenda







Forsaken World


and some others I forgot the name to.

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I have played many mmo's but never liked any or thought they were good.


Damn, you must be a masochist to the extreme....


I'm just confused how you never enjoyed any of those other games but enjoy this one. Is it the VAs that did it for you? Because that's pretty much the only difference between this game and most of the others on the market.

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Damn, you must be a masochist to the extreme....


I'm just confused how you never enjoyed any of those other games but enjoy this one. Is it the VAs that did it for you? Because that's pretty much the only difference between this game and most of the others on the market.


I like the story, ive never known any of the stories in any mmo's I play besides this one. Always instant text and go.


VO's are great and I believe they set a new standard that any genre should follow (if applicable).


Corruption effects.

Big open worlds

Space missions that take away from the general "grind"

Questing to me was not a grind unlike most games

Feel apart of the universe or that your guy sort of matters.


Just off the top of my head.


And lastly that its star wars.

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Yeah events are definitely moving along at a nice healthy pace, and the frequency with which the devs are responding to serious user issues is encouraging.


There still appear to be some fairly serious bugs and problems with the endgame content (judging by some of the more reasonable critical posts), but this activity from BW is making me think those problems will be solved by the time the bulk of the current population that intends to level to 50 gets to the endgame.


I'm nearly at 40 now on my main, so as an archetypal casual player, BW have got maybe a few more weeks to make my lvl 50 bed nice and comfy and bug free for me :)


(Hey, I play my alts sometimes too, so sue me :D )

Edited by gurugeorge
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Come on, lets all give BW a round of applause for hopefully implementing many of the common features available in other games... Sounds like they admit that they got us to pay for a glorified beta test...


Did they state when such features will be available? Nope!

Edited by Ambrogino
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Never satisfied? ^This Guy! lol. People will fail to understand to understand a few key FACTS:


1. Just because WoW had it DOES NOT make it a feature ALL MMO's have

2. Just because YOU believe it should have been in at launch doesnt make it true

3. MMO's NEVER have all their features at launch as they are continuously growning

4. This is not WoW, if you want WoW, play WoW, if you want SWTOR, play SWTOR

5. Just because YOU think something doesnt make it true

6. They know what they are doing, they are professionals, you are not.

7. Just because YOU believe it is important doesnt mean it is

8. They will not, cannot, and should not cater to every single persons complaint.

9. They will add stuff based on MAJORITY opinions, even if its not YOUR opinion

10. It had all the base features required, Guild Banks, extras for Alts etc are NOT base features or an MMO and are fluff

11. THIS IS NOT WOW SO STOP SAYING "Well WoW has/had/is going to have <whatever>" If you want WoW play WoW. WoW is not the be all end all MMO, it is the current top MMO and is DECLINING. A google search will quickly show you dropping sub numbers, sure its not going to die anytime soon but why would you say "Hmmm.....that ship is sinking slowly but its big, lets use its design for our new ship!"


I never played WoW nor referenced WoW so I'm not sure why you directed this at me.

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Dual spec incoming, no AC switching.


A boatload of cooldown/gcd UI options


Scalable UI options incoming


Guild banks incoming


Massive improvements to ability delay issues


Gear color matching returning


Cross-server warzone queuing


Incoming heavy/medium social gear


Ability to unbind 'open ticket' coming


Target of target


.. so, like.. uh.. I realize some of this stuff should've been in at launch, but seriously, I've never seen a company work it's butt off to put out stuff like this so quickly. I for one appreciate.


Flameguard activated.


And you believe them.

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