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100 Things I Think During Instanced PvP


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Ok, I got the ball, I am up on the enemys ramps, i look to the right, 2 red names closing in, to the right, 1 red name closing in, up ahead 3 red names closing in.....no a single green name in sight..***????


Or the other thought I end up with, Enemy ball carrier heading up our ramps, 4 defenders with him, I start my attack run, the 4 defenders turn on me throwing all their attention into beating me down, their ball carrier crosses our goal line without so much as a single green name attacking him or even in range to attack..***??


Those are pretty much the two thoughts that run through my head in Huttball


Voidstar: I am defending a door, I am alone defending a door, 2 stealthers and a none stealther heads for my door, I call for help and start popping dots and LoS'in to harrass them and not let em cap, I keep calling for help and get none, thanks to dots and luck with the respawn door, i keep em off but their team caps the other door..my thought...***?


Civil War: We cap left, and move toward middle, I look back and see no one stayed behind to defend left and there is a stealther standing there capping it with no opposition..my thought..***?


So yea the main theme of my thoughts in PvP is ***?

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(dont know what number w on so my list)



1) Did this guy really attack me solo? Does he really think he can win a 1v1 against my decked sentinel?


2) god i wreck sh*t.


3) god i get focused a ton....get off my nutz


4) god i get no heals


5) god i always happen to die when this door has 4 bars on it


6) oh god its huttball...


7) god im tired of waiting for force leap to come off CD after being knocked off the catwalk for the 100th time.


8) I hate you friendly consular for speeding infront of me for the power buff on voidstar.



9) son of a b***...i got stunned and killed before i could pop my immune ability? such BS


10) did i seriously get stunned 3x in a row by 3 different people? *** resolve??? immune me sometime today please.


11) Why [insert teammate here] did you have to stun him the same time i did which in essence wasted my stun?



12) seriously? Half my team has less than 13k health...this is gonna hurt.

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(dont know what number w on so my list)



1) Did this guy really attack me solo? Does he really think he can win a 1v1 against my decked sentinel?


2) god i wreck sh*t.


3) god i get focused a ton....get off my nutz


4) god i get no heals


5) god i always happen to die when this door has 4 bars on it


6) oh god its huttball...


7) god im tired of waiting for force leap to come off CD after being knocked off the catwalk for the 100th time.


8) I hate you friendly consular for speeding infront of me for the power buff on voidstar.



9) son of a b***...i got stunned and killed before i could pop my immune ability? such BS


10) did i seriously get stunned 3x in a row by 3 different people? *** resolve??? immune me sometime today please.


11) Why [insert teammate here] did you have to stun him the same time i did which in essence wasted my stun?



12) seriously? Half my team has less than 13k health...this is gonna hurt.


God why dose this guy do nothing but tell others how bad they are and how uber he is. Hpw they lost the wz that he was winning solo for us

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God why dose this guy do nothing but tell others how bad they are and how uber he is. Hpw they lost the wz that he was winning solo for us


those are all the things i think...its not worth typing any of it as it will have zero effect on what the enemies or friendlies are doing that effect me.

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Ok, I got the ball, I am up on the enemys ramps, i look to the right, 2 red names closing in, to the right, 1 red name closing in, up ahead 3 red names closing in.....no a single green name in sight..***????


Or the other thought I end up with, Enemy ball carrier heading up our ramps, 4 defenders with him, I start my attack run, the 4 defenders turn on me throwing all their attention into beating me down, their ball carrier crosses our goal line without so much as a single green name attacking him or even in range to attack..***??


Those are pretty much the two thoughts that run through my head in Huttball


Voidstar: I am defending a door, I am alone defending a door, 2 stealthers and a none stealther heads for my door, I call for help and start popping dots and LoS'in to harrass them and not let em cap, I keep calling for help and get none, thanks to dots and luck with the respawn door, i keep em off but their team caps the other door..my thought...***?


Civil War: We cap left, and move toward middle, I look back and see no one stayed behind to defend left and there is a stealther standing there capping it with no opposition..my thought..***? Why didnt they go to the other one?!:(


So yea the main theme of my thoughts in PvP is ***?

So Very True!

31. Dammit they left me near the turret alone. Again. Lets hope nobody comes here.

32. We are losing... maybe I should have abandoned that damn turret, since no one came to me anyway

33. We are losing... better find myself a turret to stand near.

34. (in the beginning of WZ) I m gonna get this tyrret, I m gonna get it *sees 5 reps running to his position* Or may be not... crap!

Edited by Gelious
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