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ok so we're all op


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arguements could be made that EVERY class is op


PT pyrotechs



sniper/gunslingers (do soem crazy single target dmg tbh lol)

tracer/grav round spam

juggernaut/gaurdian LOLsmashing


sorc healers are op and yet merc healers with gear take about 5 people to be killed by



so if we're ALL op then its balanced! so lets all pick up our tissues and play the friggan game

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Sorc/sage trying to desperately dodge nerfs....lol


I would like to see hybrid sorcs/sages nerfed actually, because I don't believe in spamming CC all the time. It's a terrible way to play the game actually. It ranks second to gr/tracer round spamming mercs imo.

Edited by bellok
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Willing to bet sorcs are one of the last classes to see a nerf as numbers don't bull **** like bad players.


Well that, and because to "balance out" hybrid sorcs/sages would require a dramatic change to it all I think. Not sure. If you asked me, I would modify the passive skill madness and the sage equivalent from no cool down, to 1 or 2 second cooldowns to start, and then I would go from there....

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Nah, just sorc/sages and the GR/missile spam.

Everything else is fine.


both are perfectly fine in terms of how powerful they are.

however they are way too easy to play. a bad player shouldnt be successful in pvp just cos he plays a one button wonder class. a bad player should be food - nothing more seriously.


for both there is a very simple but effective solution - make the interupt system daoc style - some1 hits u with ANYTHING no matter what even saber strike = ur interupted, and i dont mean setback i mean interupted. the effing cast simple cancels and u have to start all over again. now if we wanna make it really daoc style there should also be a 3-5 secs cooldown till u can start casting again.


PS. i find it kinda amusing how everyone whines at classes that are not a slight bit OP if u have the braincells to use more than just ur anytimer but yet everyone ignores the ONE class in this game that really is OP.


not gonna say which one it is. ill make this a small personal game and wait till a person with a brain walks in and calls it.


EDIT: oh yea and no i dont play either sorc/sage nor merc/commando

Edited by Laoi
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wow did i forget to put ops/scoundrels? i apologize



most smugglers/ and operatives whine about the "nerf" but realistically they were buffed


id trade dmg on one skill for 3 times the control


ops on my server still doing about 10k dmg in 3 gcds ~4seconds to me with cooldowns



but w.e

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wow did i forget to put ops/scoundrels? i apologize



most smugglers/ and operatives whine about the "nerf" but realistically they were buffed


id trade dmg on one skill for 3 times the control


ops on my server still doing about 10k dmg in 3 gcds ~4seconds to me with cooldowns



but w.e


they are fine too tbh. it kinda all comes down to who gets the jump.

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No 31 point spec is OP. Its the assinine hybrid specs that are out of control. Too much power attainable in the bottom 1/3 of each tree.


Powertechs/Vanguards are built to sustain damage but not put much out. Hybrids of this version maintain the bulk of their survivability while obtainig a great deal of damage.


Sorcerors/Sages get too many force crit + healing if they go hybrid healer or they get too much survivability and CC if they go hybrid dps/dps.


Mauraders/Juggs are just idiotic cause they can leap half a warzone and unload right then and there. OH, and they don't suffer from the issues of resource slow downs when low. Funny, huh?

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