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Cross-server PvP Queues coming


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According to the new Q&A, they will be putting in cross-server queues at some point in the future.


Simoon: Will you be adding the option to choose what Warzone you enter a queue for?


Gabe Amatangelo: Not until we introduce cross server queuing. If we were to allow players to choose their Warzone before they could queue across servers, then it would negatively affect how often every player would see a Warzone – and for every player that loves a certain Warzone there is another player that hates it. The population would end up divided by their Warzone choice, negatively affecting the time it would take for a specific Warzone to become available for anyone. With cross server queuing we will still have a preference to match players of the same server, but those players who choose specific preferences such as these will likely end up in a match with players in the larger Wargroup.

Edited by trotsky_tor
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oh no what shall we do the community is going to die and we will get faster queues and be able to pick what WZ we want and my premade wont be able to own undergeared people.



lol finally some good news for pvp now just fix the lag when around multiple people and it is smooth sailing (excluding some class balance)

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I hope they at least have server groups, i dont want the casuals on pve servers or the slightly more idiotic idiots on non-rp servers infecting my rp-pvp valor grinding.


Lol, rp servers. Those actually make me laugh that people actually join them

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Cross server because the servers are becoming empty and aren't popping queues fast enough.

They used to have queue timers they were so full, now they barely hit high during peak times


Because they caved into the queue whiners and opened more servers when all of us sensible people said this is exactly what would happen and that if they wanted healthy servers a few months down the line they NEED multi-hour queues at release.


Bioware needs to listen to people with over a decade of mmorpg playing. Not the other players, and not people who think they know how to design a game because they are video game developers (artists always look at technique over substance and are horrible at creating design that appeals to anyone but other artists or snooty critics)

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Lol, rp servers. Those actually make me laugh that people actually join them


RP servers are like normal servers with slightly less stupid general chat, due largely to providing a gated entrance, where people who are too afraid of roleplaying (protip, there isnt any on rp servers) stay away scared that some elf is going to molest their naughty places.


rp-pvp is the king of server types, it is also the least numerous, further enhancing its exclusivity.


Play mmos long enough and you end up on rp-pvp servers, just the way it goes.

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Cross server because the servers are becoming empty and aren't popping queues fast enough.

They used to have queue timers they were so full, now they barely hit high during peak times


they have increased the server capacity trust me on early week there was alot less people on my server and i had constant 30 min queues with like max of 100 people on the fleet with 10-20 people per planet now there is alot more people on each planet than before.

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good...im tired of playing huttball against my fellow faction. Now they can make huttball rep vs emp.


lol, no. An imbalance is still and imbalance even on a larger scale. Imps will still see a lot of huttball (yay!) and whatever that new warzone is that is same faction.


I am a big fan of huttball :)

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lol, no. An imbalance is still and imbalance even on a larger scale. Imps will still see a lot of huttball (yay!) and whatever that new warzone is that is same faction.


I am a big fan of huttball :)


not really bioware also state you will be able to select the WZ you want when cross server queue comes out.

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Wait wait wait.. MY server is fairly balanced currently, enjoying around .8 pubs for every 1 imp.


As a result empire vs empire huttball is not that common.


Will this cross server pvp effectively make it so now, on my server, when i queue, ill be subject to the overall game wide population imbalance?

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Wait wait wait.. MY server is fairly balanced currently, enjoying around .8 pubs for every 1 imp.


As a result empire vs empire huttball is not that common.


Will this cross server pvp effectively make it so now, on my server, when i queue, ill be subject to the overall game wide population imbalance?


honestly without actual numbers of who plays what it is kinda hard to say the game as a whole is very imbalanced on republic vs empire


when i say that im talking about 20% republic and 80% empire which is a true imbalance but if it like 60/40 then it is not bad at all.

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Letting people select which warzone is a mistake, you will end up with huttball being nothing but SW/JK and SI/Cons, voidstar being nothing but aoe spamming classess, and civil war being nothing but stealthers everywhere trying to ninja caps.


The better solution is to seriously pump out like 7 new warzones, so people dont get sick of playing huttball over and over and over and over.

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Lol at that comment from Gabe, what was all this talk before launch from the devs saying how they were dead against cross-server queues because it ruins pvp community.


I'll just never go in warzones if it happens, lets hope they sort ilum lag.



Already know about 10 ppl who unsubbed the game due to the severe bugs in end game raids, dnt now push out the regular pvpers because of children crying about having to play a warzone they dont win every time.

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Hey NOOBs crying about community go join a PvE server.

Cross Server WZ fill the WZs with your server 1st then any spots left will be filled by other servers!

Your argument of community is VOID.

Stop being short sighted & think of how many other players will benifit from this, you dont seem to care that a good player may be stuck on a low populated server with no one to WZ with! i would love to group with anyone that loves to PvP!

& telling someone to server transfer at their own cost is sad, not everyone is made of money!

So i say to you wheres your community spirit as you seem to not want to PvP with the whole PvP community & just group with your little premade trying to farm solo quers!

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Hey NOOBs crying about community go join a PvE server.

Cross Server WZ fill the WZs with your server 1st then any spots left will be filled by other servers!

Your argument of community is VOID.

Stop being short sighted & think of how many other players will benifit from this, you dont seem to care that a good player may be stuck on a low populated server with no one to WZ with! i would love to group with anyone that loves to PvP!

& telling someone to server transfer at their own cost is sad, not everyone is made of money!

So i say to you wheres your community spirit as you seem to not want to PvP with the whole PvP community & just group with your little premade trying to farm solo quers!



i agree

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Since I didn't see this thread and mine was closed, I'll go ahead and say my peace here.


I enjoy a close knit community, it's one of the aspects of this game that seperates it from WoW. Even as someone who does nothing else but pvp, I would feel discouraged if they implemented this. Cross server queues does have it's benefits, but the negative long term effects are too much for me to agree with this change.


Being anonymous in a group of people who have no respect for each other does not seem appealing.

Edited by Valeena
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FFFff so freaking angry about this. I'm going to have to quit if cross-server crap is seriously going to be added to this game. More themepark mmo BS, swtor is just following suit by adding more and more bad mmo choices. Most of the players in my guild has expressed they'll be quitting if cross-server stuff is added to this game. Seems like this patch will be the undoing of my guild and other players who don't want to play a WoW rehash of horrible community.
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