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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Official Q&A Thread for February 17th, 2012 Q&A Blog Post


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Can you please tell us if you have any plans for non-human races in the future? We have red people, blue people, green people, people people, and people with lekku. Out of the wide range of species available in the universe, can we get a little variety?


I'm going to mangle these spellings: Trandoshans, Cathar, Kaleesh, Torgruta, Nautolans, Kel Dor, and possibly Selonian.


These would all fit the requirement of speaking basic, though perhaps the Trandoshans and Selonians wouldn't quite fit the voice actors.

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Are there plans for new classes to be added in the near future, or to allow for some of the classes to play on either empire or republic side, say for instance empire troopers, I do see them in game as npc's, or possibly republic bounty hunters wich I am sure is not anymore far fetched than a light side sith.


Thank you for your time.

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What new, currently unplayable, races are you considering adding to the Legacy system or game in general for players to choose?


I personally want a Cathar Jedi Knight with golden fur/hair and maybe spots or stripes.


Some races I'd like to see:

1. Cathar

2. Togrunta

3. Wookie of cause, your dialog would be voiced over with situational Wookie sounds

4. Mon Calamari

5. Weequay

6. Nautolan

7. Trandoshan

8. Devorian like Gault

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Will Gunnery Commando's get buffed as far as utility goes or increase to survivability? just notice they lack alot of interrupts compared to other classes? As this is the only viable pvp dps spec for commandos, since assault lacks damage. and mele seem to have 80-90% up time on commandos. since we lack slows or anything to help us get away. everything is cast and mele seem to have 5+ depending on spec/class. just seems near impossible to get away from melee w/o someone assisting. very difficult to get the range needed to avoid being interrupted so often during casts. i dont want a nerf to Melee since most will find it unfair and a QQ on my part. so i fiugre leave them with their stuff and buff commando
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What, if any, animation changes can consulars look forward to?




It is generally accepted that the Inquisitor animations were done first/best. There is a huge coolness gap with the consular animations, and they feel like they were phoned in/rushed to alot of players. Build after build in beta the same issues with the animations were brought up, but they were not fixed and went live...


Project has its delay problems, it takes time to pull up the magic rock, time to levitate and spin it, time to hurl it and travel to target...and it is not popular as a magic junk thrower with many players. Replacement suggestions include a saber throw, or swapping it with the Disturbance animation, which can easily be streamlined to instant cast, and then the chunk a clunker animation can be tied to a skill that has an activation timer, like the animation so obviously needs...


Throw is also not popular (pebblestorm) as magic pebble throwing...


Together, Project and Throw make the consular jedi caster class feel like a junk/debris throwing shaman that can magically make junk/debris show up anywhere, at his feet or out of thin air. Then you have the obvious problems of pulling up magic rocks out of starship decks, etc. The animations are environmentally ignorant...they cheat.


Then there are the Force Breach ani and Kinetic Ward (which also has mechanic problems and many players would like it to be passive, tied into Combat Technique...)


Overall the combat animations and the cinematic nature of combat is one of the game's strengths...perhaps thats why the consular animations stick out so much like a sore thumb. Thx.

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Are there plans to allow players to alter their characters appearance in-game after character creation? Such as skin, eye, hair color and style?

Even race when you unlock new races and class combinations, or brand new races, so people don't have to rerole to play that race with their current class.

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So I was just wondering, when are trandoshans and wookies going to become playable classes. I mean it would be a great way to make an expansion off of that hunting feud. I just really want to know when trandoshan bounty hunters and wookie smugglers are going to be playable. thanks.
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Hello, all class (or so i think i haven't Confirm on Operative) have a push back ability and juggernaut can push a single one, however marauder does not have any kind of ability, what i looking for is will marauder be granted with a least Force Pull ability? so we can use the force to gather a npc, player close to our damage range, i fell this is required on marauder and lacking currently, thanks.
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Do you have a plan to add feature to improve Healer's Quality of Life?


Mouseover, Grid- Clique- function, Macro , something to alert us this ability is off CD, Alert when party get debuff that need dispel, etc.


Right now, it's kinda hard to track (very small text) buff like Kolto Shell, Tactical advantages,

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Is there any chance of an upcoming fix for Eternity Vault (mainly just Soa), since it is extremely bugged out and is impossible to down due to the fact that he is constantly "immune" when phase 3 rolls around?


My friends and my guild have tried many of the alleged "fixes" for this to allow him to take damage - but none of them have be successful. At this point in time, its not worth it to even charge up to his room to even attempt the fight (seeing as it always end in death).


So... is there any chance of a fix in the near to present future for this (or even a way for us to trouble shoot it)?

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