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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Official Q&A Thread for February 17th, 2012 Q&A Blog Post


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Some feel the need for an automated LFG tool. In the case that this option would take a while to implement, is there consideration for a server wide LFG chat or even a way to see everyone that is currently using the LFG tool as it is now? This is an issue with finding, and even gathering, a group for The Battle of Ilum and The False Emperor.
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will you add more recipes to armstech anytime soon, like a few epic ones, and will you fix the fact that you can very easily get far better mods/barrels/hilts etc. from dailies then from crafting? (the lvl 50 crafted ones are pretty much useless at the moment)
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Once the Oceanic servers opening later this quarter, the current universal tuesday maintenance will be running from 7pm-11+pm AEST at the start of the year and 5pm-9+pm AEST during the middle (the shifts being due to daylight savings).


With servers at roughly GMT+11, GMT+1, GMT-5 and GMT-8 it's just not going to be possible for one maintenance time to fit all. If/when you open an east Asian region, it'd get even worse.


We've got to assume that Devs already have a plan for handling the situation, so please tell us - What are the maintenance timezone problems you're trying to deal with & what will your solutions to them (probably) be?

Edited by Lakhesis
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It would make it very convenient if we were able to click a button that would switch us from our PvP to our PvE sets. Will we be able to look forward to a feature that allows for gear set management with the click of a button or two.
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Will us Jedi Knights get some hood-down armor soon? I haven't been able to see my Guardian's face since the beginning of Coruscant (and I just cleared Hoth). The screenshots of several hood-down armors are right there, on the homepage, why is it so hard to let us players acquire and wear them? They obviously exist, as well as used to, so what's the problem?
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Can you provide some details on Healer class design philosophy? Commando/Scoundrel AoE does not scale with group size due to player caps. Are they not intended to fill the raid-healer role? Scoundrels can be highly efficient, but have no tools for doing a short burst of healing.


In short, what is the design intention for each of the healers, and is it intended for them to be balanced so that any possible combination is competitive in Operations, or is a certain mix expected?

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I have a question as to how you plan to fix things for mirror classes? My case in point is that at the beginning (not sure about now), the Troopers had a massively painful delay in their Full Auto and Mortar Volley ability, while the Bounty Hunter did it cleanly. This, is what I assume is the result of different teams working on the same "class" or mirror classes, resulting in bug and glitch differences that make playing one desirable above the other.


How do you plan to solve this discrepancy in the future?

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With the Oceanic release less than a month away, is there any word on a timetable for transfers for Oceanic Players who have already purchased the game and are playing on US or European servers like Harbinger or JekJekTar to regional servers?
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