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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Official Q&A Thread for February 17th, 2012 Q&A Blog Post


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For any person who min/maxes their DPS, combat logs are an absolute must. Enrage timers should not be the only way to tell you have weak DPS in an Ops group. And if you do, how do you know which of your 5 DPS (8 man Ops) is the weakest link? Combat logs, damage meters, threat tables, etc. are all a must have in the MMO gaming community. It's not just about bragging rights, but about making sure you're taking the best people for their respective roles. Are combat logs coming to SWTOR?
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Blizzard had a specail treat called 'Phasing' to players when they released WotLK, which altered whole areas after completing a certain series of quests and/or doing a quest to a certain point. Will the phasing ever be implemented in the game?

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Is there any chance we could get an update on the implementation of same-gender companion romances? Something in the form of an ETA or even some details on the system you guys are planning to use would be awesome. Many players have put leveling their main characters on hold due to the lack of an update.
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