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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Official Q&A Thread for February 17th, 2012 Q&A Blog Post


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With the upcoming Oceanic based servers, one of the key factors in deciding whether it is worthwhile to transfer from an NA server to an OC server will be relating to scheduled downtimes for maintenance.


If the OC servers will continue to be taken down at the same time as the NA/EU servers (normally prime time AU) then the incentive to transfer is significantly reduced as the only benefit would be latency which is less of an issue in an MMO than an FPS game.


Can you confirm whether it will be in the plan to have region specific maintenance windows so that the servers are not offline during the OC prime-time? I was thinking of having something like when you select the test server which would allow you to have seperate executables for OC and NA/EU.

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Any plans for cosmetic slots, i.e. adding separate equipment slots that determine the look of the character without changing stats? This would be greatly preferrably to everyone of a certain level looking pretty much the same. On the same note, hue to chest is a good start but dying gear would be even better. And finally, there is the matter of changing one's character appearance after character creation.
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Because it was mentioned in the first set of questions that cross-server tools will be used.

Is the cross-server lfg tools going to be the only option for us players when finding a match or is there a system being made where we can actually choose between play same-server or cross-server, that way everyone is happy?

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Can there be an option to import my preferences from one toon to to another? Everytime I make an alt, I have to go and reconfigure all my keybinds. Will there be a way to import all my preferences from one character into the other?



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i was wondering why we are leaving out a large population players that could enhance our gameplay (not to mention alot of subscriptions)? We have the North America Servers, Europe Servers, why not go for the Asian market and call it Asain Servers?
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My earlier post got removed so let me reword it better this is just ONE question. A simple Yes or No question: Are ANY of the following on the road map?

-Multi-player Space PVP/PVE

-Bounties for Bounty Hunters

-Spectator zone for Huttball matches

-Gambling on Huttball matches

-Player/Guild Housing

-Dejarik, Pazaak, Podracing

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It was my understanding that red items were Bioware's approach to appearance customization. Unfortunately, actual availability of red items is extremely limited. Do you plan to substantially improve the availability and variety of red chest and leg pieces in commendation or credit vendor shops, or maybe even in new specialized shops?
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Do you have any plans for implementing a reward system for open world PVP?

My guild and myself, as well as many other players I'm sure, have a preference for open world combat contrary to warzones.

Can we expect mercenary commendations to be awarded or character statistics compiled for such areas?

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Will there be any major changes to the gathering/crafting system? The current system seems to have too little involvement from the player and there seems to be little uniqueness to created items. Has there been any discussion about changing this system to give the player the ability to scout (survey) for resources, gather (place drilling equipment), and use those resources in various combinations to create unique weapons and armor?
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