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Gunslinger vs Sniper (Comparison)


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Hello Republic mirror class! First, some background on my main.

  • Lvl 50 Imperial Sniper
  • Valor Rank 64
  • Cleared all HM Operations
  • NM Operations 4/5 EV Only

I decided to roll a Republic gunslinger about a week ago, and I'm currently level 25 valor rank 23 on him. I've noticed some very serious time delay issues when comparing the the Gunslinger to the Sniper. Here is my review:

  1. Explosive Charge has a serious time delay from when it is cast to when it reaches it's target. The explosive probe, sniper variation of this ability, on the sniper reaches its intended target almost immediatley.
  2. The 4 second stun animation causes the gunslinger to be rooted in place whilst the sniper ability allows you to conitnue traveling while the animation plays out.

Those are two of the most annoying aspects I've discovered while playing the mirror class. I feel your pain my Repbulic kin. These bugs need to be fixed because if you are up against your Imperial counterpart I feel you are at somewhat of a disadvantage. Ecsepcially where the explosive probe/charge is concerned. I believe others have already given rise to these points, but I thought I'd go ahead and give my two cents as well.

Edited by RattyRattail
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I find my agent weird compared to the gunslinger.


Frag grenade has some horrible stiffness where the character braces themselves before throwing. Thermal grenade is just a smooth lob.


I don't consider the sab charge issue a big issue. For both our trees that use sabotage charge often (sharpshooter and saboteur), it's optimal to manually cast the charge upfront, instead of concurrently with another skill.


Sharpshooter: Sab charge - aimed shot - instant charged burst - trick shot. This is the same timing as if sab charge was instant because we're just replacing the instant sab charge with instant charged burst. Same number of GCDs. Doing it this way also allows us to fit sab charge into prep time if we want to flash grenade the enemy first, as the charge won't break the flash.


Sab: sab charge - aimed shot - speed shots. You don't want to go aimed shot followed by sab charge, because doing that would trigger the global cooldown and delay your damage. You couldn't launch straight into speed shoots from aimed shot.


The dirty kick root is a bit more serious, but I honestly always save it for cover defence, so don't notice it half the time.

Edited by StealthNerf
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Don't forget the 33% miss chances on off-hand weapon on GS for skills that uses both weapon.


If snipers actually did 33% more damage than gunslingers their wouldn't be so many sniper complaints. That'd be overwhelming DPS. It's fairly balanced, and means that accuracy isn't as pointless for us as it is for snipers.

Edited by StealthNerf
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If snipers actually did 33% more damage than gunslingers their wouldn't be so many sniper complaints. That'd be overwhelming DPS. It's fairly balanced, and means that accuracy isn't as pointless for us as it is for snipers.


Have you ever pay attention on your own floating text?


1) open your character sheet and see whats your offhand Acc is at

2) Go illum or anywhere, then start attacking random mobs with Flurry of Bolt

3) Pay attention how often you see the white text "Miss", should be aveage once every 10 sec with full champion gears(champion gear has low acc, tier/BM gears has more acc)


One reason why SS spec is weaker than other spec is because of the OH miss rate. You can get around by using Sab/DF hybird, so your dmg will be base on tech acc instead. That way you can stack pure surge/power to max out your damage.


Nobody say Sniper does 33% more damage than GS. 33% miss on OH doesn't equal to 33% damage. But a SS spec sniper does have advantage over a SS GS.

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I consider it a "******" tax since we are obviously the coolest class in the game. Bioware had to balance it by giving us silly debuffs so nobody would want to play the class. Cause if everyone tried to be as cool as us then there'd be no healers or tanks.
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Have you ever pay attention on your own floating text?


1) open your character sheet and see whats your offhand Acc is at

2) Go illum or anywhere, then start attacking random mobs with Flurry of Bolt

3) Pay attention how often you see the white text "Miss", should be aveage once every 10 sec with full champion gears(champion gear has low acc, tier/BM gears has more acc)


One reason why SS spec is weaker than other spec is because of the OH miss rate. You can get around by using Sab/DF hybird, so your dmg will be base on tech acc instead. That way you can stack pure surge/power to max out your damage.


Nobody say Sniper does 33% more damage than GS. 33% miss on OH doesn't equal to 33% damage. But a SS spec sniper does have advantage over a SS GS.


Plus the OH's damage is restricted to only 30% of potential.

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I don't understand why the offhand damage would be any different in this game. It isn't WoW, you don't have an autoattack going constantly where having 2 weapons instead of 1 will increase your damage. Every ability is static so why do abilities have to even factor in the 2nd blaster?
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I tried the Sniper, and hated two things.. The voice for the male, and most of the gear.


I'll take the suave cowboy with a longcoat and hat, as well as a pair of blasters, over a tech-savvy sniper rifle any day. :p

also the witty, and often comical, dialogues.

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I don't understand why the offhand damage would be any different in this game. It isn't WoW, you don't have an autoattack going constantly where having 2 weapons instead of 1 will increase your damage. Every ability is static so why do abilities have to even factor in the 2nd blaster?

Some abilities use weapon (those are abilities that can be dodged) other use tech (cannot be avoided). Those that use weapon is subject to the dual wield constraint.

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Consider the points to benefit Gunslinger

[*]Off-hand pistol deals additional damage on most shots (THIS IS MY PERCEPTION, I have not compared the numbers)

[*]Off-hand pistol is easier to acquire, can be improved via crafting to blue/purple at any level, and can be customized. There are no orange quality vibroknives.

[*]Second companion comes 2 planets earlier



Now, I try to be less noticeable in PvP. I find the Smuggler has a lot of benefits in that particular field

  • The animation for Charged Burst and Aimed Shot keep you behind cover, making you less noticeable
  • Aimed Shot does not produce a "laser sight" on the target while aiming, origination from you
  • Incendiary Grenade LOOKS more dangerous than Plasma Probe
  • Shock Charge is less noticeable

Edited by JoyProtocol
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Consider the points to benefit Gunslinger

[*]Off-hand pistol deals additional damage on most shots (THIS IS MY PERCEPTION, I have not compared the numbers)

[*]Off-hand pistol is easier to acquire, can be improved via crafting to blue/purple at any level, and can be customized. There are no orange quality vibroknives.

[*]Second companion comes 2 planets earlier



Now, I try to be less noticeable in PvP. I find the Smuggler has a lot of benefits in that particular field

  • The animation for Charged Burst and Aimed Shot keep you behind cover, making you less noticeable
  • Aimed Shot does not produce a "laser sight" on the target while aiming, origination from you
  • Incendiary Grenade LOOKS more dangerous than Plasma Probe
  • Shock Charge is less noticeable


The OH does add damage but is restricted to a max of 30% and has a to -33% accuracy.


Snipers get there 2nd companion on Taris which I believe is a healer and we don't get Guss until Hoth. The Wookie is Nar Shaddaa.

Edited by Junostorm
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The OH does add damage but is restricted to a max of 30% and has a to -33% accuracy.


Snipers get there 2nd companion on Taris which I believe is a healer and we don't get Guss until Hoth. The Wookie is Nar Shaddaa.


agent get vector on alderaan who is dps. He is our 2nd companion

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The off-hand pistol deals a few hundred on an aimed shot crit (as of last night with the 83% surge). With speed shots or sweeping shots you're looking at 2 digit numbers from your off hand each tick.



Can someone confirm whether or not the sniper's knife tech power boosts his shots or not?



This terrible off hand accuracy gives us the impression that the accuracy that they pour onto our raid gear is helpful but compared to our imperial mirror they can just rip the acc mods out and throw in something better like surge/crit/power

Edited by PariahMessiah
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I kind of wish there was a talent in the SS tree to increase off-hand damage by X amount. I got my first Rakkata weapon last week and it is the off hand.... Yeah good stats on that weapon atleast lol.


Also I want to point out that our OH weapon has a crit chance and multiplier roll on top of the miss chance. So there is also some damage missing compared to a snipers one shot one calculation system. I cant imagine it is much damage and if both proc it could be potentially more. The world may never know until we get combat logs lol.

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