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Where is the 10 responses for the weekly Q&A?


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Well I can tell you they are not in the Smug/IA boards :D


I am joking of course!!!


I was looking forward to this segment as well.


Should be an interesting read.


The Imperial Agents have decided that the answers to the questions are a threat to Imperial Security and have made them disappear.

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it will sound a lot like this:


"what are your plans to implement <feature> into swtor?"


"well, poster. Thank you for asking. As you know, we are constantly adding new features to the game.. And we know that is something players have been asking for. We are always listening to the community and <feature> is definitely something we'd like to see in the future."



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Sadly..... I feel this is closer to the truth than any of us would like.


My prediction? No matter what the questions, the answer will be a variation of:


"That's an interesting question, and we have plans about that in the future. However, we don't have any information we can reveal right now. Next question!"


Multiply that x 10.

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Too true, I wait to be pleasantly surprised by them giving answers to questions that the community couldn't have answered.


Some people do no research or infact seem to misunderstand the sort of spin and half answers the devs have given us for the last 3 years.


Q. When will bug a b or c be fixed?


A. As mentioned in a blog Bug fixes is a top prority.


Q. When will Patch 1.2 be out?


A. Currently planned for March but no date is known yet.


Q. What is happening with Space?


A. Something but we can't talk about it.


The only way to get good answers is to ask specific questions with as little wriggle room as possible.



lol. This post cracked me up. You must be an impressionist, because your impression of BioWare was spot on. Do you take requests? Do EA next! Do EA! ;p

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Q. When will bug a b or c be fixed?


A. As mentioned in a blog Bug fixes is a top prority.


Q. When will Patch 1.2 be out?


A. Currently planned for March but no date is known yet.


Q. What is happening with Space?


A. Something but we can't talk about it.


Q. When will be possible char transfer ?


A. We have plans to add this function as service when game goes free will be possible buy this service with BioLier Gold

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They never listened in Beta so why do you think they will listen now?


Well that's just it.. This whole weekly Q & A thing is a chance for them to disprove that thinking.


I know quite a few people who are basing part of their decision to resub on how these questions are answered and which type of questions are answered..


There's also a number of people holding off on asking pertinent questions until we see how the Q & A thing is handled..


If it ends up being nothing but softball questions in a tactic to endear us to the dev team, then I can guarantee you that *real* questions will no longer be asked..


The fact that it's now 6:30 PM in Austin and the Q & A thread hasn't been posted doesn't really fill many of us with optimism though..

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