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What SWTOR could take from Eve


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But no, sometimes the inferior ship is a bait ship, but that is my point, that ship has a batphone handy and its a trap, and what comes out the other end is an overwhelming force.


That is true in a lot of cases. But it is also the case that, with inventive thinking and planning, you can create a monstrously effective pirate-killer with what looks like a tasty treat-on-a-stick. Without backup. The ship is a shell. What you put in it is up to you.

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Just fyi, 95% of my PVP in EVE is either solo or in small 1-3man gangs...and there's plenty of ways to counter zerging if you use your brain. If you allow someone to blob you, it's your own fault 99.9% of the time.


Hell, I can dual account


Stopped you right there. Paying 30$ a month to be successful in a game.


You are a very small minority. I never said what you do never happens, but that's how it works most of the time. True for almost all fleet engagements, small roaming gangs and gate camps. I've only really noticed solo or very small gangs work in low sec or in FW and even those people wave to watch out for pirate corps. Between you and me, frigates are hard to catch on a gate when you have to fly battlecruisers or battleships to tank the gun aggro so I never worried about that much, but then again what can you do to them?

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That is true in a lot of cases. But it is also the case that, with inventive thinking and planning, you can create a monstrously effective pirate-killer with what looks like a tasty treat-on-a-stick. Without backup. The ship is a shell. What you put in it is up to you.


No argument there, there are solo bait ships out there. But the players typically negate any awesome ship combo you come up with by making sure they always have an overwhelming advantage. Its a flaw with a chokepoint style navigation system and tackle mechanics. No one wants to be that guy who gets nabbed with his pants down so you get people bringing just overwhelming force, or a bait ship with backup hiding a system over, or you fly small fleet gangs that are hard to tackle, and in that case, there's usually nothing you can do to the bigger ships but fly away and hope 20 jumps down the road you'll run into easier prey.

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When you form a fleet (aka group) and you enter a planetary system you are able to "Warp to member". Now, wouldn't that be great? You're on a planet. You need to get to someone in your group. Use Quick Travel to jump to them. Boom. Still got a cooldown so couldn't be totally over-used but, yeah. Open World PvP suddenly gets most interesting. As it is in Eve.
Provided people are on the same planet and in an accessible area, then this could be implemented.


If a player is on Tatooine and his friend would like him in the depths of a dungeon on Drummon Kaas, this this should simply not be available.


Don't forget, if I form a fleet with my corpmates for Level 4 mission, and I am 21 jumps away, I sill have to travel to the required system (which I have to set up in my nav computer). That could take 15 - 20 minutes (or more if you are in a slow ship). Don't forget that during all that travel time, I am vulnerable to attacks by other players, espcially if I am flying in low sec.


Now that I have arrived in the correct system, well, I have to "warp to member" but if that member is 3 rooms into a plex, then you have to actually fly at sub-warp to an acceleration gate, use it and continue doing so until you arrive with the group.


"Warp to member" is NOT some magic teleport and can take far more time to do than to simply leave a planet, go to another planet and run to your firend on foot.


The others EvE elements you mentioned are not really applicable to a game like SWTOR either because the design concept of the game would not permit the integration.


EvE is a completely different beast than SWTOR is so I don't think most things would translate well.



EvE_Since_06_Canuck :)

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The idea of EvE gives me nerdboners. But actually playing it is another matter altogether. I cancelled my sub when I realized that I had to play another game while I was playing EvE to keep myself entertained. I liked how dangerous and dynamic the EvE world was.


dammit, I want to play EvE again but I know I'll just get bored with it again soon enough.


Same here. They should make space combat Tie Fighter like or add more modules that do interesting things, not just pew pew, power vampire, ecm and few others. To be honest i much preferred Star Trek Online space combat becouse i had _many_ more abilities to choose from any second. I know that in eve i need to control my velocities, ranges etc and it take high skill to master but it still feels very simplistic and limited. The only complex things in eve are market, politics and interface. Other complexity is just an illusion.

Edited by Satanski
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Stopped you right there. Paying 30$ a month to be successful in a game.


You are a very small minority. I never said what you do never happens, but that's how it works most of the time. True for almost all fleet engagements, small roaming gangs and gate camps. I've only really noticed solo or very small gangs work in low sec or in FW and even those people wave to watch out for pirate corps. Between you and me, frigates are hard to catch on a gate when you have to fly battlecruisers or battleships to tank the gun aggro so I never worried about that much, but then again what can you do to them?


I can do it with a single character too...and fyi, all my PVP is in low-sec and 0.0. You just have to use the right tactics. ;)


And a single BS/BC camping a gate tanking gate guns is probably the easiest kill ever. Not if you fly a frig, but asking for that to be different is kind of silly given that one costs 200k-20m on average while BS costs a ton more.


Either way, fighting outnumbered in EVE is totally possible with the right tactics.

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Eve: "La la la, just passing through a few gates, glad i'm flying through space...Oh i'm bubbed. Why am I bubOH GOD WHY IT HURTS SO MUCH SO MANY SHIPSOMGOMGOMGOMG...phew I just died. I can escape with my Capsu...dammit."


Or you could check the map for kills/camps in systems on your route, or use a scout...or fly with a few mates. You know, it's a MULTIPLAYER game after all. Or you could simply adapt and fly a ship that gets you out of gate camps if you go into regions where they are common. Common sense :rolleyes:

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I can do it with a single character too...and fyi, all my PVP is in low-sec and 0.0. You just have to use the right tactics. ;)


And a single BS/BC camping a gate tanking gate guns is probably the easiest kill ever. Not if you fly a frig, but asking for that to be different is kind of silly given that one costs 200k-20m on average while BS costs a ton more.


Either way, fighting outnumbered in EVE is totally possible with the right tactics.


Its so rarely a single BC/BS though. :p F1Nal typically sits on the gate to Amamake with no less than 15 every night. At the very least its an interdictor and a BC/BS. They never catch me in a griffin/kitsune but still. To me, without a pair of eyes in a fast claoky ship you are just a dead ship flying, especially in 0.0. Jumping though gates blindly is not smart and rarely ends well. It only takes one gate camp with a bubble and a few interceptors with a swarm of drones and BC support to ruin any solo players day. The only solo players that I've ever seen escape said gate camps are when they've been deployed too long without any activity and everyone was asleep at the wheel. ;)

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Find a good corporation you can join...problem solved ;)


In the end, the learning curve is probably still too high for a lot of people...especially WoW kiddies. But once you pull through, it's a pretty amazing game. A LOT more immersive than other MMOs, "real" politics, spy games, player generated content, player market, player production, MASSIVE world...but yeah, it takes A LOT more time to become good than WoW/SWTOR. Not saying it's better, just different...although PVP in EVE is definitely more challenging (and at least in my case that makes it more interesting).


The biggest plus? Your actions in EVE have CONSEQUENCES...whereas in WoW/SWTOR it really doesn't matter what you do.


I agree with your assessment that EVE isn't better or worse that WoW/SWTOR...but the whole consequences thing is the primary reason why I never ever accomplished anything in EVE. I don't think it is a plus. If I were still playing EVE, I'd love to be involved in null sec turf wars, massive trading or mining ops, or even be a mercenary for hire. But the fact of the matter is that I'm too scared of losing my investment. I don't like that fear. It's not fun for me. It's stressful, not an adrenaline rush. I don't play games to be stressed out that much.


Now if EVE had a more level-based system instead of a time-based skill system, and a more forgiving death penalty, I probably wouldn't play any other MMO. Well, provided they ever add more depth to the "Walking in Space Stations" thing they seem to always hype up nowadays. Last time I played, it did absolutely nothing, and there was no social aspect to it whatsoever. So I can see my own avatar and walk around in a tiny room...cool, but that's it? Nobody else can see it, and I can't see anyone else either? Lame.


Still, I love EVE for what it is worth, and I like the thought of what the game has to offer...I just couldn't gain any ground and do what I wanted to do. With that said, I never want to see SWTOR adopt anything remotely similar to the EVE style of gameplay.

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I finally gave in and started a trial sub on EvE. Got tired of reading about it and decided to try for myself. I loved SWG crafting system, and that game had some good ideas, so maybe a sandbox mmo is worth trying. That's what I'm about to find out.


Of course, still spending most of my time in SWTOR and only logging into WoW to raid...

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Eve: "La la la, just passing through a few gates, glad i'm flying through space...Oh i'm bubbed. Why am I bubOH GOD WHY IT HURTS SO MUCH SO MANY SHIPSOMGOMGOMGOMG...phew I just died. I can escape with my Capsu...dammit."


Heh... sounds like you know better than to fly around in 0.0 space alone unless you're affiliated with the corp or alliance that owns the system.


But yea, you haven't really played EvE until you've done just that.



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I like EVE. Played it for like 3 years. Not a bad game... But no, FFA PVP is not something I would like to see. Even on this game where death is not really penalized.


The only thing I would take from EVE is the ability to place buy orders. I think that would help economy quite a bit, so we can see the market demand, and not just the market offers...

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Provided people are on the same planet and in an accessible area, then this could be implemented.


If a player is on Tatooine and his friend would like him in the depths of a dungeon on Drummon Kaas, this this should simply not be available.


Don't forget, if I form a fleet with my corpmates for Level 4 mission, and I am 21 jumps away, I sill have to travel to the required system (which I have to set up in my nav computer). That could take 15 - 20 minutes (or more if you are in a slow ship). Don't forget that during all that travel time, I am vulnerable to attacks by other players, espcially if I am flying in low sec.


Now that I have arrived in the correct system, well, I have to "warp to member" but if that member is 3 rooms into a plex, then you have to actually fly at sub-warp to an acceleration gate, use it and continue doing so until you arrive with the group.


"Warp to member" is NOT some magic teleport and can take far more time to do than to simply leave a planet, go to another planet and run to your firend on foot.


The others EvE elements you mentioned are not really applicable to a game like SWTOR either because the design concept of the game would not permit the integration.


EvE is a completely different beast than SWTOR is so I don't think most things would translate well.



EvE_Since_06_Canuck :)


I agree with you and would never want SWTOR to remotely resemble Eve. And I agree that a "magic teleport" is not a good idea, which is why I didn't mention bookmarks etc. I was thinking, for example, of when I was involved in taking down a world boss. About 30 minutes was waiting for a collection of people to turn up at a rendezvous point (which was damn hard to get to, even with the purple stick-men milling around on the map). The "warp to member" functionality would have been a godsend there.

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