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  1. Hey there, Believe me, it's NOT just you, as I frequently get motion sickness in many games that I play. Skyrim, LA Noire, Red Dead Redemption, many first person shooters, etc. If I have too much to drink one night, I typically can't play the game for days afterwards. I looked into it and realized there were many others with the same problem. I used to remedy the problem by playing for shorter amounts of time on a smaller monitor. Hope you work something out that remedies your problem somehow... I know what you're going through, and I know it sucks.
  2. Heh... sounds like you know better than to fly around in 0.0 space alone unless you're affiliated with the corp or alliance that owns the system. But yea, you haven't really played EvE until you've done just that.
  3. I'm bumping this for Issue 5 pasted above. Can we have a dev reply please? Thanks
  4. Hi there! My kind of crowd... 41 years old, originally from Modesto, CA... I actually grew up in the same neighborhood as George Lucas and apparently according to my pop saw Star Wars on the side of his house before it was released in the theatre, but he's more often full of **** than not, and I can't remember doing so (I was six at the time), so that's that. I'm currently located on Empire side of Mind Trick, quite heavily populated, so there's a lot of good and bad types on my server. Good stuff though, definitely worth checking out. Feel free to send me a note, my main is Petergunn. Take care, hope this year finds you happy, healthy, and (once in a while) tipsy. Cheers! -James
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