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Trade champion commendations for BM commendations


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I hav'nt had a BM Token drop in over 30 bags now, it's supposed to be 25% chance drop? This is a lie.


I support this, I currently have far too many champion tokens now also, however;


A ration of 3 - 1 is far too much, maybe something like 100 for 1 or so, or, just increase the value of BM items by 4-6x and give a token in each bag.


Whateve the solution, do something and stop restricting these tokens to players, theres no way they are currently 25% drop chance.

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So what do I do with excess champ commendations? One companion is now full Champion and another is half Centurian. I need sooo many Champ commendations to get all my compansions their champ set.


I played WoW and LOTRO for years. Gearing up in this game was the easiest time I had. People keep saying its a 25% drop rate. I think thats wrong. It's a 5% drop rate. At least for me. But by doing the dailies and weeklies you eventually get your set. The game has only been around for 6 weeks. Give it some time and do your dailies.


I really don't think we need to make it easier to get gear.

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