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We NEED a penalty for dropping from a warzone NOW!


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Whats gatorade?

It was you who called me l337 bm,not me,but thx for compliments.Obviously you think that if i dont want to carry scrubs i want to be carried myself,why do you come with such conclusion is beyond me,are you mentally challenged by any chance?


No i dont rage at all,actualy when i get fail team and leave it doesnt rise any emotions from me at all,i simply do what is most effective for me.Same thing i do do on my job.


Why job fixation anyway?


What's Gatorade? An American Drink of some sorts. Like squash in this country, except branded. Or something. Except with more chemicals and additives and other assorted detrius the human body shouldn't be subjected to.


This again, is the reverse side of entitlement. These people feel entitled to shackle people to them, to drag them out of their hole. Because they are too lazy to get out of it on their own.


I've sat through losing games because people have fought hard and "tried". They've rocked up into matches, knowing they've only just dinged 50, but have at least spent time in Corellia getting Comms/Gear, doing their Ilum PvE dailies to not be a leech, and even knowing they're outclasses by miles, have put up a damned fine fight. You know, I'm proud to fight alongside them, even when we lose.


And then we get the opposite side.


These jumped up self important idiots, who feel that they deserve a slot on the team, regardless of their rotations, ability to CC, interrupt, etc... not to mention their complete lack of gearing - which in the end shows not only a lack of self respect for themselves, but a whole lack of disrespect for their team.. and feel a sense of "entitlement".


They'll order a team around, without knowing how things work, give up the match and start deathmatching the second we're not carrying them to victory, and haven't put any of the effort in to be "worth" that slot in the team. But want to punish me for not wanting to coddle them like children.


I *never* top dps, or healing. Sometimes I'll top protection. I'm a tank, go figure. In terms of what I do for the team, I'm worth my slot in it. If those who're really that determined to shackle me to them, should make the effort that I'd want to do so. Instead of thinking it's their God given right that I should babysit them to assauge their laziness.


Mostly, quitters don't bother me, because the team can win without them, or lose in a good game. Having some 12k health scrub who's decked out in greens my level 3x Scoundrel would be embarrased to wear at that level (except they are rocking level 50 WZ's with that gear) genuinely makes me feel like why should these people benefit from the effort I've put in when facing other high geared players - and rest assured, the other side often fields very strong opponents. And those enemies are worthy of respect. At least in capability, if not manners.


Edit: This part isn't aimed the the poster I quoted, but people reading this who have these entitlement issues that say we should be shackled to you:


However - if you're going to turn up and play like an idiot, geared like the laziest sloth on the planet, don't expect me, or others like me, who enjoy a "good" fight, to carry you to better gearing.

Edited by Dorkfrey
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All they have to do is make it so that you lose a WZ win from your daily counter, and let it go negative, if you leave early.


First they'd need to fix the counter to work as it is now though.


Yes. lets make the players who do premades vs. pugs and already out gear their opponents have an even larger advantage then they currently have.


While were at it lets make it an hour to requeue once you leave so we can just afk through all our matches..



You guys need to realize that leaving is not the problem, the match maker allowing uneven unwinnable matches from starting in the first place.

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There will be the occasional reason why a person quits, at that point you just take the 15 minute penalty. That doesn't happen all the time.


They will just log out and do something else, this debuff would fix nothing and the only thing it would add is making a bad situation worse than it currenty already is.

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They will just log out and do something else, this debuff would fix nothing and the only thing it would add is making a bad situation worse than it currenty already is.




WoW has had a deserter buff for years, and it works great. !5-30 minute deserter buff. The majority of the people who leave do so because they are losing, this buff will fix it or at least make it less severe.

Edited by ReynoldsCK
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I have gone back and fourth on this a few times. After being kicked from a WZ a few times and then queing into many that were just about to end or absolutely a lost cause. I cant see punishing everyone for the poor choices others make. I stay only becuse Im still getting the valor points just not as much.


I would like to see 2 more turrets added to Alderaan, the back and fourth is just old already or a shield node you could capture to bolster your ships defense.


Huttball is my least favorite WZ, be nice to have a few turrets in there you could capture for 20 second bursts or a shield node at the goal line you activate for 20 seconds to block access. "Cheating is encouraged" to quote the announcer.


Voidstar, no idea how to fix this or make it more fun unless additonal objectives are added.


The real solution would be to add 7-9 more WZ, everyone on the grind is getting bored repeating samething over and over again, I pulled 3 Huttballs in a row the other night wanted to pull my hair out. Any constructive ideas for additional WZ?

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Most of the players who quit Warzones when things get a little tough are usually pretty horrible players, even if they stick around till the match ends they usually provide nothing to the team. Let them leave they are only baddies looking to be carried for wins, and put in the debuff/penalty so their badness doesn't ruin our matches for a while.
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Based on the 3 MMO's I've played, two with penalties, one without, seems there was a lot less quitting in the other two game. A LOT less.


To the person trying to defend the fact that they quit out of games, give it up, you a loser. I wouldn't want you to "overwork" yourself playing a video game.


It's hard to suck down cheetos and mountain dew when you are rolling your face on the keyboard trying to carry scrubs, amirite? If you have someone to carry you, you can stand in the corner and get your rewards.

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People are so short sighted. If you punish people for leaving obviously they will stop to leave, but they will start leeching and you are stuck with that. On a bonus you will make sure that a team stuck with leechers can't leave themselves and they will loose interest in playing the match itself.


At least right now when someone leaves he can be replaced. I don't know about everyone obviously, but from my experience on Prophecy of the Five I've won a lot of games with leavers in the first 30 secondes because they were replaced by someone actually trying to help the team.


I've also lost a lot of games with leavers in it and blaming the loss on the leavers only is stupid. There is no way to know for sure that your team would not have lost the game anyway. Beside it is always easier to blame others for your own failures.


Stop going for the ban hammer at the first sign of trouble, take some pills get out of your nerd rage and come back once you have a clear enough mind to formulate constructive and positive incentives to interest people in actually playing the game instead.


I believe an option to resign as a group would help against hopeless and obvious outcomes. Also a better medal systems that would reward people to actually play the objective would be a great addition.


If you only reward people on the outcome alone of the match the amount of leavers will obviously increase, because only the win matters. You need to reward people for playing the game, not on the outcome of it. That should also includes the dailies. Dailies based on win is retarded. It needs to be changed. Change it to objective and make those objectives count as the game ends. You will be sure to see less leavers and obviously no leechers.


Punishment betters nothing, it just mutates the problem into something else.

Edited by Theodorick
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Well the good news is that Bioware doesn't do anything to prevent afk leechers and/or deserters during Warzones instead, they encourage players to do this because there is no penalty. I've been doing lots of warzones today and i've seen people leaving and afk almost every friggin match and it's getting worse by each day. I like to PVP but BW approve and again, encourage some players to behave like this.
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For some people, like myself, I really dont like Huttball, but I love the 2 other instances: the 3-cannon defend and the Ship seige/defend.

The problem is you cannot queue for a specific instance -- its very random. And once you load, its the only time you can exit that instance. I only leave huttball. For the other 2, I stay whether I am at the very beginning of the instance or at the very end, winning or losing.


I just really dont like Huttball. And I dont want to stay and waste my limited online time playing something I dont like.


If there will be a way to queue for a specific PVP instance, it may help cases like mine.

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I love how people's first reaction is to treat the symptom.


Yes, quitting will happen in every game regardless of what systems are in place. That's a reality people should accept. That being said, the biggest reason why people leave a warzone early is because they don't want to waste their time not completing the Daily/Weekly.


Want the number of players who leave a match early to drop? Change the warzone daily to reflect something that an individual can work towards, even if they are on the losing side.


Will quitting still happen? Sure, but not to the same degree it does now. Then, Bioware can go ahead and implement a 15-20 minute abstinence penalty for quitting warzones.

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So sick of lame lazy losers who decide after 30s that they can't win so quit, thereby pretty much crippling the team. For example Team of 8.... 30s into Alderaan Civil War we only cap 1 turret and 3 people leave rather than actually try! The next 2-3 mins is then a procession of players joining, seeing we are losing and leaving... ridiculous


I would say a 15 minute lockout at least for dropping, that way you don't gain anything by dropping and restarting. You may as well stay and give it a go.


You are confused.


The majority of these people that quit after 30 seconds are not lazy.


There is a 60 second inactive timer in place. Sometimes the load time into a war zone takes almost the full minute.


So you finally load into the wz only to have a warning telling you that you have to leave the protected area....you try to get out, but the timer has expired and you are sent to the fleet.


What you see as an active player is people coming and going, but it is not their choice........

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