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People need to realize....


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Do people actually use WoW's combat logs (getting attacked by 3 people for example makes it impossible to read when the text is scrolling fast) or just the recount addon that sums it up in nice bars?


The most I ever use is the feedback in game from the combat output, which is hard to do in this game unless I write it down by hand. Outside logs are of no use for me personally.

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TOR's endgame is weak. Gear drops faster than anything I've seen before.


At this rate I will have my main and two alts fully geared in a month or two... if I play that long.


Huh...and I am hearing just the opposite from other people...that gear does NOT drop fast enough. Finding enough gear to fully equip an eight man ops for a HM Operation is proving to be difficult.


Also that REing items can take a long time to produce rare schematics. I know people who have given up on crafting because it was not dropping schematics fast enough.

Edited by otakuon
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Huh...and I am hearing just the opposite from other people...that gear does NOT drop fast enough. Finding enough gear to fully equip an eight man ops for a HM Operation is proving to be difficult.


Also that REing items can take a long time to produce rare schematics. I know people who have given up on crafting because it was not dropping schematics fast enough.


Well I guess my group is just lucky...

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Then I guess mileage will vary. I have yet to run out of things to do. I suppose being in a large and active guild helps. You have dailies, Operations, PvP , crafting, gearing, exploring, etc. To be honest, this is the first time I have found an MMO to be "fun" in a long time...and I have pretty much tried them all.


To each their own I guess...but I do have to disagree that there is a "fatal-flaw" with TOR's endgame.


Yes, the game does have tedious dailies. I'll give you that.


Crafting is almost worthless endgame, and all of my crafts were capped before I reached level 35.


Exploring? There is absolutely no incentive what so ever to explore on this game outside of collecting datacrons - which are often-times so ridiculously hidden everyone just U-Tubes then anyawys. So I fail to see how exploration is a key part of things to do on this game. This is one of the most linear and void of exploration MMORPGs I've ever played.


Operations and Flashpoints are difficult to particpate in unless you go with your guild or enough of your friends are online - so that makes these very situational as to when you can access them.


Adding a good LFG tool would help with this - and it was pretty short-sighted how they practically copied and pasted WoW's endgame yet chose to leave one of it's best parts off of it. The LFG tool was really the only thing about WoW that I thought was well done.


I'm not really into PvP.


Just wait till after you reach 50 or have been 50 for awhile. Many of our complaints will most likely become your own. Once you cap out your crafts and realize it's almost worthless, get all your datacrons and have no real incentive to go anywhere but Belsavus and Illum to grind dailies you will probably realize just how shallow this game becomes at the end.


It's just a lackluster WoW-style hamsterwheel. Outside of that, there is almost nothing to do but "roll an alt".

Edited by JeremyDale
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Should spilt the game into two.


PvE and PvP.


You can't use PvE abilities/Equipment in PvP, and you can't use PvP abilities/equipment in PvE.


Both get different sets of abilities, equipment and stats.


You level up in PvE via XP and doing PvE things.


You level up in PvP via Valor and doing PvP things (Killing other players, etc) perhaps have dailies (Kill x amount of Imp/Rep for xx amount of Valor) capturing bases, etc.


Add a diminishing returns system for level IE: a Level 20 killing a Level 10 would get less Valor than killing a level 15. A level 30 killing a level 10 would get neg. Valor.


You have certain planets for PvP and certain planets for PvE. You don't carry level over from one-game mode to the next (Being level 50 in PvE means nothing in PvP).


This way, when they have to fix something in a PvP ability, it has no effect on PvE and vice-versa.

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Yes, the game does have tedious dailies. I'll give you that.


Crafting is almost worthless endgame, and all of my crafts were capped before I reached level 35.


Exploring? There is absolutely no incentive what so ever to explore on this game outside of collecting datacrons - which are often-times so ridiculously hidden everyone just U-Tubes then anyawys. So I fail to see how exploration is a key part of things to do on this game. This is one of the most linear and void of exploration MMORPGs I've ever played.


Operations and Flashpoints are difficult to particpate in unless you go with your guild or enough of your friends are online - so that makes these very situational as to when you can access them.


Adding a good LFG tool would help with this - and it was pretty short-sighted how they practically copied and pasted WoW's endgame yet chose to leave one of it's best parts off off it. The LFG tool was really the only thing about WoW that I thought was well done.


I'm not really into PvP.


Just wait till after you reach 50 or have been 50 for awhile. Many of our complaints will most likely become your own. Once you cap out your crafts and realize it's almost worthless, get all your datacrons and have no real incentive to go anywhere but Belsavus and Illum to grind dailies you will probably realize just how shallow this game becomes at the end.


It's just a lackluster WoW-style hamsterwheel. Outside of that, there is almost nothing to do.


Fair enough.


I guess being an RPer on an RP server gives me and other players on my server more to do. We make up our own events like Swoop Racing and cross-faction open-world skirmishes. And I do have to say that the fun of getting the datacrons is the challenge of figuring out how to get to them, which to me has proven enjoyable. Plus, I have only been playing one character since the first day of EGA, so I have the other faction to try out as well.


Leveling in any other MMOs has been such a chore that TOR has been a "breath of fresh air" to me and is the first MMO I have enjoyed playing in a long time. Part of it has to do with not focusing solely on "end-game" and making up my own list of things to do with my guild. Other then having "randomly" generated quests (and we know how well THAT works) I don't really see what more there could be to end-game right now. Every other MMO out there there apart from the pure sandboxes have similar end-game mechanics or rely more heavily on PvP. More content will be added and at this point, all of it will be geared towards those who have reached endgame (like the new Flashpoint that came out with 1.1).

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More content will be added and at this point, all of it will be geared towards those who have reached endgame (like the new Flashpoint that came out with 1.1).


The 1.1 "content patch" wasn't new stuff added, it was stuff supposed to be in at release but not finished in time. Notice it wasn't a new tier of content above what was already there..it was the FP that drops the current tier helm, and patching in the 4 bosses they didn't have in KP at launch.


They just called it a "content patch" because the alternative is to call it "stuff we should have shipped with but didn't."

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This is one of the most linear and void of exploration MMORPGs I've ever played.




Just wait till after you reach 50 or have been 50 for awhile. Many of our complaints will most likely become your own. Once you cap out your crafts and realize it's almost worthless, get all your datacrons and have no real incentive to go anywhere but Belsavus and Illum to grind dailies you will probably realize just how shallow this game becomes at the end.


And This


It's just a lackluster WoW-style hamsterwheel. Outside of that, there is almost nothing to do but "roll an alt".


After the 2nd alt, doing the same quests again and again... gets you bored really fast.

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WoW was crap at launch but it got better over time after hundreds of updates and new expansions.


WoW at launch wasn't without its flaws, but it was a much better MMO than SWTOR. SWTOR should have never been released as an MMO. It's a single player game with multiplayer elements.

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WoW at launch wasn't without its flaws, but it was a much better MMO than SWTOR. SWTOR should have never been released as an MMO. It's a single player game with multiplayer elements.


I couldn't disagree with you any more than i currently do. It's like people have different opinions or something. I think the Dude had a good line about that..........

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Fair enough.


I guess being an RPer on an RP server gives me and other players on my server more to do. We make up our own events like Swoop Racing and cross-faction open-world skirmishes. And I do have to say that the fun of getting the datacrons is the challenge of figuring out how to get to them, which to me has proven enjoyable. Plus, I have only been playing one character since the first day of EGA, so I have the other faction to try out as well.


Leveling in any other MMOs has been such a chore that TOR has been a "breath of fresh air" to me and is the first MMO I have enjoyed playing in a long time. Part of it has to do with not focusing solely on "end-game" and making up my own list of things to do with my guild. Other then having "randomly" generated quests (and we know how well THAT works) I don't really see what more there could be to end-game right now. Every other MMO out there there apart from the pure sandboxes have similar end-game mechanics or rely more heavily on PvP. More content will be added and at this point, all of it will be geared towards those who have reached endgame (like the new Flashpoint that came out with 1.1).


^This. :D

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