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CE Vendor? A bad joke...


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The stuff in the CE vendor doesn't cover all armour types, companions or even provide unique cosmetic pets.


They hinted it would be cosmetic and customization items but was never precise and I feel that was on purpose because this CE store fuelled a lot of intrigue.


If they had been precise then I wouldn't have purchased the CE - I wanted access to everything this game had because I trusted Bioware, love Star Wars and have been an avid MMORPG player for 15 years...


I trusted Bioware to create a CE vendor filled with cosmetic and customisation items at least covering all potential classes...


Really.... Please ALLWAYS remember how many fingers that point back at you when you point at someone.


If you are in doubt what was in the CE then I guess you didn't read this article:



I might be thick, but to me that clearly states what you get for your money (Including all the physical products that you also recieve, but I guess they are not important in this discussion (Even though the cover from my guess around 80-90% of the extra price)).


Have you ever thought about that it might be your expectations that are off?


You make this thread as if you're the victim. But it's you that made the mistake. It was YOU that should have seen through the publicity material before using that amount of money on a game, not Bioware.


It's how the world works... I'm sorry but it just is... Just turn on your TV for instance. It's you in control of what you do, it's you who decide who to trust, you are not forced to anything. Yes it might be harsh, but I so tired of allmost everyone in here, thinking it's their right, thinking that bioware is only in it for money, that they are evil. Do you think that they world only works around you?


WRAAA!!!!! :mad:

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When you saw that the box cost triple what the regular game did, that should've been a red flag that the bulk of your payment would be going to physical items rather than digital ones. That statue would've been sold on its own for easily 100$ (which is what I paid for the other TOR statue from the same company,) the journal is really good quality, and they actually gave you a physical copy of the soundtrack (which I wasn't expecting.) Free authenticator. Cool box. All of that more than pays for the cost of the CE without the digital swag that comes with it. I personally don't care for the orange gear it sells, but I think it's cool that my T7 looks significantly different from every other T7 out there thanks to a customization kit exclusive to the CE vendor. It's a bummer that you thought it was a good idea to drop 100$ just to get an in-game vendor, but really - 100$ just for that? Instead of complaining that you feel cheated, maybe you should be thanking whatever higher power you may or may not believe in that you have a steady enough income to drop that kind of dough on pixels. I'm a proud CE owner, and I don't feel cheated at all.



In the past I would be content with the "cool box" (are you being sarcastic?) but I can't just turn away. As much as I'd like to climb into my "cool box" and spend hours being dragged around my home I'd rather find something worthy in-game to do... Hence the in-game stuff given as part of the CE has more value to me because it was apparently exclusive to CE owners.


As for the statue, I actually believe it's head is turned away because it know's its a symbol of my lost trust in Bioware (joke before you think I'm serious).

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Wisdom has nothing to do with it, I trusted a company I have purchased products from before and enjoyed. I feel as though that trust was used against me and rather than simply acknowledging or fixing this (filling a vendor is a fast fix) they have chosen to ignore it.


Plus everyone who subscribes puts trust into the company. You trust they aren't going to ruin things whether intentionally or accidentally over the next month or so. So when a company appears to use that trust negatively how should I react when I'm asked to trust them a month in advance afterwards?


This being an MMORPG shouldn't be an excuse... If I was to buy some jeans from a shop and they weren't satisfactory I could take them back... If I was given moldy bread at a restaurant they'd apologise and replace... But because this is an MMORPG I should just take it? It's my own fault? Perhap this game is the one that broke the camels back for me - but I'm not going to simply accept it. No one should...


Oh and I'm not after anything, just the devs to admit they made a number of mistakes... A bit of transparency goes a long way.... Oh and perhaps MMORPG's to be held in the same field as other trade - so in future if its broken and unsatisfactory people can be refunded. Wouldn't it be nice if devs couldn't rely on hype and spin for initial box sales that couldn't be returned?


Sorry, it isn't only MMORPGs that have the "can't return it" issue. ALL software bought and opened can't be returned except on defect to receive the exact same item. If you had never opened your collectors edition you could return it for a full refund.

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This is a question to the role players – how can you role play when everything is already pre-defined for you?


Before I get to the above question, I'd like to comment on your initial point. I do agree that the CE vendor is pathetic. It was originally touted as having unique items available for sale only to CE customers. But, I did not purchase the CE because of that - I purchased it because I purchased the CE edition for Star Wars Galaxies, and every-other Star Wars collectors edition item I could afford (The CE edition of "THE JEDI PATH" book is one of my favorite things - the way the vault opens - too cool!).


But, again - I will completely agree that more needs to be added to that vendor - including level progression of those items! The yellow/black crystal should be available up to level 47 at least!


- - -


But, onto the above question. Role-Play is what you make of it. My character is my own, although I do not like some of the choices (they go against what I would do if I was playing the character in an RPG), I work my way around the stupidity and repeated dialog.


Another example is my secondary character, although people in-game see her as "Kira Carsen), I address her as "Tysie Fallon" in my guild stories. So, yes, I can see the frustration in playing someone else character with my characters name - but I can get over that, too.


With my main hitting 50, and my dislike for PVP overall (and in this game, it's worse with the Republic being outnumbered so badly on our (and most likely every) server) the Role-Play options are restricted to the fleet or cantina's, since doing the same end-game weak PvE (or nearly impossible Hard Mode flashpoints; look, I'm a FULL-HEALING Sage, I draw agro when healing, I'm dead in seconds until I find SOME WAY to get better gear without PvPing my life away; if I could do that, since the last 5 matches I was in where we won 2 of them, we were not given credit!).


Anywise, my point is - Role-Play is what you make of it. And I can RP my characters on these rails... I may not like the choices at times, but they are not game breaking to me.

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Really.... Please ALLWAYS remember how many fingers that point back at you when you point at someone.


If you are in doubt what was in the CE then I guess you didn't read this article:



I might be thick, but to me that clearly states what you get for your money (Including all the physical products that you also recieve, but I guess they are not important in this discussion (Even though the cover from my guess around 80-90% of the extra price)).


Have you ever thought about that it might be your expectations that are off?


You make this thread as if you're the victim. But it's you that made the mistake. It was YOU that should have seen through the publicity material before using that amount of money on a game, not Bioware.


It's how the world works... I'm sorry but it just is... Just turn on your TV for instance. It's you in control of what you do, it's you who decide who to trust, you are not forced to anything. Yes it might be harsh, but I so tired of allmost everyone in here, thinking it's their right, thinking that bioware is only in it for money, that they are evil. Do you think that they world only works around you?


WRAAA!!!!! :mad:


I'm no victim... And I'm glad fingers are pointing. The fact that I'm ranting over the poor quality of the game, lack of quality in the CE vendor and that in any other circumstance I could get a full refund yet because it's an MMORPG I dont have any rights is something I want people to point at.


As for your comments about the 90% of cost going to physical content that could be true. But the vendor was part of the CE so it's considered part of the sales pitch. Therefore whether its worth 1% or 100% of what I've paid I should still get something worthwhile dressed as a CE vendor. And because I purchased as a whole and they didn't break it into individual values surely the CE vendor's value is based upon MY INTEREST regarding the CE content? And for me that vendor and mouse droid was 100% of the value above DDE version paid (and the mouse droid isn't even a mouse droid, it's a frisby on wheels!).


Afterall it's not what it cost but what it's worth - or at least thats how the real world works (as you explain later).


As for your final paragraph thats laughable. Were in control. Good one. Perhaps you should turn that TV off and look for real information.


I don't recall saying Bioware are out for money (I'm sure they are - who isn't?) and dont expect this to get anything. I clearly state in several posts I'm just ranting... It's you who are expecting me to want something and I'm sick of people trying to tell me what to think and do - I've had enough of that levelling my Operative and Juggernaut...

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Before I get to the above question, I'd like to comment on your initial point. I do agree that the CE vendor is pathetic. It was originally touted as having unique items available for sale only to CE customers. But, I did not purchase the CE because of that - I purchased it because I purchased the CE edition for Star Wars Galaxies, and every-other Star Wars collectors edition item I could afford (The CE edition of "THE JEDI PATH" book is one of my favorite things - the way the vault opens - too cool!).


But, again - I will completely agree that more needs to be added to that vendor - including level progression of those items! The yellow/black crystal should be available up to level 47 at least!


- - -


But, onto the above question. Role-Play is what you make of it. My character is my own, although I do not like some of the choices (they go against what I would do if I was playing the character in an RPG), I work my way around the stupidity and repeated dialog.


Another example is my secondary character, although people in-game see her as "Kira Carsen), I address her as "Tysie Fallon" in my guild stories. So, yes, I can see the frustration in playing someone else character with my characters name - but I can get over that, too.


With my main hitting 50, and my dislike for PVP overall (and in this game, it's worse with the Republic being outnumbered so badly on our (and most likely every) server) the Role-Play options are restricted to the fleet or cantina's, since doing the same end-game weak PvE (or nearly impossible Hard Mode flashpoints; look, I'm a FULL-HEALING Sage, I draw agro when healing, I'm dead in seconds until I find SOME WAY to get better gear without PvPing my life away; if I could do that, since the last 5 matches I was in where we won 2 of them, we were not given credit!).


Anywise, my point is - Role-Play is what you make of it. And I can RP my characters on these rails... I may not like the choices at times, but they are not game breaking to me.


I'm impressed that you have found the inner peace to work around the rails. I have done that so often in the past that I just think my wheels have fallen off. Every time I try I just hit another fence and I think this thread has turned into my variation of "falling down".

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Yeah I know. It's not about the money but the PR wonderment that surrounded the CE Vendor making it sound like some magical entity that encouraged the vast majority to buy the CE and be screwed over in the process.



The defination of PR is being disingenuous with the truth and making people believe it/buy it.


Frankly the "combat droid" discription was by far the worst, it was totally false. :eek:

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Sorry, it isn't only MMORPGs that have the "can't return it" issue. ALL software bought and opened can't be returned except on defect to receive the exact same item. If you had never opened your collectors edition you could return it for a full refund.


You have a very valid point. It's just software has a function. If it does it... money well spent. Plus the majority of software has a 30 day free period for you to make sure it fits your work flow.

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The defination of PR is being disingenuous with the truth and making people believe it/buy it.


Frankly the "combat droid" discription was by far the worst, it was totally false. :eek:


The mouse droid got me, I've got a saucer on wheels... This isn't the droid I'm looking for... I was really looking forward to running around going "der da da der der" (mouse droid noise from a new hope).

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I wish I'd been in that meeting.


"Yo, you reckon people will pay like a hundred quid more for our collector's edition?"


"Lol probably not, what would they even get from it?"


"I dunno, a making of DVD or some junk. Mass Effect 2's one had that though and that was like £50."


"Virtual items - people love that crap. You see the sparkle pony in WoW? Like hotcakes, my friend, like gosh darn hotcakes."


"Not sure the art team are gonna like that - I heard from Johnson that they've not even optimised the high res textures yet."


"Just chuck in a vendor and promise them we'll add stuff later. That way when the art team is freed up we can provide it."


"You think anyone is actually stupid enough to pay £100 extra on a vague promise of future items?"


"Well, they would also get to be smug and put 'CE VIP' in their forum sigs."


"Might as well try I guess. Meeting adjourned. Steve, make this happen."



There's marketing execs literally still high-fiving each other right now because of this.

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I wish I'd been in that meeting.


"Yo, you reckon people will pay like a hundred quid more for our collector's edition?"


"Lol probably not, what would they even get from it?"


"I dunno, a making of DVD or some junk. Mass Effect 2's one had that though and that was like £50."


"Virtual items - people love that crap. You see the sparkle pony in WoW? Like hotcakes, my friend, like gosh darn hotcakes."


"Not sure the art team are gonna like that - I heard from Johnson that they've not even optimised the high res textures yet."


"Just chuck in a vendor and promise them we'll add stuff later. That way when the art team is freed up we can provide it."


"You think anyone is actually stupid enough to pay £100 extra on a vague promise of future items?"


"Well, they would also get to be smug and put 'CE VIP' in their forum sigs."


"Might as well try I guess. Meeting adjourned. Steve, make this happen."



There's marketing execs literally still high-fiving each other right now because of this.



LOL. That's probably exactly how it went.

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Life is a lesson. Entitlement is a character flaw.


Judging someone who you have never met is also a character flaw.


The terminology "entitlement" is normally given to someone who expects the world to give it a living without themselves working or paying their way.


I paid £139 for the game. And then £49 (I can't remember for a 6 month sub). I was prepared for the long haul but after roughly 8 weeks I can't find any motivation to log in and the content I want to play is buggy or broken - not to mention all my friends giving up surely ENTITLES ME to say what I think?


I've made stupid mistakes with this game... And I dont expect anything from Bioware (although more development transparency and community interaction would be awesome). I just want to rant!

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Sooooooo ... Do Jedi clown shoes come in a variety of colors, or are they the standard earthtone red/black color schemes we've seen with the rest of the gear?







Sorry you got shafted, OP. To paraphrase RP MacMurphy, "Don't gimme that, lady. When a guy's gettin' screwed he as the right to holler."


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This is the most retarded crap I've seen in my long life of gaming since my zx spectrum 48k.


Same people who buy Warhammer CE, AoC CE, Mortal Online etc etc


All to get nothing out of it.


And I bet 100 euros right here, that the guys who buy CE are the same who allways say in forums "hey.. its one month old", "combat s fine, learn to play", etc


Exact the same blind fanboyism.


Again, I got nothing to do with other people money, but you guys are ruining this genre seriously. Giving away 150 euros for a game and keep defending stuff saying is fine when clearly isn't. Just because you like the game, doesn't mean its fine.

I also liked the game, but I uninstalled it and got 9 days left on account cause game is not fine, got many stuff missing, many game breaking bugs and a sloppy game design overall.

Ye, game is fun but its not worth my sub... YET.


Stop buying CE's guys, you going keep getting cheated for eternity and are not helping the industry by going with the hype flow and just throw money blindly at game developers.

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This is the most retarded crap I've seen in my long life of gaming since my zx spectrum 48k.


Same people who buy Warhammer CE, AoC CE, Mortal Online etc etc


All to get nothing out of it.


And I bet 100 euros right here, that the guys who buy CE are the same who allways say in forums "hey.. its one month old", "combat s fine, learn to play", etc


Exact the same blind fanboyism.


Again, I got nothing to do with other people money, but you guys are ruining this genre seriously. Giving away 150 euros for a game and keep defending stuff saying is fine when clearly isn't. Just because you like the game, doesn't mean its fine.

I also liked the game, but I uninstalled it and got 9 days left on account cause game is not fine, got many stuff missing, many game breaking bugs and a sloppy game design overall.

Ye, game is fun but its not worth my sub... YET.


Stop buying CE's guys, you going keep getting cheated for eternity and are not helping the industry by going with the hype flow and just throw money blindly at game developers.



I will stop buying CE's. But I dont think thats going to help my interest in this game or trust in Bioware post SWTOR...

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Perhaps I should just /shrug and walk away because it's clear everyone else is happy with this...


Just admit you purchased the CE for the wrong reason, and move along.


I'm sincere here. In game virutal content is the wrong reason to buy any product. Should have learned this way back in the early days of WoW.



Now, if you cannot get past it, then patience will allow you to see new items added to the vendor in the future. Maybe a nice pair of fluffy pink socks that are fully moddable and glow in the dark. ;)

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I wish I'd been in that meeting.


"Yo, you reckon people will pay like a hundred quid more for our collector's edition?"


"Lol probably not, what would they even get from it?"


"I dunno, a making of DVD or some junk. Mass Effect 2's one had that though and that was like £50."


"Virtual items - people love that crap. You see the sparkle pony in WoW? Like hotcakes, my friend, like gosh darn hotcakes."


"Not sure the art team are gonna like that - I heard from Johnson that they've not even optimised the high res textures yet."


"Just chuck in a vendor and promise them we'll add stuff later. That way when the art team is freed up we can provide it."


"You think anyone is actually stupid enough to pay £100 extra on a vague promise of future items?"


"Well, they would also get to be smug and put 'CE VIP' in their forum sigs."


"Might as well try I guess. Meeting adjourned. Steve, make this happen."



There's marketing execs literally still high-fiving each other right now because of this.


Yeah, but..... they are still selling CE bundles like hot cakes. Can't account for the silliness of people who purchase for the vapor items in a CE. I did buy the CE. I bought it for the real items inside the box.


Heck a bunch of people even convinced themselves it was a limited editon release and bought them to spec sell on ebay for big profits. I would love to be a fly on the wall and see them drop kicking the CE box all over their bedroom a week after launch. :D

Edited by Andryah
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CE version seemed fine to me. In-game items are always bleh in CEs. The statue was nice, good quality. Soundtrack is a basic. The Journal was a nice quick read. About the only thing I would have liked to see that is somewhat a staple is a Making Of DVD.


All in all it was on par with other MMO CEs.

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What you say makes perfect sense. The element that grinds is that I convinced several people to leave WoW to try SWTOR. Some have failed to get past level 30 but those that have got to 50 are having such a bad time that I feel angered by what this game is.


And then I look at the game and see everything that they are saying and more because I've done the end game content...


My rose tinted glasses have broken and the sewer I've dragged them into is up to our necks... I want to lash out and make Bioware understand how pathetic this game is - I want my rights to count but I know they don't actually follow me into MMORPG's so developers can do what they want and as a consumer I either take it or leave it...


I feel you my dude..

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Just admit you purchased the CE for the wrong reason, and move along.


I'm sincere here. In game virutal content is the wrong reason to buy any product. Should have learned this way back in the early days of WoW.



Now, if you cannot get past it, then patience will allow you to see new items added to the vendor in the future. Maybe a nice pair of fluffy pink socks that are fully moddable and glow in the dark. ;)



How can you say I purchased the CE for the wrong reason? I purchased it for the CE vendor. Thats my choice and it was advertised as part of the CE's content so how can it be wrong? If I purchased the CE expecting a CE vendor that hadn't been marketed then IT WOULD BE THE WRONG REASON.


As for being able to get past it, I have no choice. I have a 6 month sub and companies like EA only take note when the quarterly statement is below expectations.

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CE version seemed fine to me. In-game items are always bleh in CEs. The statue was nice, good quality. Soundtrack is a basic. The Journal was a nice quick read. About the only thing I would have liked to see that is somewhat a staple is a Making Of DVD.


All in all it was on par with other MMO CEs.


The quality of the physical content isn't in question. That box was really cool. Yet all that counts for nothing when the game is so linear at level one if you look close enough you can see the level 50 content at the end of the tunnel...


...and the CE unique digital stuff is pathetic.

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How can you say I purchased the CE for the wrong reason? I purchased it for the CE vendor.


Because you paid a huge premium in $$ for a handful of virtual content in a CE that was loaded with real world content. People do it in every game and then complain about it. Virtual item in CEs are historically useless soon after game launch.


At least in this case, they can add to the vendor over time if they want to.


Complaints are worse for this CE because it is a lot higher priced. Higher priced BECAUSE OF ALL THE REAL ITEMS IN THE BOX. :rolleyes:


On the upside, if you activated your security key, then you might find something on the security key vendor you like.

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