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I know what I'm doing.... why can't i kill or dismiss companions?


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I hate this baby sitting and being railroaded down the same path. I feel that this game isn't a story you control, it's just like being told a story rather than experiencing your own world.


I wanted to be rid of Kira, and despite every negative discussion, not a chance, and the outcome is the exact opposite, frustrating.


While some people might want to have the option to undo their mistakes, I'm OK living with the consequences as it's my story and it should be an option and not mandated in the story telling.


I hope Bioware do something about this, as there is no benefit other than to appease your companions, it's like having to run around after a bunch of kids. Given this is my own time, how about I'm the hero for a change and if they don't fit, they get moved out. In fact you are penalized for not brown nosing them to the extreme as they won't craft as fast for you? Where is the consequence in that?


Also, instead of adding new companions, please unlock a companion slot for your own alt. That's what the legacy system should be all about.


We were told all about the magic of the 4th pillar of MMO design, and I think we've been short changed with linear progression. Given what we are seeing here, the 4th pillar is just what we get in all other games, but with cut scenes.


Be interest to hear the reason why Bioware decided to cut key features like this, the 3rd faction etc from the game, when things suffer so much as a result?

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I hate this baby sitting and being railroaded down the same path. I feel that this game isn't a story you control, it's just like being told a story rather than experiencing your own world.


I wanted to be rid of Kira, and despite every negative discussion, not a chance, and the outcome is the exact opposite, frustrating.


While some people might want to have the option to undo their mistakes, I'm OK living with the consequences as it's my story and it should be an option and not mandated in the story telling.


I hope Bioware do something about this, as there is no benefit other than to appease your companions, it's like having to run around after a bunch of kids. Given this is my own time, how about I'm the hero for a change and if they don't fit, they get moved out. In fact you are penalized for not brown nosing them to the extreme as they won't craft as fast for you? Where is the consequence in that?


Also, instead of adding new companions, please unlock a companion slot for your own alt. That's what the legacy system should be all about.


We were told all about the magic of the 4th pillar of MMO design, and I think we've been short changed with linear progression. Given what we are seeing here, the 4th pillar is just what we get in all other games, but with cut scenes.


Be interest to hear the reason why Bioware decided to cut key features like this, the 3rd faction etc from the game, when things suffer so much as a result?

You obviously don't know what you're doing as you can dismiss companions...
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The game released with all of the truly defining content missing because EA pushed for it to buff up their numbers. Once again electronic arts manages to ruin a potentially great game by being overly aggressive with its developers. This is the second time its done this (see the disappointment that is DA 2, a decent to good game on its own, failed to measure up to DA 1)
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Blame the player, not the game.


You were able to permanently kill-off your companions originally, however BioWare changed it so you cannot. Why, you may ask? Well their reason was that people started to complain that they didn't have any companions after they had killed them all.


Yep, people are that stupid.

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Blame the player, not the game.


You were able to permanently kill-off your companions originally, however BioWare changed it so you cannot. Why, you may ask? Well their reason was that people started to complain that they didn't have any companions after they had killed them all.


Yep, people are that stupid.


I don't think I'd do it to anyone but the ship droid but the option would be nice to have. The best way I can see this is you can buy droid companions that you can assign skill sets to fill the empty slots u made by sending off/killing your story companions. They'd have no personality, just craft and fill the 5 roles.

Edited by Lithy
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I don't think I'd do it to anyone but the ship droid but the option would be nice to have. The best way I can see this is you can buy droid companions that you can assign skill sets to fill the empty slots u made by sending off/killing your story companions. They'd have no personality, just craft and fill the 5 roles.


Only if they don't have a voice!!!!

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With players raging about how they cannot change their advanced class and about how they cannot change their Legacy names even though it is stated several times that these are permanent decisions, I think Bioware made a wise choice when they removed the option to kill companions.
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How can you not like Kira? She is the best companion i've had so far on all 8 Classes :o


I personally wouldn't have a problem with people killing companions, I wouldn't kill many mind you because I'm not a moron (But if you could have got battle droids in place from the start as replacements I might have offed Gault :mad:) Also i'd feel like i'm missing something content wise if I killed them.

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i would like to see the option to add droids or pets to my call out list / Ship / Crew

i think some of the companions are terrible im thinking skirge (BH companion)

and his perma hate.


But i cant understand why people want to kill their team members.

If you dont like them as others have said dont call them....

Edited by Alpha-Llama
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I think a lot of people miss the point, the story choices I make are ignored and I am railroaded down the single story path.


I have gone out of my way to not get along with my Padawan as she has a dark secret, however that doesn't matter, then she acts as if nothing has happened. i've gone from main protagonist to the B cast as my voice isn't heard.


I have noticed this on the second play through for the same class, you agree with the story (which a bunch of you are here) then it flows really well, if you disagree it's pretty jarring. I guess when a few of you try and push the boundaries of the story you might feel the same way.


And because of this play style, I'm actually out of pocket as to my face these companions are fine and nothing has changed, behind my back, well they are akin to sulky forum goers lol who craft slowly, my choices penalize my experience.


Yes there are other issues which are of concern, but I'm sure people would like to read a little wider than see the same two of three issues repeated by everyone.

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yes, really, why cant i kill my droid?

lol i have to switch off the sound when i get to my ship and i NEVER send him to any task just to not hear that voice again.


Isn't that Anthony Daniels?

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Wasn-t this supposed to be MY story?


Then, why in seven hells do I have to suffer Kem Val (or whatever his name is) for ever? I wanna get rid of him, I wanna throw him through the airlock or carbonize it.


For more reasons why we should be able please read the best rant ever (includes spoilers)


P.S. I would enable that and charge people who wants to rez them or who wants a legacy name change. And I don-t mean 20$, soemthing hard like 150$ for rezzing a companion and 300$ to change the legacy name. That way people will learn (or not.. )

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Blame the player, not the game.


You were able to permanently kill-off your companions originally, however BioWare changed it so you cannot. Why, you may ask? Well their reason was that people started to complain that they didn't have any companions after they had killed them all.


Yep, people are that stupid.


But really, this is the answer to the OP's question. It's also the answer to why there's no friendly fire in the game.

Edited by TheGreatEski
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