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SWTOR Guilds


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I'm not in a guild because it doesn't fit my personality. Same reason I'm not in a political party, a running club, or an organized religion. The social aspects, I don't care about. I can still vote, run, and pray... I just don't need some uber-l33t telling me exactly when and how.


EDIT: and yeah, when you see guild advertising for "interviews"... ugh. So cool and l33t.

Edited by face_hindu
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I still see a lot of players not in guilds. Please post reason why you're not in one, and whether you ever plan on joining one (if so, what are you looking for?)


Nice you ask about.


I like to join a guild, but not nerds nor deathstars or former WoW friends.

This reduces the selection already.


Over that, im not hanging arround in voicechat all time with people i dont know.

I'm simple to special, not so compatable if you like to call it that way.

Nevertheless i am joining voicechat ofcause on demand.


On Bloodworthy i was in Inglorious Bastards, nice people i thought, but i got kicked after a week because i was'nt on mumble all time ..


It is not, that i want a guild, it is more, that i want a guild to demand me.

For that, i need to be a noticeable player, either by skill or by personality.

I have only casual skills, so i set it on my personality and thats exacly the people, im looking for.


One of the problems with onlinefriends is, when you have a real life.

Only people with a comparable situation can understand, what it means, to be responsible for other real lifes outside of the game.


Im sure, there is enuff people left, that play to relax and are able to get success in the game anyways. Just to find them ...

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I'm not in one because I don't want any expectations of my time or the way I play.


When I get on shouldn't be set on a schedule. When I level up should be natural and whenever I want. If I want to stop playing a toon for 3 weeks even though it's level 49 because my alt is more fun, I don't get the OMG WE NEED THIS RUN WHY ARE YOU NOT IN RAKATA GEAR ALREADY...


haha you would fit in with us to be honest we just want to relax and have some friendly chat going on :)

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My main reason is that I'm just not a "small-talk" kind of person, which guild chat is filled with usually. I try to avoid small talk in real life too. It's pointless to me and just takes up time. I talk when I feel like I have something to say (like this post), but when I do have something to say, it usually turns into a novel. :rolleyes: I feel like social etiquette requires you to say hi to everyone who logs in, make some small talk, respond to anything said, congratulate them when they say they did something, etc.


I also find guild chat, if it's a chatty enough guild, to be interrupting to game play. The chat box is constantly scrolling and in order to meet the social etiquette described above, I'm constantly staring at the box to make sure I don't miss something so someone does not think I'm ignoring them, and then I can't focus on game play. I have limited time to play each week, so when I'm on, I honestly would prefer to get stuff done in the game and not to spend the time chatting about nothing.


If you aren't chatty in guilds, many times you can be considered unfriendly, and people don't get to know you. I figure that's kind of the point of guilds, getting to know other people, and since I can't quite fit into that social thing nicely, I just don't join. If it's a huge guild where I can blend in without anyone noticing and most other people don't really talk, I might think about joining, but it would have to have some kind of guild perks that benefit my character for that to happen, and this game does not have that at this point.


The funny part, although I'm not a big talker and I kind of sound crabby from above, is that I'm actually an overly nice and polite person, and I bend over backwards to help people in real life. Sometimes it can get overwhelming because I put my own needs last, but I do it anyway because I can't seem to help myself. Maybe I'm avoiding being sucked into that in the game because it's one thing I can control, which includes not being in a guild since the pressure to do all those things is much higher when guilded than not guilded. I suppose it's the one selfish thing I do for myself! :D

Edited by laural
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I'm not in one because I don't want any expectations of my time or the way I play.


When I get on shouldn't be set on a schedule. When I level up should be natural and whenever I want. If I want to stop playing a toon for 3 weeks even though it's level 49 because my alt is more fun, I don't get the OMG WE NEED THIS RUN WHY ARE YOU NOT IN RAKATA GEAR ALREADY...


And this attitude is fine as long as everyone is cool with the best gear being restricted to the people who *are* willing to put in extra effort to coordinate and work together. My only problem comes when people who are not in guilds start crying that they don't get the benefits that guilds do.


Granted, some guilds are completely full of themselves. Anytime I hear the word "exclusive" and I'm not looking at some complete hardcore basement dwellers, I snicker to myself. Too many guilds are all about power-tripping lunatics who need to feel in charge of something, seeking ever larger ePeen contests to display just how testosterone poisoned they are. I encourage everyone to laugh at these people and avoid their clique-guilds like the plague.


But there are quite a few "casual" guilds that don't have an application form demanding your resume, and who don't have set schedules, and are just basically a group of people screwing around who back each other up. (Shameless plug: Exile on Krath). Just because you have had a bad experience with some guilds does not mean we are ALL self-centered narcissistic d-bags.

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I got to 50 solo...no groups at all.


I was soloing a world boss, when another group came and wanted to fight it...so I backed off and decided to let all four of us go at it to be generous and share the fun.



they then invited me to a guild after that...I accepted.



I stayed for a day...then went back to solo.



no thanks. I can accomplish all I need by myself.... been that way for all MMO's I play.



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I am on a very low population server, several guilds where I recognize their names by now and only recently have any of them been advertising in game they are recruiting.


I had contacted a few in the past and heard nothing so I 'gave up' bothering with them and have been playing on my own.


I'm a 'casual' player in that I have zero interest in joining a special ops team that runs ops/raids on a schedule where I might be harassed for not being a perfect 'raider'. I'd be willing to play some ops/raids and pvp but only if it was accepted that it isn't my 'thing' and I'm new to it all.


Many guilds seem to be interested in or focus on their pvp/raiding. Short of that few seem to be the type of group I want to end up in, mature organized and friendly to PVE while still offering pvp/raids with people willing to 'fail' to have fun and teach people like me.


I'm out of here in a week, if I ever came back either to my dead server, there were sever mergers or was allowed to transfer I'd probably give it another shot trying to find one that 'fit' me.


I'd add that finding a guild in the game is terrible, there should be a tool at fleet to show you guilds in the game with population counts and notes about what they do etc. Having to spam general, solicit people, or even run to the game forums is an inefficient and tedious exercise.

Edited by JumperPenn
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Been in 3 guilds with 3 different toons. So far it's every man/woman for themselves and I may as well go it alone. Total waste of space.


Again I submit to you (and everyone else posting negative stories) that not all guilds are like this. You just need to find one that is a good guild, where people cooperate and help each other.


This is not a recruitment post for my guild (given all the servers out there such a post on the general forum would be less than pointless). But just to give you an example of what you can expect in a good guild, from just yesterday.


In the morning, I logged in to discover a new member on -- he had been added by one of the other officers the previous night. He and I and that other officer all being on, we chatted a little over the guild's OOC chat channel (it's a private channel not /guild, and 100% optional). I discovered he was level 18 or so and still using the starter color crystals, so I had my companions make him up a level 15 blue crystal that's about the best he can use right now. Soon as I found a mailbox, I mailed it to him. He asked what he could do in return, and I said nothing -- to me this is what a guild does. It helps its members. I was happy to craft it for him.


Just at that time one of the other members got on, and complained that he had some mission or other he could not complete. I immediately said, "Want help?" He said yes, sent me an invite, and I went off to do it with him. After we finished, the new player mentioned on the channel that he wanted to do a 2+ heroic but was having trouble with it. That player I had just helped said, "Let me get my level 14 alt and help you," and logged into an alt to help him do the heroic 2+.


To me, this is what being in a guild is all about. You help each other. You do things with each other. And along the way you can make some amazing friends. That guy I helped yesterday? I met him in SWG in 2003. We were in 2 different guilds in SWG (one imploded, then we helped found a second one that lasted for years). We were in the same guild in COH. He stopped playing MMOs for a while but we kept in touch via e-mail and when TOR came out, we joined up again. I've never met him in RL yet he is one of my best friends.... all from being in guilds together.


So this is my point. A guild can be so great, if you find the right one. I know it can be hard to find a good one and it can be discouraging, but I urge people not to just write guilds off. I have stayed months and months in mediocre MMOs just because of the camaraderie of a guild. I have friends who have been with me in one MMO after another for 8 or 9 years. You're missing out on all that if you just write off guilds because some have jerks in them or because of one bad in-game experience with them.


Again... finding the right guild takes homework. I have sometimes spent the whole first month of a game searching through guilds every day, on the web or the game forums, trying to find just the right one. Eventually I find one, and I've never regretted being in a guild, because they have always made the game better.

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I like to really get the hang of an mmo before I join up with a guild. I really hate being that guy that doesn't know how to do anything.


I have been playing for two weeks now, and I have a ton of different characters. So another issue is that I want to know which one I will wind up leveling to 50 before I commit to playing with other people. The final issue is that of finding like-minded, mature players. I like a guild that is organized and has enough people who are willing to do runs, but I also like one that doesn't pressure its players to participate if they are busy with other things. This balance can be difficult to find. I've only been in one guild in any mmo where I felt totally comfortable and at home, and that was in Lotro. Unfortunately, things change and people move on.


I'm sure I'll join one eventually if this game holds my attention long enough, it's just a matter of finding the right one, and I'm in no rush to do that.

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most of them have reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally bad names.


also, most guild recruits look like this in chat


[Wetpan'tees] - "Pwnzorz supreeem" is a mature guild looking to get more mature people for stuff like endgame pvp and raids. we want mature people and are friendly. we have 80+ members from lvl 1-50 so come


Sad but so true.

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Again... finding the right guild takes homework. I have sometimes spent the whole first month of a game searching through guilds every day, on the web or the game forums, trying to find just the right one. Eventually I find one, and I've never regretted being in a guild, because they have always made the game better.


again... the game is perfectly playable and fun all by myself....with none of that "need" to be in a gang to accomplish my goals.


....still solo...and well over a million credits, and still have a LOT to explore and do..


my gameplay works greak alone....and I feel swtor is made 'better' for letting me do it MY way.



...two side of the same story........neither are wrong. :)

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