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600 Force are you kidding me?


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So far, i think 600 is actually a nice number. I'm never starved during trash fights, and usually finish longer fights with a little left or more than a little. Hell, they could *probably* get away with dropping it to 500, but things might get a little hairy then. Definitely don't need any more.
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There are certain talents on the lightning tree who help you regen force while casting. Even though I´m madness skilled atm I got those talents and it´s helping alot. If that´s not enough for you maybe the lightning tree is the better choice in your case.
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ide mostly just be wondering how you manage to run out?


are you higher level or running out on the lower levels?


are you spamming a high cost heal instead of using resurge-innervate and then using the consumption proc (which should happen often)


remembering to use resurge before certain heals helps as well,just a matter of putting yourself in the minset that resurge is not the heal but rather the opener to a heal inorder to unlock an improved heal or reduced force.

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Being a Sith Sorc with 600 force i run out of force so much it gets annoying.


You are doing it wrong. Any tree has talents to buff force regen.


  • Madness' Sith Efficacy Regens 1% Force per tick. Use the whole channel for best results.
  • Corruption's Force Surge grants a free consumption on innervate crits. (Tip: use resurgence/force bending to force a crit)
  • Lightning's Subversion gives a constant 30% +Force regen when casting Lighning Strike a lot.

Madness or Corruption are best suited to PvP. Lighning/madness hybrids work well as well.


You can always Consume standing on Revivification. If you do that make sure you do it a lot, because its not worth the -force regen debuff unless you're getting a substantial amount of force

Edited by dutch-master
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Being a Sith Sorc with 600 force i run out of force so much it gets annoying. I mean who ever thought of giving a Sorcerer 600 force was out of their minds! If you are in a PvP match going hardcore you run out of force so quick you end up dieing because you cannot do anything.

Honestly i think 800 or even 1000 force would suffice for this class, since we are supposed to be one of the best healers and even those heals take a crap load of force.

Heck if Jedi can move around and damage then Sorcerers should have more force to withstand alot more and put out alot more!!! Especially since we wear light armor and are so dang squishy!!


is this a troll? sorcs have the largest, least restrictive resource pool in the game. if you're running out of force you need to l2p because you're bad plain and simple. 800, 1000 force? it's a resource system for a reason if they didn't want you to run out, spells would just have CDs and wouldn't cost anything...


you should probably uninstall if you can't manage your resources bro, that or try learning to play before you come on the forums and ask for a buff. fail trolls are fail try and play an assassin our spells cost the same as yours with 1/6th the resource pool, we're always force capped

Edited by Kaydul
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There can only be one response to this thread...


L2P </thread>


more seriously, no other class gets anywhere near 600 of their resource. The most draining abilities are about 100 force points, these are abilities that aren't exactly spamable now, you get force cost reductions... most classes get 100 and yet their abilities as a percentage make up much more of their bars then Sorcerer/Sages does... and then there is a lovely ability that restores force points.


The only class I think can keep it's resources going longer then Sorcerer or Sage is JK/SW since they have the ability to generate lots of their resources... then again if you know those classes you'd know they can't regenerate it out of battle and start with a grand total of 0 since JK/SW have to actually build their resources up first... before they can even use any of their best abilities. Else wise a Sorcerer/Sage can easily out last any other class. So we have the advantage we start with full resources and we do have ways to regenerate some of that resource too.

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I've never ran out of force yet =/


Really the class just takes some getting use to and once you learn how to use consumption properly you shouldn't have issues


this prety much, i was constantly healing badly and running out of force power too. just learn how to cope and use the mechanics and talents available.

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a few of your healing chains WILL deplete your force.


If you need max healing, chances are you won't be able to recast resurgeance after each heals to maximize their effect, and you are going to go for the cast reduction on Dark Infusion, immediately apply Innervate (at the risk of not procing Force Surge) and maybe even shoot a full cost Revification.


Now, if you need to do this over and over again, find a better party, or **** of the heroic +4 area 3 levels above you.


I find resurgence -> revification -> 2x(resurgence -> innervate) and rinse and repeat work perfectly well, and you'll never run out of force.


Obviously, if you go Dark Infusion x5 or dark heal without the force bending proc throw in a shock on the mob, then force storm, and go back to humping infusion.......yeh, you enjoy swinging that lightsaber?

Edited by verfallen
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You essentially just said operatives and mercs can heal longer as long as they aren't healing. :rolleyes:


That's like saying Operatives are the best class ever because their resources never run out and they'll never die as long as they stay in stealth.


...but this misconception in the sorc community that their resource management is the least bit comparable to operatives and mercenaries needs to stop.



Operative vs Sorcerer (Healing)


1. If an Operative gets below 70% energy, their HPS drops sharply unless Adrenaline Probe (2min CD) is available. If a Sorcerer get below 70% energy, their HPS remains the same.


2. In PVP, if the party is taking burst damage, the Operative can either allow people to die immediately or let them die later. A Sorcerer can burst heal and then drop into an efficient healing pattern afterwards.


3. In PVE, if the party makes a mistake, the Sorcerer can generally recover health and finish out the fight as long as repeated screw ups don't happen. An Operative has almost no ability to recover from avoidable damage, as their only "burst healing" is tied to a 2min CD - mistakes guarantee that burst phases built into the fight will wipe the group, unless the Operative is carried by the other healers.



4. Sorcerer healing abilities and talents are all fully functional. Operatives have multiple broken talents, including Medical Therapy failing to provide its stated 10%/6% bonus, and all of the Lethality tree +crit% talents only affecting DPS, despite the tooltips implying they also benefit HoTs.


5. Sorcerers can gain some benefit from Alacrity (to about 150) and scale well with Power. Operatives are hugely dependent on Crit and especially Surge stacking to remain competitive, and will lose a significant portion of their healing with the upcoming Surge nerf.




It's important to understand these differences, especially if you will be working with Operative healers. They have one of the most difficult energy management schemes in the game, and the notion that they can "heal forever" would only be true if they vastly outgeared every encounter and / or the encounters just didn't have that much damage.


For current Hard / Nightmare modes, they are one of the more difficulty healers to play, and will need your help to deal with burst, mistakes, "omg AoE damage" moments, etc... while they're capable at healing people up efficiently over time, they're not able to handle damage spikes.

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The only spec that has any issue with force management is someone playing a creeping terror build.


Also not true; before I flipped to full-time heals, I played a full madness build in end-game raiding and never had any trouble with force. Force Lightning regens enough force to keep it sustainable.

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Any other force using class in the game gets an extremely limited pool of energy (100 total). You have an absurd amount of power to draw from to use energy.


If you're running out so much that you're complaining about it then learn to not waste your energy so much. The first thing you should do is see if there is a way to improve your playstyle by changing your gear or your skills because Sorc's don't need a buff at all.


Everyone looks for instant gratification lately. Clearly the only other option to fixing your problem is to change the game. Obviously the problem isn't your build/gear/playstyle. :rolleyes:

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Being 0/23/18 at the moment, I never ever run out of force. And I only have 500. Lightning Effusion and Sith Efficiacy FTW. And if your're a healer, you should use the consumption proc each time it comes up.



I run the same spec and never run out of force.

It is practically impossible if you use the tools provided, sith efficacy and lightning effusion.

I'd have to never use FL, LS, or FS and never get a crit ever to run out of force. Yeah if I played like that with this spec Id deserve to be OoF and dead.

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the only time i ever have a force issue is when, as a dps speced, i am trying to only heal. a properly speced healer healing has no problems as well as a properly speced dps dpsing.


perhaps you might want to adjust your pvp spec to get both sides some regen if it is possible. i have no idea in the healer spec where it is in the tree. so it might not be possible to have both.


in this game you must spec into some type of power management for all of the classes. ( atleast the 3 i have played so far) this class thus far has been the easiest to do so. good luck and have fun.

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Above poster has a good point, actually. If you are performing actions against your spec or role, then you may have issues. A Corruption spec'd sorcerer reigning down chaos and lightning, will run out of force, as will a Madness or Lightning spec'd sorcerer who's trying to heal. Spec for the role you wish to perform and you shouldnt have any problems with force pool.
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rofl, try playing an assassin then xD


I was a Assassin during the Beta Testing Weekends and i have a Jedi Shadow being leveled up now so i know the 100 Force, but a Jedi Shadow seems to replenish the Force alot faster ive noticed then a Sith Assassin does!


Yes i have used consumption alot, but being in a WarZone or Heroic where health is needed and you might stand a chance of dieing because of the low health are you really gonna take that chance?

I have dabbled in alot of the tree's and yet to find one i even like that much.

Edited by Harden
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I was a Assassin during the Beta Testing Weekends and i have a Jedi Shadow being leveled up now so i know the 100 Force, but a Jedi Shadow seems to replenish the Force alot faster ive noticed then a Sith Assassin does!


Yes i have used consumption alot, but being in a WarZone or Heroic where health is needed and you might stand a chance of dieing because of the low health are you really gonna take that chance?

I have dabbled in alot of the tree's and yet to find one i even like that much.



***? Use consumption when Force Surge procs so it doesn't take health..

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I was a Assassin during the Beta Testing Weekends and i have a Jedi Shadow being leveled up now so i know the 100 Force, but a Jedi Shadow seems to replenish the Force alot faster ive noticed then a Sith Assassin does!


You're imagining it, they both have a base regen of 8 force per second, just as Sorcs and Sages do.


If you want a spec that can dps and heal efficiently without having force issues, try either 21/2/18 or 27/0/14.

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As a sorc its best to spec so that u can stack force regen x3 when u use lightning strike and set up force lighting to reduce cool down of lighting strike by 100% so jus keep dps as fast as possible and i never go below 90% force with all that stuff stacking so fast :D
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