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How do you play mouse vs keystroke


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There's a reason "clicker" is a synonym for complete baddie.


There is absolutely no way someone who keyboard turns and clicks will perform anywhere near a keybinder who mouse-moves.


Your turning is quicker because it moves at your mouse's speed, not snail's pace while using A/D and being precise with your fingers is easier than being precise with your mouse: macro vs micro dexterity.

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ps3 controller:D there's a post somewhere about it, but i find it much more reactive then a keyboard/mouse


With a Marauder? Not nearly as much keybinds available to even make it worth considering.


Personally I move with ESDF - E forwards, mouse to steer, SF to strafe and D backwards. Gives a bit of extra keys, plus reaching Shift is still comfortable.

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I use a nostromo. All movement with my thumb and 15 keybinds for my 3 middle fingers. My pinky is my TS/Vent/Chat key.


My mouse has another 8 keybinds and a button bound to shift so I can reuse all 15 keybinds on my nostromo with a modifier.

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i used to be a keyboard turner, clicking and all. I found it hard to stop doing it, key binding felt like madness for me.


When swtor came out, i decided ill try to key bind and move with the mouse. It just feels perfect now, i don't have to constantly look at my skill bar, i don't have to get facerolled before i even turn to face the opponent. Keyboard turning was ok in wow with auto attack, but its extremely hard with swtor. Im really glad i bought my self a razer naga.



Anyway, i use W to move forward and straft keys along with right click to change directions

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esdf to move .. move using mouse when hitting keys


12345 q w r t a z x c v g `


ctrl + 12345 q w r t a z x c v g `


shift + 12345 q w r t a z x c v g `


mouse button 1, mouse button 2, mouse button 3


obv not everything is mapped..

Edited by Nisa
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esdf to move .. move using mouse when hitting keys


12345 q w r t a z x c v g `


ctrl + 12345 q w r t a z x c v g `


shift + 12345 q w r t a z x c v g `


mouse button 1, mouse button 2, mouse button 3


obv not everything is mapped..



what makes you think your so special that you can post in a different color?

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I use the keyboard to move..


I also don't like the way the quick bars on the right and left obstruct my view..so I turned them off.


Since my center bar only holds 12 buttons for clicking on I cast the rest of my abilties directly from the spell book.


I do fine in PVP

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interested in PVP mainly, do you use mouse move (i.e holding down both buttons) with keystroke abilities or keymove with mouse over ability activation?


Or is there something in between?


I move with

W= forward

A=Strafe left

D=strafe right

(S is Leap)

And I look around/turn with the mouse.


The abilities are exactly 33 keybinds. (not counting Forms, wich I click)

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interested in PVP mainly, do you use mouse move (i.e holding down both buttons) with keystroke abilities or keymove with mouse over ability activation?


Or is there something in between?

I used to play until 20 days ago with keyboard turn and movements (wasd) and using my mouse to click abilities... Reaction time : 1sec at least for some farfetched abilities. I keypressed 1-2-3-4 though.


Then I started to bind on my own: 1,2,3,4, Q, E, R, T, S, F, Z, X, C, V and MAJ+ all of those.thus 28 keybinds (nearly all at once, had to play 20 warzones before being able to press the right button at the right time, did many mistakes often because forgot where I put which skills and had to look at the screen+keyboard to make sure)


Then I became nearly godlike (using both mouse butons to advance forward, or W and right clic depends on the time and what key I have to use etc).


As a Marauder, being a mouseclicker HUGELY gimp your capabilities.


It's like not using the drifting "skill" in Mario Kart DS , or the T triple line doing 6 lines at once on opponents in Tetris DS... You can do good without, but comes a time when one opponent on two you encounter will do, and you'll have a rough time to keep up the pace.

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great thanks pretty unaminous there, will have to suck it and give it a go


I suspected with my WASD setup and using only the surround keys that I was limiting myself


Shift on the Naga is a great idea

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I'm a pro mouse clicker. I use a thumb ball so my wrist doesn't move. I'm stuck on the habit as I've used this mouse for 10years for drafting in AutoCAD. I thought about fraps'ing it just to see what it looks like on the screen during a game.


The only keys I use are tab WASD spacebar.

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what makes you think your so special that you can post in a different color?


What makes you think your so special that you can call yourself Julius Caesar ?


In PVE i use mostly keyes when fighting, PVP using both.

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Both depending on the situation. 99% of the time I turn with mouse. If I want to click an ability I haven't keybound yet(mainly on alts because I have to rebind everything) I have no problem using the keyboard for a second or two as I click it. Be good at both, but remember mouse movement+keyboard hotkeys=better option by far).
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Don't move using the mouse (at least not the majority of the time). Use keyboard to move, mouse to turn (most of the time), and use keybinds on as many abilities as you can.


Using mouse to move means you are unable to circle strafe, mouse target enemies and teammates, or click any abilities you didn't have a spare keybind for. Maybe as a Marauder you might get away with that, but if you ever play healer you either need the mouse free for targeting, or dedicated keybinds for targeting every single member of an Operation.

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I've been playing around with my keybinds a bit, I've got a few ideas of ways to do things. Generally I don't feel that using the mouse to move is really that great an idea. Personally I still click people themselves as tabbing/shift-tabbing can be unpredictable in some circumstances and I use right click for assault. I do use the Middle mouse button for rotating the camera rather then A and D, but what you can do is bind Strafe Left and Strafe Right to to Shift+A and Shift+D which frees up Q and E. I also bind auto-run to Shift+W on all characters and rebind talk to T, rather then R as R is more convenient for keybinds.


I use F1~5 for lesser used binds, things like saber ward and what not. I still use click for some abilities I really don't want to active by accident, one example would be undying yield, using that at the start of a fight could be devastating as losing half HP to start with and that I could need it later. I also bind throw huttball to shift+S as I really am not looking to be running around while aiming where I am going to toss the huttball. I've also reclaimed Z and X, why do I need a "/sit" key to begin with? and I've moved draw/sheath weapon to Shift + mouse 3. lastly I also have lovely mouse 4 and 5 buttons... So yeah, a fair amount of keybinds I can use from that set-up. I also set-up some lesser used keybinds on shift + something. IE artifacts are Shift + Q and Shift + E.

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Im currently using W(QD)(EA) to move and steer with mouse.


I also use 123456RTFGCVB & Shift Modifier plus Mouse buttons 3-5with Shift/Alt Modifiers.

Sometimes I click tho, out of habit, like when Force Leaping I mouse click Deadly saber.. or if im circle-strafing i'll mouse click abilities.


Im not a great player, tbh Im better at the teamwork aspect of PVP than I am the fighting part, Im good at making player intercepts, always seem to be in right place at right time to do something important (like interrupt Bomb placement or turret controller) and in huttball im a positional player rather than a runner.

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Oh, I am so happy I'm doing the happy dance. I hadn't been able to find key mapping and just figured they hadn't put it in the game. I came her to offer a suggestion, and searched for key binding to make sure someone else hadn't already suggested it.


After reading this thread I knew it was in...so made a concerted effort to find. Thanks community for posting this! YAY! :D

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Oh, I am so happy I'm doing the happy dance. I hadn't been able to find key mapping and just figured they hadn't put it in the game. I came her to offer a suggestion, and searched for key binding to make sure someone else hadn't already suggested it.


After reading this thread I knew it was in...so made a concerted effort to find. Thanks community for posting this! YAY! :D


It is a little bit strange that the tabs are at the bottom in the preferences menu rather then at the top... It toke even me a little bit of time to find it...

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