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One Problem I have with the New Champion Bags


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I love the new changes to the champion bags. I now have a full set of PvP gear, a mix of Champion and Centurion. The issue I have now is I have over 100 centurion tokens that I have zero use for. As I earn more to try and get more champ gear I'm sure I'll collect more.


Could we maybe have a way a exchange centurion tokens towards Champ tokens at a low rate of exchange or even make it so we can purchase PvP items like stims and stuff with Centurion tokens.




Just a thought....

Edited by Ceasaigh
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I think being able to trade them for stims and such is a great idea.


Ya its a good idea , but a better idea is to have all PvP gear use the same token just cost more and have a valor rake before use or the best idea of all,,,,,,,no PvP stat at all , do away with PvP gear, and let players skill be what counts.


Is be happy to demod my BM gear and use normal OJ stuff. But the wow kiddys will never go for it.

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