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Bioware's performance, post launch. What do you think?


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This is not a thread talking about the various content (or lack of content) that was brought to the table at launch. This is not a question of SW:TOR's long period of development that should or should not have made the game what it is today.


The question is, here we are roughly 2 months after launch and a lot has changed.


We have had balancing changes to classes, some minor, some large. Nerfs here, buffs there.


A lot of glitches have been fixed. Many problems have been taken care of, although you may argue they should not of been there to begin with, this isn't the point of the topic. It is related to only work after the fact. And so far, many glitches, mistakes, or other tidbits have been fixed. Although, we have seen some pretty big blunders with the Illum fiasco, a sudden odd increase in random loading screens, and other new glitches added to the game with a patch that was meant to fix it.


Customer Support has been a hit and miss. The Development tracker is pretty interesting, but a lot of people are feeling 'unheard' or 'unwelcome'. And getting through to anyone in the Customer Service department is harder than teaching C3-PO how to use the Force. The GM ticket in game is practically worthless, you get nothing but automated responses and random elevations to higher ranks with no resolutions.


New content has been released for the game already, and new content is one its way. Although some people would argue they prefer getting current content fixed rather than introducing new bugged content, but the content is there, and interesting none the less.


Communication has been a problem, people feel left out in terms of customer service or on the forums with the large amount of problems people are having. But it doesn't stop there, patch notes often times have things written that were not intended for a patch, and often times it feels as if Bioware outright lies about mistakes they've made, such as Illum or the Warzone wins not counting.


Lets not also forget the multiple down times. This is a hot topic. Some people argue that, without down times to patch stuff, the game will never get fixed. Other people argue (especially people in the EU) that the down times hurt there ability to play, and often times, new 'quick fix' patches often have a new glitch or problem in them to begin with and they should take their time to work on patches.


So, with some of these and other incidents in mind, how do you as a player feel Bioware has been doing since the game launched?


Do you feel as if they have been diligently working and doing a good job at keeping information flowing, the game running, fixes incoming, new content, and over-all taking care of its player base?


Or do you feel like Bioware has been lacking, or treating its player base like a group of free to play customers who don't help pay the bills?


Over-all I feel like they have been doing well, but not great. They have been patching a lot, but often times it leads to new mistakes. The down times are a pain but liveable. If you read the development tracker there is a lot of information flowing in. I feel sometimes like Bioware is scrambling to pick things up, and often times are falling on their faces because of it. But I don't really feel like I am alienated, or unheard. I think the team is doing well, but I feel like if I were to walk into their office, it would look like a tornado hit. Developers running around the office yelling about things that need to be fixed, people getting a big talking to after completing messing something up or saying something to the community that is very unbecoming of a Bioware representative.


For the most part though, I feel as if they are doing a good job, they just need some better organization.

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This is not a thread talking about the various content (or lack of content) that was brought to the table at launch. This is not a question of SW:TOR's long period of development that should or should not have made the game what it is today.


The question is, here we are roughly 2 months after launch and a lot has changed.


We have had balancing changes to classes, some minor, some large. Nerfs here, buffs there.


A lot of glitches have been fixed. Many problems have been taken care of, although you may argue they should not of been there to begin with, this isn't the point of the topic. It is related to only work after the fact. And so far, many glitches, mistakes, or other tidbits have been fixed. Although, we have seen some pretty big blunders with the Illum fiasco, a sudden odd increase in random loading screens, and other new glitches added to the game with a patch that was meant to fix it.


Customer Support has been a hit and miss. The Development tracker is pretty interesting, but a lot of people are feeling 'unheard' or 'unwelcome'. And getting through to anyone in the Customer Service department is harder than teaching C3-PO how to use the Force. The GM ticket in game is practically worthless, you get nothing but automated responses and random elevations to higher ranks with no resolutions.


New content has been released for the game already, and new content is one its way. Although some people would argue they prefer getting current content fixed rather than introducing new bugged content, but the content is there, and interesting none the less.


Communication has been a problem, people feel left out in terms of customer service or on the forums with the large amount of problems people are having. But it doesn't stop there, patch notes often times have things written that were not intended for a patch, and often times it feels as if Bioware outright lies about mistakes they've made, such as Illum or the Warzone wins not counting.


Lets not also forget the multiple down times. This is a hot topic. Some people argue that, without down times to patch stuff, the game will never get fixed. Other people argue (especially people in the EU) that the down times hurt there ability to play, and often times, new 'quick fix' patches often have a new glitch or problem in them to begin with and they should take their time to work on patches.


So, with some of these and other incidents in mind, how do you as a player feel Bioware has been doing since the game launched?


Do you feel as if they have been diligently working and doing a good job at keeping information flowing, the game running, fixes incoming, new content, and over-all taking care of its player base?


Or do you feel like Bioware has been lacking, or treating its player base like a group of free to play customers who don't help pay the bills?


Over-all I feel like they have been doing well, but not great. They have been patching a lot, but often times it leads to new mistakes. The down times are a pain but liveable. If you read the development tracker there is a lot of information flowing in. I feel sometimes like Bioware is scrambling to pick things up, and often times are falling on their faces because of it. But I don't really feel like I am alienated, or unheard. I think the team is doing well, but I feel like if I were to walk into their office, it would look like a tornado hit. Developers running around the office yelling about things that need to be fixed, people getting a big talking to after completing messing something up or saying something to the community that is very unbecoming of a Bioware representative.


For the most part though, I feel as if they are doing a good job, they just need some better organization.


1,Faction Balance How i don't know

2, lfg Sever only

3,FPS problem, Please. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=288410

4,Test sever's need's TESTING. they working on it ie 50 char. That's been why we get most problem's from no Testing.

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Honestly, it's kind of hard to say how well they're doing. They don't really talk to us that much, leaving us in the dark and then randomly updating something that didn't need to be ****ed with in the first place and then telling us it's going to take 2 weeks for them to fix it.


Doesn't really leave a good taste in my mouth about the future of the game.

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Honestly, it's kind of hard to say how well they're doing. They don't really talk to us that much, leaving us in the dark and then randomly updating something that didn't need to be ****ed with in the first place and then telling us it's going to take 2 weeks for them to fix it.


Doesn't really leave a good taste in my mouth about the future of the game.


What, they didnt call you? I have phone calls from the devs every week!


Also, you might not even know what a real bug looks like in the code, still needs to be fixed.

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In my eyes, Bioware has done extremely well.


There are constant changes and hotfixes. New changes are announced virtually the day after a patch goes live, which is addressing more and more issues.


They are clearly listening to peoples requests, toying with balance and improving the game.


A lot of the things people are crying about are just luxury addtions (for example, LFG tool) which will come eventually, but not until the game is ready for it.


At this rate, give it 6 months and we will have a very polished MMO.

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A big, fat F. Awful customer service, terrible optimization, and now their last patch introduced a UI that makes me motion sick and want to vomit -- but they promise to try and maybe fix it in a week and half. Maybe.


I feel completely ripped off and regret ever buying the game.

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What, they didnt call you? I have phone calls from the devs every week!


Also, you might not even know what a real bug looks like in the code, still needs to be fixed.


Big UI changes, and what they put in Tuesday was a BIG UI change. Should be in pre patch notes and on the PTS for weeks before being launched. Of course at this stage in time, PTS are useless. Most players aren't max level, those that are, are gearing up. Very few people are actually playing on this servers, I think BioWare actually mentioned that. Still though, they should have warned us well before hand that they were adding a Warhammer like action bar change, I guarantee you, the overwhelming majority would have said to leave it as it is. Just like now they're asking for it to be changed back.

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