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Can anyone on the Empire side confirm that this item does in fact drop on Dromund Kaas. So far the only confirmation I have gotten was people on Republic side saying they got it.

There is very little info about this item on the internet and most of the drops for Empire side are from Beta.

Just trying to figure this out. Been farming it for over a week now and no luck. Tried killing everything from normal mobs to the world boss and in between. I understand that it's a really low drop rate, but a little confirmation would be nice to help me feel a little less like it's a waste of time.




Item Link: http://www.torhead.com/item/dbjKkbO/forceslayer

Edited by Samheinwow
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Put in a ticket yesterday trying to get some confirmation if Forceslayer actually drops in DK and if it's not bugged or something. I have spent good 60+ hours farming it now so it seems like a ridiculous case of bad luck to not see it or even hear of anyone else getting it while there.


The reply from the representative was that they cannot spoil information like that and to come to the forums and ask the community for info.


With that said I guess I'll keep bumping this till I get some confirmation from a Imperial player that it does in fact drop of Dromund Kaas.

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Was that really necessary to re-address 16 minutes after your original post?


It's something that was mentioned as part of a future content patch, I don't have a source cause it was something a friend told me. Not like there is a good point to having a fixed hilt on a low level item anyways, or any item for that matter, so it's only reasonable to assume it will be removed.

Edited by Samheinwow
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I am still waiting on him to produce the place he saw that said sabers will no longer have locked hilts.




Major changes are currently on schedule for the next major content patch, such as extractable basemods (armoring, barrel, etc.) from purple items


The topic is about crafting but the wording suggests this will apply to all purple items, also I remember seeing at least one other, older dev response confirming this in response to raid gear.


To the OP: why do you want this saber so badly? Does it have a unique model?

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I just want it. It's rare. Has a cool name. It has a Darth Malgus style hilt. I know for some people it's hard to understand stuff like that but that's my reasoning for it.


I don't ask for understanding though. I would just like a confirmation from someone on the Imperial side that they have seen it drop on live servers not just in beta.

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I got my hands on one today. It didn't drop for me but the person that had it drop knew I was farming it and contacted me. They told me it dropped near the Lord Gratham estate off one of the normal mobs. This is just in case anyone is interested in that info.

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