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Can someone explain why there is so much running in this game?


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first wow has a 15 minute hearth (guild perk) second wow has flying mount and most of the quest chains have been redone so you don't have to go that far to finish and finally the map layouts of wow is waaaaaaaay better then swotr. I can't play swtor for more 10 minutes without getting frustrated. I been playing since dec 13th and i am only at level 22 but in wow I have 10 85, 7 80s and 10 60-75.



The amount of whine in that post is just epic. We might as well just forego the whole running aspect and put quest item/mob standing right near the quest giver.


NPC: Hey I have a quest for you. Can you shoot this guy next to me?

Player: Sure. *bang*

NPC: Thanks! Here's a commendation medal or if you want a pair of pants.

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I'm all for airing out your complaints in an constructive fashion, but come on, Seriously?! People will literally whine about ANYTHING these days.






or <insert any other MMO here> and it's the same thing except for CURRENT DAY WOW.


Even old WoW was walk walk walk till 40.

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NPC: Hey I have a quest for you. Can you shoot this guy next to me?

Player: Sure. *bang*

NPC: Thanks! Here's a commendation medal or if you want a pair of pants.



Too much work. Try this:


NPC: Hey I have a quest for you. Can you shoot this guy next to me?

Player: Shoot him yourself.

NPC: Good idea. *bang* This conversation hasn't ended once and you've just earned yourself a commendation or a pair of pants.

Edited by racsofp
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Right, let's design the MMO for the 'instant gratification' generation:


You log in, you are in your ship's airlock, a holo comes up with a quests on offer to you, if you don't like it, you just click that little button saying 'Next planet' and get a new list.

You select your quest, you auto-spawn in the quest area (note: in 'Preferences' you can set whether you want to use content including pre-boss encounters or not, so yeah, you may spawn 10 steps away from the boss monster, past all mobs waiting on the way), you complete quest, you auto-spawn back in ship's airlock, holo pops up, gives you reward.

Another holo comes up offering you the option to buy/sell stuff (again, in 'Preferences' you have the option to auto-sell all grey-level stuff).


Rinse, repeat...


I think we have a winner right there, don't you agree? :rolleyes:


you forgot to mention that after this magical MMO is released they will all whine there is no content 1 day later :p

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Too much work. Try this:


NPC: Hey I have a quest for you. Can you shoot this guy next to me?

Player: Shoot him yourself.

NPC: Good idea. *bang* This conversation hasn't ended once and you've just earned yourself a commendation or a pair of pants.


Or hey, why not just


Username: *type type type*

Password: *type type type*


*clicks "Play" for the first time*


*creates character and clicks finish*




*goes to forums*



Edited by Blotter
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You say that like you can instantly travel anywhere in sandbox MMOs.




I played Darkfall with my guild and it took me like 5 hours to run and then swim to our guild's fort from my starting area. I'm so damn glad I didn't die along the way

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Actually there is one class of MMO where you get the ability to travel fast pretty early - they're the superhero MMOs. You can't be a superhero without some sort of travel power, right?


The downside of superhero travel powers is, the game world quickly shrinks psychologically, to the extent that people used to complain about zones in CoX and CO that they were "tiny", whereas in fact by as good an objective measure as you can roughly do (i.e. running/sprinting tests) they're about average compared to other MMOs.


Having to use Shanks' pony a lot in the early part of the game gives the world a sense of scale.


Oh, and, of course, also it's a huge timesink :)


Really, at the end of the day, there has to be a balance between timesinkeyness, immersion and convenience, and early on, both in the life of the game, and in one's career in the game, the weighting is more towards timesink and immersion, whereas later it has to be more towards convenience.


Strange as it may seem, I actually do recommend walking now and then. Normally in life, you aren't running helter-skelter everywhere. If you walk for a bit, now and then, in the game, it brings back a sense of immersion. Walk, look at the virtual world around you for a bit, think about what the NPCs might be talking about, what they're doing (just as you would if you were walking somewhere new on holiday, say) then when you run again, running has a sense of urgency, and the whole feel of the virtual world falls into a more realistic order.

Edited by gurugeorge
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Sure I can explain. It's called content. Yes, the kind of content that takes no development time or resources, but takes you time to get through. You see the faster you can get from A to B, the sooner you're done with it.


Hope that helped. :cool:

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  • 3 months later...
Actually, double post time. Now that I think about it, I remember wow having LOADS of travel downtime. I got a quest as a warlock to get a pet. I would have to go to the other side of the *********** world with no clue how to get there or where specifically I had to go. That was before they brought in all the mods that show you the exact location, when you had to actually look for things yourself. I actually enjoyed it when it was like. But I am getting off-topic so long story short, SWTOR has less travelling downtime than most MMOs
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Actually there is one class of MMO where you get the ability to travel fast pretty early - they're the superhero MMOs. You can't be a superhero without some sort of travel power, right?


The downside of superhero travel powers is, the game world quickly shrinks psychologically, to the extent that people used to complain about zones in CoX and CO that they were "tiny", whereas in fact by as good an objective measure as you can roughly do (i.e. running/sprinting tests) they're about average compared to other MMOs.


Having to use Shanks' pony a lot in the early part of the game gives the world a sense of scale.


Oh, and, of course, also it's a huge timesink :)


Really, at the end of the day, there has to be a balance between timesinkeyness, immersion and convenience, and early on, both in the life of the game, and in one's career in the game, the weighting is more towards timesink and immersion, whereas later it has to be more towards convenience.


Strange as it may seem, I actually do recommend walking now and then. Normally in life, you aren't running helter-skelter everywhere. If you walk for a bit, now and then, in the game, it brings back a sense of immersion. Walk, look at the virtual world around you for a bit, think about what the NPCs might be talking about, what they're doing (just as you would if you were walking somewhere new on holiday, say) then when you run again, running has a sense of urgency, and the whole feel of the virtual world falls into a more realistic order.


Yup. Once you get superspeed in CoX at level 14, everything seems to be "small" until you need to get to hard to reach places via jump or launch off a building.


If it is too fast, people complain. If it is too slow, people complain. I actually like the TOR system since it is a nice medium.


I am not happy with some (like DK taxi break in the middle) or dock station to orbital station then to planet, but I am willing to overlook some of it.

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