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PvP - Imbalanced.


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Ok ... I have to admit that I am getting fed up with PvP in general, warzones for certain.


I am already in the 50 bracket and honestly, as Republic Commando, I am about fed up with getting rolled over by groups of Soccs every single time.


Yes, this is a huge rant.


Me, and many others I have spoke to, are fed up with BioWare adjusting Imperial side without end, every single bloddy patch and making them more and more powerful.


They were overpowered from the start and by now all are in BM gear and us that did have a life and could not level to 50 within a week or two of launch are hopelessly screwed.


It takes me Mon to Fri, 3h to 6h each day to win my weekly warzone and if I am lucky I get my daily before the forehead crashes onto the keyboard from exhaustion.


BioWare, take a look at the PvP balance. You proud yourself with ingame metrics tools ... USE THEM.


What you will see you will not like.



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Cows go "Moo!", dogs go "Woof", MMO players go "The pvp is unbalanced!"


No ... that's not the case.


If I would be able to do something, some way of having the same chances, I would not whine/rant.


A BM Socc averages 300k with peaks of 500k damage ( that does not incl heals ) per round.


I, almost complete champion geared, when up against a pre-made group with there being 4 or more of them ( 4-6 Soccs is avg per round ) range anywhere from 70k to a max of 240k damage per round.


That, if math does not do me wrong is MORE than double the damage output ... and that imho is wrong.


There are wz games where it's 8v8 and the first 8 in healing and/or damage out are always Imperials.


If that does not scream "imbalanced" then I do not know what does.



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As a point of note I play a Jedi Sage


I honestly see no advanatge at all except Huttball for a sorc/sage

bubble, speed, and pull (on a long cooldown)


and some commandos/bh have both a bubble (alot longer cooldown) and a pull


Huttball is horrible due to the abilities of all four of these classes


I, as a sage have more issues with a BH then I do a sorc, even though they have an ability than stuns where my counter spell doesnt


I dont think BW can really do anything about Sorc being the most popular overall class


What they need to do, which they wont is eliminate the ability for a group to que together and they need to not start any match where there is a man advantage either way


Even 7 v 8 which I see a ton of as a republic you have a horrible disadvantage in any of the 3 pvp zones

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Cows go "Moo!", dogs go "Woof!", MMO players go "The PvP is unbalanced!"


It is. During my playtime I owned consular, knight and trooper using Bounty Hunter DPS. Funny part with the consular. He was using some poor tank. So I send him all that I had until he start healing.

What happened ? I was still sending rockets on his *** while he was doing NOTHING, just healing and Mako heal me to 100% while he was healing. I killed his Tank quite fast (poor gear ?).

And was simple - I was dealing damage using standard attack, he was healing and when he was out of mana I just send him everything I got again and put his life to end.


Anyway - I owned every republic I found. Also republic stay in their fort while we were conquering Ilum.


Class imbalance is in our favor (simple stuff like cooldown on some skills).

Population imbalance is in our favor (5:1 on some servers)

PVP focused players are in our favor (most PVP people I known from other games was playing Imps)


And each day that Imbalance grow stronger since Reps just reroll as Imps :-] Glory to the empire.

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Ok ... I have to admit that I am getting fed up with PvP in general, warzones for certain.


I am already in the 50 bracket and honestly, as Republic Commando, I am about fed up with getting rolled over by groups of Soccs every single time.


Yes, this is a huge rant.


Me, and many others I have spoke to, are fed up with BioWare adjusting Imperial side without end, every single bloddy patch and making them more and more powerful.


They were overpowered from the start and by now all are in BM gear and us that did have a life and could not level to 50 within a week or two of launch are hopelessly screwed.


It takes me Mon to Fri, 3h to 6h each day to win my weekly warzone and if I am lucky I get my daily before the forehead crashes onto the keyboard from exhaustion.


BioWare, take a look at the PvP balance. You proud yourself with ingame metrics tools ... USE THEM.


What you will see you will not like.




so because a WEEKLY let me rephrase this WEEKLY takes you a week to do its BWs fault??? the imbalance is more due to the fact that no one ever heals on repub side and that group of sorcs ur talkin about has 2 freakn healers and 2 dps while your standing at your door with 4-6 dps and no heals 90% of the time, the imbalance is Republics own fault for not having enough ppl wiling to heal because everyone wants the big dmg numbers and 9 or more medals. good example I was in a voidstar and a sage let a bunch of ppl run behind him cz he was so concerned with doing dps to the guy I was keeping busy(i play a vanguard so i can hold somone for awhile) when I called the sage out he was like im fn healing its not my fault but at the end of the wz he had 153k in heals and how much did the imps healers have?? 300-400k in heals the only healer on our side that came close was our guildmate who was in our premade and had 300k heals and over 100k dmg .

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so because a WEEKLY let me rephrase this WEEKLY takes you a week to do its BWs fault???


No it's not their fault. The fault lies with BioWare.


For the weekly ( 9 wins ) it takes me a week, yes.

It's meant to be a repeatable weekly not that is supposed to take a WEEK to complete it.

I think you misunderstood the game mechanic there, quite properly also.


Because the guy that ( a Socc ) that was in EVERY wz today ( 13 so far ) could have it completed already almost twice. Why ? He's 13:0 against me, winning ... all the time.


As for the rest of the WoT.


Not every group is the same and you do get healers on the Republic side also. But ... wait ... you heal = 4 Soccs on you, 3 Lightning Strike and you are in the MedCenter ... and you cannot heal that.


Oh wait ... 1 Socc getting hit by 2 Commando's and a Smuggler and he just laughs, get's healed by the guy behind him ( what another Socc, impossible ) and once we're down and have no cd left they plug us off with <drumroll> Lightning Strike ...


Imbalanced, sorry ... I will continue to say that it is, because it is.

Edited by FingerThief
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No it's not their fault. The fault lies with BioWare.


For the weekly ( 9 wins ) it takes me a week, yes.

It's meant to be a repeatable weekly not that is supposed to take a WEEK to complete it.

I think you misunderstood the game mechanic there, quite properly also.


Because the guy that ( a Socc ) that was in EVERY wz today ( 13 so far ) could have it completed already almost twice. Why ? He's 13:0 against me, winning ... all the time.


As for the rest of the WoT.


Not every group is the same and you do get healers on the Republic side also. But ... wait ... you heal = 4 Soccs on you, 3 Lightning Strike and you are in the MedCenter ... and you cannot heal that.


Oh wait ... 1 Socc getting hit by 2 Commando's and a Smuggler and he just laughs, get's healed by the guy behind him ( what another Socc, impossible ) and once we're down and have no cd left they plug us off with <drumroll> Lightning Strike ...


Imbalanced, sorry ... I will continue to say that it is, because it is.


im starting to think you and your buddies are just bad and/or have no gear, i play a lvl 50 healing sorc, every piece of gear i have is champion gear, and if 1 smuggler gets the opener on me, im down to 30% health in 2-3 seconds, so theres no way that 1 sorc is going to get away from 2 commandos and a smuggler if they have any sort of gear at all, most sorcs no matter how well geared they are will drop fast if the other team is coordinated at all and focuses/interrupts him

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im starting to think you and your buddies are just bad and/or have no gear, i play a lvl 50 healing sorc, every piece of gear i have is champion gear, and if 1 smuggler gets the opener on me, im down to 30% health in 2-3 seconds, so theres no way that 1 sorc is going to get away from 2 commandos and a smuggler if they have any sort of gear at all, most sorcs no matter how well geared they are will drop fast if the other team is coordinated at all and focuses/interrupts him


I am starting to think that you did not read all the posts I have made.


It's 1 Socc out of 4 or more and he does get healed and / or Spider healed all the way if he gets attacked. So ... please, try again.



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Honestly i just see a lot of ignorance and unvalidated ranting about assumed issues and rumors that arent even true.

Example 1 .

The spells and attack for Jedi sage and Sith Sorcerer are identical in every way except for the wording and the spell effect that is displayed this is purely a grafic destinction so you can tell friendly spells from enemy spells. This is done for flavor and so when you pvp you dont move out of a friendly spell effect because you can actualy tell if its enemy or friend.

This is so much better than wow example ice mages aoe freeze spell. How many times have you panic yell'd into vent is that your Ring of Frost????? in a heated arena game.

As far as the issues with damage being delayed it simply isnt you can test this yourself for example the Sorc SHock spell is often said to cast faster than the Jedi's equivalent.

THIS SIMPLY ISNT TRUE. It merely appears this way because the damage doesnt display in the game until the spell effect is finished. How else can you explain damage numbers showing up on screen after an enemy is killed . The Damage registers in the combat log as soon as the preinstant cast animation is finished but the damage doesnt show on screen until the spells epic animation is finished.


You can prove this to yourself by killing all but 1 mob for a kill quest say 14/15 .

Then damage the mob down to an amount of hitpoints that you know for certain the instant spell will kill that mob. Then cast the instant spell as long as you are not lagging you WILL get credit for the last kill for that quest before the spell animation finishes and fires those rocks!

This damage display delay is done to keep fluidity between the spell effects and the animations. It wouldnt look right if the damage imediately displayed on screen but the spell was still casting would it??

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As long as 5 or more Bounty Hunters or Sorcerers are allowed on the same team warzone PvP will remain horribly unbalanced and continue to be abused. The only way to fix this is to cap the number of Sorcs, Bounty Hunters, Agents, etc., allowed per team during matchmaking so that it is balanced and we don't got a whole team of cloaked 3-shotting Agents, Bounty Hunters launching off rocket after rocket each doing like 3500 damage, or Sorcs that just stand there and DOTDOTDOTKNOCKBACKSTUNHEALDOTDOTDOTDOTHEALSPRINTDISAPPEAR from a safe distance like 50 meters away. The fact the classes are unbalanced already is only compounded during warzone. An agent that can do more damage than a lightsaber with a simple combat knife? Sorry but that doesn't even make sense and its unbalanced to allow an already ranged class with cloaking a melee ability more powerful than than even the melee classes. It's trash. Sorcs lightning range needs to be cut down so they actually have to move during the game. BH with seemingly unlimited supply of 3-4k damage rockets that fire every 2 second in literally less than 7 seconds you are dead, even sooner if there's a team of them. Cap the teams, matchmaking will take a little longer but the teams will be balanced and have an equal opportunity to win. Edited by ELECTRICJUDGMENT
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No, this guy ( me ) is not trolling.

He is, after a week or more of having the same pre-made PvP groups just rolling every warzone, fed up with it being imbalanced.


I do not know the Socc class in PvE ... I am *exclusively* talking PvP, L50 bracket.


The gear void has become too big and that actively makes it impossible to win anything.


FYI ... I stick in PvP 3 to 6h a day.

I have seen a lot of 49 turning 50 and then trying the wz's. The consesus is that after a few *days* of getting spanked to hell and back they go Imp, roll a Socc and have fun.

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Honestly i just see a lot of ignorance and unvalidated ranting about assumed issues and rumors that arent even true. WoT etc.


Dear Sir,


The topic states clearly that I am talking about PvP, not PvE or killing a mob.


Read previous post for clarifications what this thread has as content.

Please do not assume.



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Have you ever played against a team full of troopers and sage healers?


Insane comes to mind.


I can conversely say playing against a pub team full of Sages is pretty stupid too, throw in sum troopers and it's like quake.

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No it's not their fault. The fault lies with BioWare.


For the weekly ( 9 wins ) it takes me a week, yes.

It's meant to be a repeatable weekly not that is supposed to take a WEEK to complete it.

I think you misunderstood the game mechanic there, quite properly also.


Because the guy that ( a Socc ) that was in EVERY wz today ( 13 so far ) could have it completed already almost twice. Why ? He's 13:0 against me, winning ... all the time.


As for the rest of the WoT.


Not every group is the same and you do get healers on the Republic side also. But ... wait ... you heal = 4 Soccs on you, 3 Lightning Strike and you are in the MedCenter ... and you cannot heal that.


Oh wait ... 1 Socc getting hit by 2 Commando's and a Smuggler and he just laughs, get's healed by the guy behind him ( what another Socc, impossible ) and once we're down and have no cd left they plug us off with <drumroll> Lightning Strike ...


Imbalanced, sorry ... I will continue to say that it is, because it is.


You understand that this game's classes are mirrors right? So you have a Sorc too called a Sage. You're aware of this, right? In fact the Sage is a superior healer since the Sage AOE has an instant heal component rather than just a HoT effect.


Now if you're complaining about gear balance, ok, maybe that's legit. Don't solo queue, hop in vent with some other people and run some strats. But if you're complaining about the classes themselves? Again, they're the same, and in actuality, Sage is better.

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