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Why do people even care about MVP votes?


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Just wondering why people even give a sh*t about this enough to post topics about it.


I lack the ego to understand such a venture.


It gives them valor and commendations. And since they care very little about enjoying the game and very much about grinding gear, it's a big deal to them.

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Well if you think being recognized for doing good work is fun, then MVP votes are kind of relevant, no?


I could care less about being recognized for doing my work tbph.


In the end all the medals, damage, and healing isnt sh*t if you lose the match because of bad team work.


Objective score > Anything else, period.

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I could care less about being recognized for doing my work tbph.


In the end all the medals, damage, and healing isnt sh*t if you lose the match because of bad team work.


Objective score > Anything else, period.


Unfortunately actual in-game "objective score" doesn't appear to involve accomplishing actual objectives :(.

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The point I think the OP is making it that people are posting topics crying about 'why X class gets MVP?' or whatever.


Its whining pure and simple. Getting MVPs is nice, but its not vastly rewarding or anything, its 1 more WC per vote. Cool, thanks, I'm not going to turn it down, but its not the end of the world if I'm top damage, top kills, scored 3 times, and no one votes for me, and vote for there friends instead. I'm more interested in seeing the medal system adjusted to include scoring, etc. Once we get actual rankings for players, to see who is top damage, top scorer, top defender, etc on your server, then actual recognition for your efforts will matter, but getting an MVP while half the WZ is just spamming the Exit Warzone Button to get into their next one, isn't really a massive ego boost for me.

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Unfortunately actual in-game "objective score" doesn't appear to involve accomplishing actual objectives


True story.


I love when I spend a whole warzone doing nothing but being completely un-team like facerolling and grinding out 10-12 medals, but somehow end up with 14000 objective points. Then the next warzone I tell myself I'll actually sacrifice 3-4 medals and ignore anything but objectives and end up with 0 objective points.


Something BW didn't implement properly or with thought? Say it ain't so!

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True story.


I love when I spend a whole warzone doing nothing but being completely un-team like facerolling and grinding out 10-12 medals, but somehow end up with 14000 objective points. Then the next warzone I tell myself I'll actually sacrifice 3-4 medals and ignore anything but objectives and end up with 0 objective points.


Something BW didn't implement properly or with thought? Say it ain't so!


One of the victims of your crazy murder-spree was a ball carrier.

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Just wondering why people even give a sh*t about this enough to post topics about it.


I lack the ego to understand such a venture.


I never understood either its like 1 comendation isnt it?


oh god how can i go on without that extra commendation...*checks pockets*...oh i have like a 1000 here...nvm

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Just wondering why people even give a sh*t about this enough to post topics about it.


I lack the ego to understand such a venture.


If you realize it's a factor of ego, then you actually do understand "such a venture."


It makes us feel appreciated, that the work we did was recognized.

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If you realize it's a factor of ego, then you actually do understand "such a venture."


It makes us feel appreciated, that the work we did was recognized.


And you SHOULD feel like it was.....if it was above and beyond the call of duty. Seems people are like "omg I healsed. mvp me" No. I'm not MVP'ing you for doing your job as averagely as everyone else. I'm MVP'ing the person who did something commendable or did their job very well. If that was a healer, they get it, if it wasn't, someone else does.

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It really should go to healers since they get screwed with medals. Nothing like healing 300k+ and leaving with 4 medals while the rest of the team has 7+...


I personally would love to get a few to catch up to everyone else as a healer but i would rather you vote for someone random then no one. Its free valor and commendations imo.


Think of it this way. if your enemy faction votes 8/8 and your faction votes 4/8 well your faction is getting 200 valor & 20 commendations less per match. I wonder how many match's are played daily on each server? Probably in the thousands. So lets say 1,000 match's per day would equal 200,000 Valor & 20,000 Commendations lost per day (across all those toons that play). Seems like its better to vote than not to. Even if your team sucks balls.

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