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When does PVE get an emergency patch?


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Because PvP gamers are generally whiny children under age 21 and grew up in a world where 9th place earns you a ribbon at the bicycle rodeo!!! Most don't have the maturity of a PvE gamer who is generally above 25 years of age and actually feels a connection to a game and enjoys it for what it is, rather than defeating someone in PvP, standing over the corpse, and /jump until the defeated decides to respawn.


I take offense to this. I am 34 and enjoy PvP as much as PvE and I think I feel a stronger connection to the game being involved in both. I think you were generalizing and not saying everyone that PvP's and thats fine. But I dont run around trash talking /teabagging and crying on the forums. Not all PvPers are whiney 12 YOds that cry about everything. ;)

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We have issues too you know.


Hardmode flashpoints still don't award social points or dark/light points. Some of the operations and flashpoints have bugs, especially Directive 7 with it's never-ending clone replication.


PVE has progression-halting bugs, but we never get emergency patches to fix it, why do PVP'ers always get emergency patches if their progression is halted for even a day?


While i agree on the social points, keep the alignment gains out of hard modes. I like to explore options in those modes or just spam my options in there.

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Just get rid of pvp. Reallocate the resources to better things.


I like PvP... GOOD PvP. I also like good PvE, but not PvE that's being ravaged by BAD PvP and its related changes. So, I couldn't agree more with this statement. You absolutely can not have a functional PvP and PvE system operating on the same mechanics and gear in an MMO.

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Here is the problem folks: Until someone makes a game that is not a cookie-cutter copy of every other game that has come before it, we will not see anything like innovative game or character class designs. Hell, just the idea of having "classes" in 2012 makes me sick. So yeah, Bioware is doing exactly what every other game company has done in the past with their MMO's regarding content & class balance: They cater to the pvp crowd b/c those people are the ones who learn how to break the game fastest. They are constantly looking for that small advantage and pushing everything beyond its design limits.


Folks who do nothing but PVE have more patience than a pure PVP'r. This is due to how their brains are wired. So the developers are not going to listen to the PVE'rs as much b/c they know you will wait. Personally, I wish they would scrap PVP entirely. Most of the customer base is PVE and the rest are only looking to play this game until the next big thing hits the market in a few months.

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carebear much?


id be fine with scrapping pve for more important things like..................pvp


This is the difference between mature adults who play PVE content and you. I would never dream of invading or even posting in a PVP thread about bugs or the need for patches, yet you feel the need to come into ours with your epeen wagging crap to basically create confrontation.


Pretty much this is why PVP needs to be removed from SWTOR, not because of the mechanics but because of the people who play it.

Edited by Brakner
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carebear much?


id be fine with scrapping pve for more important things like..................pvp


That's fine, as long as you don't mind adding quest givers and roleplay elements to Battlefield or Call of Duty. Because I feel that these games should be about the questing experience, not killing people.

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This is the difference between mature adults who play PVE content and you. I would never dream of invading or even posting in a PVP thread about bugs or the need for patches, yet you feel the need to come into ours with your epeen wagging crap to basically create confrontation.


Pretty much this is why PVP needs to be removed from SWTOR, not because of the mechanics but because of the people who play it.





It also contributes heavily to the negative stereotype of the PvP crowd. But the fellow that said remove PvP entirely was no better. While I agree with his sentiment, It's not any less antagonistic for PvP crowd to read.


Personally I'd prefer separate servers and builds.

Edited by HanoverFist
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That's fine, as long as you don't mind adding quest givers and roleplay elements to Battlefield or Call of Duty. Because I feel that these games should be about the questing experience, not killing people.


Poor comparison. SWTOR is essentially KOTOR:3, the sequel to 2 very successful SINGLE PLAYER games. I would imagine that the folks who chose SWTOR b/c of things they liked about KOTOR could not care less about the current state of PVP combat.

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Poor comparison. SWTOR is essentially KOTOR:3, the sequel to 2 very successful SINGLE PLAYER games. I would imagine that the folks who chose SWTOR b/c of things they liked about KOTOR could not care less about the current state of PVP combat.


Maybe CounterStrike would have been a better example, because I wasn't speaking about the single-player modes of either of those two games.

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This is the difference between mature adults who play PVE content and you. I would never dream of invading or even posting in a PVP thread about bugs or the need for patches, yet you feel the need to come into ours with your epeen wagging crap to basically create confrontation.


Pretty much this is why PVP needs to be removed from SWTOR, not because of the mechanics but because of the people who play it.


Well said. We'd probably have a few more operations to play if the hardcore pvpers didn't complain over every aspect of the game and threaten to unsub after every patch.


Instead I'll let bioware know that I'm not content, but will continue to support them as long as they eventually focus on more content.

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Maybe CounterStrike would have been a better example, because I wasn't speaking about the single-player modes of either of those two games.


That is part of my point... Your games were designed to be multiplayer from the start. SWTOR is a hack-job multiplayer game created from a single-player game. Nobody has successfully (in my opinion and the opinion of countless others) managed to launch and maintain a live server game that combines the PVE crowd with the PVP crowd. Don't even mention that Blizzard game b/c their pvp sucked from day one and never really got better. Every one of these games has tried and failed. Why does Bioware think they will do any better?


You want good pvp? Set aside entire servers for it and let them go wild on each other. Leave the rest of us out of it and allow us to play like and with the other adults.

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I really have nothing to add that hasn't arleady been said, but I like this thread. :D


I will enjoy reading updates to it as I only play this game for the PVE and the inordinate amount of time spent by PVPers spamming the forums and by Bioware trying to placate them ticks me off.

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Well said. We'd probably have a few more operations to play if the hardcore pvpers didn't complain over every aspect of the game and threaten to unsub after every patch.


Instead I'll let bioware know that I'm not content, but will continue to support them as long as they eventually focus on more content.



I consider myself a longtime MMO hardcore player, but I am here for the operations and it gets hardly any love at all when it comes to fixes.

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PvP gets fast patches because PvPers are used to the endless nerf and buff of life as a third class citizen whatever changes we just handle it and know it will change again. But changing things on a PvEer? Well, you never emergency patch PvE because it's never safe to hurry when you're putting a crystal slipper on a faery princess' foot. Edited by Quip
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That is part of my point... Your games were designed to be multiplayer from the start. SWTOR is a hack-job multiplayer game created from a single-player game. Nobody has successfully (in my opinion and the opinion of countless others) managed to launch and maintain a live server game that combines the PVE crowd with the PVP crowd. Don't even mention that Blizzard game b/c their pvp sucked from day one and never really got better. Every one of these games has tried and failed. Why does Bioware think they will do any better?


You want good pvp? Set aside entire servers for it and let them go wild on each other. Leave the rest of us out of it and allow us to play like and with the other adults.


I'm confused because we agree on everything! :D I was just being sarcastic to the "gentleman" that said we should toss out PvE and make SWTOR a PvP game. I still support an separate system with customizable and player-owned Mechanized walkers, space ships, capital ships, etc. Wall it off from PvE and just go wild.


See this thread which was buried on a patch day:



Edited by Traumahawk
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Just saw this in the patch notes for 1.1.3, now on the test server.


Flashpoints and Operations



Conversation rewards like Social and Alignment Points and Companion Affection are gained more consistently during Hard Mode Flashpoints.


Thank you BioWare for addressing this.


And if for some reason it does't work when put on the live servers, can we get an emergency patch to fix it?

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