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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

new species for classes


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i was thinking what spcies there could be fun to be in some classes and then it hit me, why not let you guys also come with ideas to what species they diffrent classes could be.



if you had a specie from star wars you realy want to be but it not could be then put the specie's name in and write what classes you want it could be to


Specie - classes



my own ideas


Devaronian - Trooper, smuggler and Bounty hunter


Sullustan - Smuggler and Bounty Hunter

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I would like to see


Gran - Sith Inquistor, Jedi Knight, Jedi consular, Smuggler and Bounty Hunter

Kel'dor - Sith Inquisitor, Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular

Mon'Cal - Jedi Knight, Jedi Consular, Trooper, Smuggler

Rodian - Bounty Hunter, Agent, Smuggler

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Honestly, I'm surprised no one's come up with this one yet -

A Massassi Sith.

Seriously, it's got "WIN" written all over it!

now for a republic character..... hrm.....

*consults Wookiepedia*

How about a Yuzzem for a trooper, and a Verpine for a Smuggler? The Yuzzem's are heavily similir in a majority of factors to the Wookiee, and the Verpine's're a heavily-tech-savvy, yet relatively territorial race by nature, making them, IMO, a relatively good idea for the Smuggler, what does everyone else think?

And also, for those saying Droid, what type? Assassin, Protocol, Agromech, Construction, what? Honestly, I see a new, long-derived descendant of the Hunter-Killer Protocol Droid line becoming a character for like, the NFU's, but that also coincided with the HK-51's that'll be a new companion.... Maybe the New HK-whatever droid is the controller, and thinks himself far superior to his/her (based on programming) ancestor? IDK, what do you all think?

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