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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Other players "helping" you ....


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I made a suggestion about this that they would remove gray mobs from the game, and the loot, xp, and other stuff would be divided some other way...


I don't hope ever seeing that in game, but I can dream...


I think this is one of things that display how narrow minded the gameplay in mmos is in general, I'm sure there are alternatives to this...


Not sure what you are suggesting, so please clarify. Are you suggesting that if I pull a group of mobs (that would normally be tagged by me), and you came by and started to help me kill them, you would get a share of the loot and xp?

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Ok, to those that would rather not be helped, for those PVP encounters out in the wild, how should potential helpers respond? are PVP encounters different than mob encounters?


I always assume that there is an expectation to join the fight. Perhaps I have been wrong on this...

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Is it considered rude in the MMO community for someone to run up and "help" you by attacking the same group of mobs you are fighting? If they attack one of the mobs you have not hit yet, doesn't it turn red for them, and they get the credit?


I know there are times when I want to fight elites. Most of the time im not doing it for the loot, but for the practice of fighting a harder target. Then some yahoo runs up and starts helping me. It really gets on my nerves. I know they are just trying to help, or show how awesome they are, but I don't appreciate it.


Im not trying to be a jerk here or anything. I would just appreciate a little MMO etiquette.


OP , please remember that people are not mind readers nor clarividents ( did i write that correctly? sry not american) and if you see one guy fighting a champion/elite mob , the first thing you would assume is "the guy needs help"


so whisper them, they stop atacking, and its all good


i do agree stealing mobs by taggin them its douchebaggery though , but if the guy is geniunly trying to help you because he assumes you need /want help its just a matter of explaining to the other person



see its like this, if you see an old woman on the sidewalk next to ths stoplight, you assume shes waiting to cross the street, you stay there , past the green light and she doesnt cross, all of a sudden you got the driver behind you honking horn and the old woman looking at you funny because she is in reality waiting for someone to come pick her up

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I'm a healer so instead of hitting their mobs I tend to just heal and buff them then carry on. Struggling to kill tougher mobs is a good way to work on your class skills and learn how to overcome tough challenges so I don't like to presume and interrupt other peoples combat beyond a heal and buff.
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If I do decide to help someone, I will only do so on mobs that are already gray for me and if I think they can't survive the fight. I'll even rez your companion for you if it dies and buff you up :o


What he said.


Personally if I'm in a rough situation and someone just runs by it angers me. Uh, help out if someone is obviously in over their heads. Dont let them die.

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What he said.


Personally if I'm in a rough situation and someone just runs by it angers me. Uh, help out if someone is obviously in over their heads. Dont let them die.


And risk getting *****ed out for the trouble by people like OP and those who agree with him/her?


Surely you can see why people would just not bother.

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I think you mean clairvoyant. ;)


So what does everyone think of a /DND solution?


tyvm sir


and yes a big DND tag on top of your name, or otherwise let us WRITE a short atachment to the DND tag to be shown over your name or tooltip


AKA something like /dnd : practicing soloing! would show (practicing soloing) in a smaller font over his nametag ( or under or whatever you get the idea i hope)

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seen a lot of whining on these forums, never thought I'd see a complaint about another player interacting with someone, the nerve of someone trying to be friendly...



Seriously, either just whisper them and remind them that you are antisocial and don't need their aid, or just go to the next mob, or walk into a phased instance to practice in peace.

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Fixed in GW2!




Seems so simple that an MMO would "encourage" others to help instead of "penalizing" players involved.


If a game discourages cooperation when solo, but "forces" players to group... seems like a paradox to me.


Am looking forward to GW2.

Edited by Force_Me
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Is it considered rude in the MMO community for someone to run up and "help" you by attacking the same group of mobs you are fighting? If they attack one of the mobs you have not hit yet, doesn't it turn red for them, and they get the credit?


I know there are times when I want to fight elites. Most of the time im not doing it for the loot, but for the practice of fighting a harder target. Then some yahoo runs up and starts helping me. It really gets on my nerves. I know they are just trying to help, or show how awesome they are, but I don't appreciate it.


Im not trying to be a jerk here or anything. I would just appreciate a little MMO etiquette.


Unless you specifically ask for help, or are close to dying, interfearing is considered KS. Especially if its a boss.

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The only time I personally will attack another player's mobs is if it looks like they're about to die. It drives me nuts as well when someone runs up and kills the stuff I was working on..




Even more so on a Imperial Server. I am a Sith.. I don't want or need your help.

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Some people think it's rude to help them when they're in a tough spot, others think it's rude to just stand there and watch them die. Others don't care either way.


It's an MMO, with tons of different people and tons of different preferences. No matter what you do, some will thank you for it and others will gripe about it. It's inevitable.

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And risk getting *****ed out for the trouble by people like OP and those who agree with him/her?


Surely you can see why people would just not bother.


I personally find this sad. I do understand hut this is an mmo. If I wanted to play solo I would play Skyrim.

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The only time I personally will attack another player's mobs is if it looks like they're about to die. It drives me nuts as well when someone runs up and kills the stuff I was working on. Often because, like you, I may be working with a new ability or a new rotation or whatever and it throws me off.



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seen a lot of whining on these forums, never thought I'd see a complaint about another player interacting with someone, the nerve of someone trying to be friendly...



Seriously, either just whisper them and remind them that you are antisocial and don't need their aid, or just go to the next mob, or walk into a phased instance to practice in peace.



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seen a lot of whining on these forums, never thought I'd see a complaint about another player interacting with someone, the nerve of someone trying to be friendly...



Seriously, either just whisper them and remind them that you are antisocial and don't need their aid, or just go to the next mob, or walk into a phased instance to practice in peace.


I think the OP is meaning more on the lines of some poser player just killing their mobs, when there was no real need for them to help out.


If they have already tagged the target i cant see the harm in lobbing one or two shots as you pass, but if it hasnt already been tagged , your basically messing up the player in questions fight.

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Well this might seem like a novel idea but if you see Jonblack/trooper or Jonconnor/jedi on the Lord Ieldis either fighting a mob or just walking around you have the invitation to join or help me. I know... I know... Its a crazy thought for an MMO but just call me a rebel. Im up for chatting as well... Communication is good.


Oh and if you want to crack a joke about your Hoveround speeder or Jitterbug communicator go for it. Humor and fun are always welcome.

Edited by thbends
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The only unwritten MMO rule I know is the Golden Rule. So I tend to always help everyone I see fighting mobs if I pass them to/from my own quests. I've always just assumed that people were ok with the help because it helped them either get their quest done faster, or it helped them live through a tough fight. To the OP and folks like him but I'm sorry but it is just in my nature to want to help people and I don't see that changing anytime soon.
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Is it considered rude in the MMO community for someone to run up and "help" you by attacking the same group of mobs you are fighting? If they attack one of the mobs you have not hit yet, doesn't it turn red for them, and they get the credit?


I know there are times when I want to fight elites. Most of the time im not doing it for the loot, but for the practice of fighting a harder target. Then some yahoo runs up and starts helping me. It really gets on my nerves. I know they are just trying to help, or show how awesome they are, but I don't appreciate it.


Im not trying to be a jerk here or anything. I would just appreciate a little MMO etiquette.


Some of the level 50 dailies are instanced with elite mobs - so this would be one way to ensure nobody is overly helpful in game [i doubt these same people have the same attitude in real life situations].


/agree about a group of mobs - that's nothing more than trying to kill steal a mob away from you. However, if it's an elite mob that you've already engaged and they don't request a group invite - then I say let them go at it - you'll get the toy and they'll get the false impression they did something special today... :p

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