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Why are people complaining about endgame (vs WoW)


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It's been a few years since I've played WoW but this is what I remember:


  • Dailies
  • Arenas
  • Battlegrounds
  • Dungeons
  • Heroics
  • Raids


And, this is what I see in SWTOR.


  • Dailies
  • Warzones
  • Dungeons
  • Hard Modes (with nightmare)
  • Operations
  • Space missions


Comparing the two lists I see that WoW has arenas and SWTOR has space missions. Is that the only difference? I'm a PvPer so that's what I've been focused on and while I miss arenas I enjoy large-scale battles more so the lack of arena hasn't bothered me. I haven't done any sort of endgame PvE operations so I can't comment on those.


Fill me in - what's different?

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It's been a few years since I've played WoW but this is what I remember:


  • Dailies
  • Arenas
  • Battlegrounds
  • Dungeons
  • Heroics
  • Raids


And, this is what I see in SWTOR.


  • Dailies
  • Warzones
  • Dungeons
  • Hard Modes (with nightmare)
  • Operations
  • Space missions


Comparing the two lists I see that WoW has arenas and SWTOR has space missions. Is that the only difference? I'm a PvPer so that's what I've been focused on and while I miss arenas I enjoy large-scale battles more so the lack of arena hasn't bothered me. I haven't done any sort of endgame PvE operations so I can't comment on those.


Fill me in - what's different?


Most likely cos the content in wow was actually challenging at the start. And noone finished MC first week it came out.

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It's been a few years since I've played WoW but this is what I remember:


  • Dailies
  • Arenas
  • Battlegrounds
  • Dungeons
  • Heroics
  • Raids


And, this is what I see in SWTOR.


  • Dailies
  • Warzones
  • Dungeons
  • Hard Modes (with nightmare)
  • Operations
  • Space missions


Comparing the two lists I see that WoW has arenas and SWTOR has space missions. Is that the only difference? I'm a PvPer so that's what I've been focused on and while I miss arenas I enjoy large-scale battles more so the lack of arena hasn't bothered me. I haven't done any sort of endgame PvE operations so I can't comment on those.


Fill me in - what's different?

more dungeons, more dailies, more battle grounds, more raids. Achievements and collecting (rare mounts, pets, legendary weapons, etc)


There's also the "want something new" factor.


and the "yawn, already done all of that because it wasn't actually hard" bit.


But mostly the problem is that tor doesn't offer anything significantly new over wow's end game; so they're just offering less of the same.

Edited by ferroz
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Most likely cos the content in wow was actually challenging at the start. And noone finished MC first week it came out.


How long does it take people to finish end game content now in WoW? People will always strive to be "world first" but that does not accurately represent how the average player perceives the instance. Also, WoW started with 40 man raids which means you had to rely on more people to not screw up. Was it the content that was difficult or was it finding 40 competent people to do said content?

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So is it content alone? If so, I have faith, because the game is still young and BioWare is making very frequent patches.


It really is pretty much the same - I'm not a WoW person but I have played just about everything else out there and they all boil down to the same type of stuff at end game.


I think it is primarily the quantity that is the issue because it is much smaller than say, Rift, had at release. And Rift continues to release new content (large chunks of it) in a very aggressive time frame. If Bioware is able to do that as well then a lot of the problems will fade over time.


I'm just personally not good with repetition. I can only do the same thing, space combat - dailies - FP, etc. over and over in very small doses. There should have been more unique top tier FP's (they are coming) and more than two raid zones at release.

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more dungeons, more dailies, more battle grounds, more raids. Achievements and collecting (rare mounts, pets, legendary weapons, etc)


There's also the "want something new" factor.


Mostly the problem is that tor doesn't offer anything significantly new over wow's end game and just doesn't offer as much of it.


So, just lack of content. I'm hopeful, then, as the game is young and BioWare is making very very frequent patches. They also have the resources to continue to pour in content. They released a new dungeon, what, three weeks after release?

Edited by SpiffyJr
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It really is pretty much the same - I'm not a WoW person but I have played just about everything else out there and they all boil down to the same type of stuff at end game.


I think it is primarily the quantity that is the issue because it is much smaller than say, Rift, had at release. And Rift continues to release new content (large chunks of it) in a very aggressive time frame. If Bioware is able to do that as well then a lot of the problems will fade over time.


I'm just personally not good with repetition. I can only do the same thing, space combat - dailies - FP, etc. over and over in very small doses. There should have been more unique top tier FP's (they are coming) and more than two raid zones at release.


Seems to be the common trend. Lack of endgame content. Hopefully they will address it as I feel this game has very good potential. I played Age of Conan, WAR, Rift, Aion, and just about every other MMO to come out and I never made it pass the first subscription. At least I've made it that far now...

Edited by SpiffyJr
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It's been a few years since I've played WoW but this is what I remember:


  • Dailies
  • Arenas
  • Battlegrounds
  • Dungeons
  • Heroics
  • Raids


And, this is what I see in SWTOR.


  • Dailies - 13 level 50
  • Warzones - 3 (cheaters, cheaters, cheaters)
  • Dungeons - 7 with HM
  • Operations - 2 with HM/NMM (bugs, bugs, bugs)
  • Space missions - lol..



Fix'd for you... :-)

Edited by Aleeha
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There is nothing challenging about this game in HMs or OPs except for bugs.


I've been every bug free OPs boss in less than 3 tries in PUGs.


I will agree with the difficulty. The hard modes I've done have been easy but I always do them with a group of competent friends. The first time through the dungeons without any "guides" to look up did make things more challenging. I can't comment on the PUG aspect.

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Ops and Flashpoints are too easy to even be considered content. I'm convinced they purposely left bugs in just so groups couldn't one-shot them the first time in.


Then you turn around and do them in Hard Mode which is basically Easy Mode.


By the time you can do them in Nightmare, who wants to? You've already done the same crap 2x.


I haven't logged in since Saturday night when I got 21 valor levels kill trading in Ilum and I hardly miss it. It sucks because I wish I did.

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Ops and Flashpoints are too easy to even be considered content. I'm convinced they purposely left bugs in just so groups couldn't one-shot them the first time in.


Then you turn around and do them in Hard Mode which is basically Easy Mode.


By the time you can do them in Nightmare, who wants to? You've already done the same crap 2x.


I haven't logged in since Saturday night when I got 21 valor levels kill trading in Ilum and I hardly miss it. It sucks because I wish I did.


I consider all PvE "easy mode." Hell, everything in WoW was easy - the only hard part is finding 4, or 9, or 14, or 24, or 39 other people that don't screw up. But again, I'm a PvPer so I'm biased.

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It's been a few years since I've played WoW but this is what I remember:


  • Dailies Oh god Firelands, too much red I can't do this
  • Arenas LOLZ I haz legendary weapons I WINZ!
  • Battlegrounds BOTS BOTS BOTS GALORE
  • Dungeons Ugh Stonecore *drops and reques* YAY HoT dungeons
  • Heroics See above
  • Raids Yay Raid Finder I killed DW first day


And, this is what I see in SWTOR.


  • Dailies
  • Warzones
  • Dungeons
  • Hard Modes (with nightmare)
  • Operations
  • Space missions



Fix'd for ya :D

Edited by Logisitcs
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I wish I had Valor traded =(.



But again, content is way too easy(save a few things). Leveling is way too fast. All encounters are just DPS checks.


I had a horrible horrible time once I hit 50 PvPing. After 2-3 days of getting gear it wasn't near as bad. After they reduce the affect gear has on PvP it may be even better.

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Why waste time even talking about that crap WoW?


It seems some folks just can't go a day without mentioning that other game in these forums. I doubt anyone really cares...well...except the usual few who can't get that crap out their systems.

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I had a horrible horrible time once I hit 50 PvPing. After 2-3 days of getting gear it wasn't near as bad. After they reduce the affect gear has on PvP it may be even better.


That's another issue I have with this game currently.


PVP is Gear > Class > Skill


and in some cases


Class > Gear > skill



This is not a skill based PVP game like they claimed it would be.

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Why waste time even talking about that crap WoW?


It seems some folks just can't go a day without mentioning that other game in these forums. I doubt anyone really cares...well...except the usual few who can't get that crap out their systems.


Skip my post next time? People compare it to WoW because it's the game to compare to. It doesn't matter how you feel about the game... the vast majority of MMO players have played it. When you go to Chipotle you don't compare it to bob & joe's shack down the street you compare it to Qdoba because it's the competition.

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