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Give it time.....


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I wonder why players that burn through content like there is nothing else to do in life race to end game simply to whine like babies. If you burn through content, that does not make you a great achiever in life or someone who is elite, more likely you just need more things to do in your life besides playing a game.


You are a paying customer, true, just compare what you are paying with other entertainment, for exemple if you go to a movie and it sucks, you wasted 30 bucks and an hour and half of your life, are you gonna go and waste more time complaining afterwards, probably not, you will move on... but now you paid 60 or 90 and played for many more hours and then claim you have the right the qq your brains out... yes you do have the right, just like you have the right to be a moron.


This game has story, BW has had that special side since BG2 and has had successfull titles with the same concept for years, now they put it in an mmo. It has me who enjoyed these games and also liked mmos very happy because I get a two for one. Is the game perfect, no but I feel its pretty good, and no where near a disaster (ive played about every mmo disaster you can imagine)


Relax roll an alt, and discover more story if your all done and ubered out already. If you dont like the stories and make love to the space bar then its not your game. When I turn my TV on and its young and the restless, I flip the channel, because its not my thing, I dont make it a crusade against it, I move on.


Here is another great right you have in this case paying customer, the right stop paying and leave.


I am staying and will be for a few years I believe.


1. So, you never told someone a movie that you went to see was bad?

2. So, your fix is to roll another alt, give BW more money they don't deserve and accept what they gave you?


Or what about this, YOU can always ignore the threads dealing with opinions other than yours... Or do you like trolling...

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I will not give it time. I am a consumer who expects a working product. If BW can't figure out how to patch this MMO without breaking something, then I have the right to call them out for it.


Agreed, a huge budget like this and you put out a game that is lacking features and really buggy, then they make excuses why they think those features shouldn't be in the game.... Come on Bioware, stop treating us like we are mentally challenged.

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Why would I want to keep paying now for a game that's not going to be fun until later, if at all?


Well, you wouldn't. Nobody is really telling you to either. I'm having fun now, and I expect to be having fun in the future. If that changes then I won't resub. You're obviously not satisfied currently. If that's the case do what you must and cancel.

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That argument doesnt hold well to something that is constantly changing.... you cant go buy a car and have an option to pay a monthly fee to keep getting new content for your car.


Do you expect that dealerships are going around and saying, "Oh the engine wasnt as powerful as you expected, well damn how about we upgrade you from the 4-cyl to a 6-cyl for $15 a month."


Didnt think so.


Would you buy a 2012 car with no power steering? WoW had no power steering back in 2004 (and it was NORMAL) and added it in time. Are you still ready to wait another 6 years for SWTOR to add power-steering?


SWTOR came out with a broken 2012 engine called "HERO" that doesn't have power steering. a 2012 game that runs on Directx9...really?.....really??



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1. So, you never told someone a movie that you went to see was bad?

2. So, your fix is to roll another alt, give BW more money they don't deserve and accept what they gave you?


Or what about this, YOU can always ignore the threads dealing with opinions other than yours... Or do you like trolling...


Calm down buddy give me the time to answer you lol!


1. Yes I have told people about a bad movie, but I dont start petitions, post and whine on the theatres or the movies official website. I move on.


2. Making an alt is not a fix for me, because I dont consider it broken. I believe this game was designed for you to try out a few stories. If you think BW does not deserve your money, stop giving it to them and move on! Obviously you think they are still worth your time because you are here.

Edited by Mateops
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Agreed, a huge budget like this and you put out a game that is lacking features and really buggy, then they make excuses why they think those features shouldn't be in the game.... Come on Bioware, stop treating us like we are mentally challenged.


Probably a lot of the cost was just hiring voice actors and doing the dialogue twice (male/female) for each class so thats about 16 voice actors just for the player characters plus every npc that speaks. Also there are other languages so factor that in as well.

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Probably a lot of the cost was just hiring voice actors and doing the dialogue twice (male/female) for each class so thats about 16 voice actors just for the player characters plus every npc that speaks. Also there are other languages so factor that in as well.


A lot of repeat stuff in there though. But yeah, I was talking about that in another thread. They're going to have a lot of work cut out for them down the road with all the VOs they need.

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Calm down buddy give me the time to answer you lol!


1. Yes I have told people about a bad movie, but I dont start petitions, post and whine on the theatres or the movies official website. I move on.


2. Making an alt is not a fix for me, because I dont consider it broken. I believe this game was designed for you to try out a few stories. If you think BW does not deserve your money, stop giving it to them and move on! Obviously you think they are still worth your time because you are here.


But you do attack people who have different opinions than your own; you stated to move on and "Change the channel" if you don't like it. Can't follow your own advice or do you always have to get the last word.


On your second point, nope unsubbed a few days ago, but I can discuss SWTOR's failings here till it expires...


BTW you stated to roll an alt for those who didn't enjoy the game. Is it magically gonna get better?

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But you do attack people who have different opinions than your own; you stated to move on and "Change the channel" if you don't like it. Can't follow your own advice or do you always have to get the last word.


On your second point, nope unsubbed a few days ago, but I can discuss SWTOR's failings here till it expires...


BTW you stated to roll an alt for those who didn't enjoy the game. Is it magically gonna get better?


I did not attack anyone, Im sorry if you felt attacked. Changing the channel if you dont like it is simply a suggestion, thats what I would do if I did not like it myself. From what you said you did not save yourself some money with this game, but you can still save your time.


So first you say I will ignore your post because I dont agree with you the first time and when I do respond to you you say I always need to have the last word lol! Chances are I will have the last word becaue I plan on staying and you on leaving, thats just the most probable consequence to our respective choice.


You unsubbed and now you can discuss what you think are SWTOR's failing; yes you are free to do so, never you said you could not...


I did not say roll a alt if you dont enjoy the game, again, you misunderstood me, I said if you have a toon all maxed out and have no more end game to do, then roll another toon.


But you decided to move on, great for you! :)

Edited by Mateops
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Probably a lot of the cost was just hiring voice actors and doing the dialogue twice (male/female) for each class so thats about 16 voice actors just for the player characters plus every npc that speaks. Also there are other languages so factor that in as well.



theres where they crapped the money against the wall and had to buy a cheapo engine instead of developing there own.. movies have less of a cast

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Seriously, paragraphs, grammar, correct use of punctuation.....make it hurt less.




Wall of text. Needs TL;DR.




Totally agree with u all. And like any wine, it gets better in time. Patient is a virtue.


ALL wine does not get better WITH time. Some turn into vinegar.



PATIENT is not a viture. It is someone who shows up for a doctor's apointment ahead of time only to be seen 45 mins later than their scheduled appointment.


But I see what you did there. ;)

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heh..... it's not gonna hurt thier bottom line one single bit when you ragequit...even if all the haters on this forum quit it wouldnt dent thier subscription number at all.


a few pissed off Joes arent gonna hurt the millions and millions of people playing.



It's like trying to kill a red dragon with a 6 inch chunk of dental floss.




But if a large enough portion of the player base quits then it will affect their bottom line and could shut down the game. Since neither you nor I know the exact figure of how many people feel that this game isn't offering enough for them, but just saying "oh well, one person doesn't matter" doesn't solve or answer anything. If one person feels that way, more probably do as well. If enough do, then the game is in trouble. Don't write off his opinion simply because you disagree with it. Just because you feel this game will succeed on its current merits does not make that the case, it is what the player base as a whole feels.

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for over a full YEAR of beta there were complaints about the crafting system, lack of RPing items, nothing to do in town, nothing to bring the community together, space being on a rail.


1000s of posts of people saying "its only beta" "its beta they are working on it"


Almost 2 months into release now.


crafting system sucks, there is a lack of RPing items, nothing to do in town, the community sucks, space is on a rail.


Time to take the blinders off and start working WITH the people asking for improvements instead of AGAINST them.

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That argument doesnt hold well to something that is constantly changing.... you cant go buy a car and have an option to pay a monthly fee to keep getting new content for your car.


Do you expect that dealerships are going around and saying, "Oh the engine wasnt as powerful as you expected, well damn how about we upgrade you from the 4-cyl to a 6-cyl for $15 a month."


Didnt think so.


OK well how about a gym.


Would you pay a gym monthly payments when they didnt have equipment that worked or didnt have equipment for anything but biceps? They add new equipment and items that were not there during the opening. The showers didnt have hot water or they didnt clean their towels but they did have towels.

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I did not attack anyone, Im sorry if you felt attacked. Changing the channel if you dont like it is simply a suggestion, thats what I would do if I did not like it myself. From what you said you did not save yourself some money with this game, but you can still save your time.


So first you say I will ignore your post because I dont agree with you the first time and when I do respond to you you say I always need to have the last word lol! Chances are I will have the last word becaue I plan on staying and you on leaving, thats just the most probable consequence to our respective choice.


You unsubbed and now you can discuss what you think are SWTOR's failing; yes you are free to do so, never you said you could not...


I did not say roll a alt if you dont enjoy the game, again, you misunderstood me, I said if you have a toon all maxed out and have no more end game to do, then roll another toon.


But you decided to move on, great for you! :)


And... You can "change the channel" anytime by not replying to forums and/or posts you know your going to troll...


You can't resist the urge to be right can you... It must hurt sporting that kind of ego, being that kind of person... Doors must be a problem for you...


BTW, telling someone to roll a new toon to solve the problem of boredom is laughable.

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I'm sorry but you can't compare this game (or any other new title) to WOW at it's start up. WOW started 7 years ago. Trying to compare the two at start up would be like trying to compare a new car company to when Ford started up (100 years ago). This game is competing head-to-head with WOW and other current and soon to be released titles. I'm sure the executives did their research about what the minimum expectations of the gaming community would be. WOW is the current standard for comparison. If they can't approach WOW on most things and exceed WOW on a few things, then they will not survive long.


Would any of you purchase a new car that had buggy seat belts, poor gas mileage, AM radio, couldn't get to 55 mph, but the paint job looked good and the AC was nice if it cost the same as a Toyota? Would you even try to compare this car to when the Corolla first came out?


In the computer industry suppliers have a limited opportunity to get in and grab a segment of the market. Once you do, if you don't satisfy those customers, they will go away and you won't get more. There is just too much good competition for people to stick with something that has no promise.


The people who are complaining are trying to help BW become successful, they aren't just whining. Most understand that unless this game sees bold adjustments, it will got the way of Conan and Tabula Rasa. Many have anticipated this game and looked forward to playing it for years to come and they still hold that hope. But they are faced with the truth that in it's current state, even they don't want to play it much longer.

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I will not give it time. I am a consumer who expects a working product. If BW can't figure out how to patch this MMO without breaking something, then I have the right to call them out for it.


No matter what MMO you play it always starts out buggy the first couple months.....you have to deal with it, i assure you that guild wars 2 will have a crap ton of bugs when it releases.

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No matter what MMO you play it always starts out buggy the first couple months.....you have to deal with it, i assure you that guild wars 2 will have a crap ton of bugs when it releases.


There's a HUGE difference between bugs and crappy performance/engine...every MMO players can live with bugs at start but crappy gameplay/performance is another ball game and sad but true, Bioware did drop the ball on that aspect.

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