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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Is there a cap on resting?


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I know staying in a rested state gives you an extended period of double xp. But I have a couple of questions:


First, it says logging out in a cantina puts you into a rested state. But being in a cantina, while logged in, also does. And if you log out anywhere, when you log in again, you've collected a bunch of rested state double xp. I'm just wondering if there is a difference, or is the effect the same for all of these? (I've spent credits on taxis to take me to cantinas to log out in, but maybe I could have just logged out where I was?)


Secondly, I'm going to be traveling soon for a couple of weeks, and won't be playing the game during that time. Will I accumulate the double xp for the entire people, or is there a cap? Otherwise a great way to level up, stay away for a few days, and xp will come that much easier.

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You can gain a very small amount of rested by logging out any where but you gain alot more by logging out in a cantina (or your ship I believe). So log out there when ever you can.


I don't know for definate but I imagine there will be a cap on the amout you can earn. In the game that must not be mentioned the cap was two levels worth of rested but if they have mimic'd that in this game I couldn't say for sure.

Edited by liamf
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The maximum amount of rested xp is the cap for your current level - so if your level cap is 100,000 points, you will cap at 100,000 rested xp.


that can't be true as my Sage has 200k *rounded down* and only needs 120k more to lvl *rounded up* <-Real rounded numbers


i have noticed that i get a set amount of rest EXP and it seems to cap at some point but i do belive that cap gets re-newd with a log in.. for example i rested 100k exp and the cap is 130k i log in cap is reset to 0/130k *these are just examples not real numbers*

or maybe im just wrong and you can only have 2x your lvl req would love to actually know..

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But how does that work? Whenever the rested effect wears off you get the xp?


each kill provides 2x EXP untill you run out of rested EXP


you have 1,000 rested EXP you go kill mobs worth 1,200 exp you end up with 2,200 exp as you ran out of rested for the last 200

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that can't be true as my Sage has 200k *rounded down* and only needs 120k more to lvl *rounded up* <-Real rounded numbers


i have noticed that i get a set amount of rest EXP and it seems to cap at some point but i do belive that cap gets re-newd with a log in.. for example i rested 100k exp and the cap is 130k i log in cap is reset to 0/130k *these are just examples not real numbers*

or maybe im just wrong and you can only have 2x your lvl req would love to actually know..


The cap is the same number of xp you need total for your next level. If you are lvl 1 and you need 1000xp total for lvl 2, the maximum number of rest xp you can have is 1000 -even if you already have 999/1000xp it doesn't cap at 1xp, it's still 1000. Mouseover your xp bar, the second number that says how much xp you need for the next level? That's how much rest xp you can have saved.

Edited by MorgonKara
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The cap is the same number of xp you need total for your next level. If you are lvl 1 and you need 1000xp total for lvl 2, the maximum number of rest xp you can have is 1000 -even if you already have 999/1000xp it doesn't cap at 1xp, it's still 1000. Mouseover your xp bar, the second number that says how much xp you need for the next level? That's how much rest xp you can have saved.




You can always mouse over your bar and see the exact amount of rested XP you have as well.

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that can't be true as my Sage has 200k *rounded down* and only needs 120k more to lvl *rounded up* <-Real rounded numbers


Sorry, I did a poor job of explaining. TO echo some of the other posts since, and to correct my own half-assed post...


If you are currently at level 28, which needs 136,950 (for example, not the exact number) experience to go up to level 29, and you currently have 101,950 xp so that you need another 35,000 xp to get to 29, then your rested xp cap will be 136,950 points.


The bonus while you have rested xp is a 100% increase in xp that you receive. However, not all received xp is eligible for this bump.


The xp you get from handing in missions does not receive the 100% bump. As far as I can tell, the xp you get from exploration and codex entries does not receive the bump.

The only xo source that I have noticed that does recieve the 100% bump is the xp you get from killing stuff.


So... in the above example (lvl 28, capped rested xp, with 136,950 rested xp), if you hand in a mission that would earn you 5000 xp normally, you will still earn 5000 xp and still have 136,950 rested xp.

If you kill a mob that would normally give you 100 xp, you will actually get 200 xp and your available rested xp will be reduced to 136,850.

If you then hand in quests without killing anything else, so that you reach the xp threshold to get to the next level, you will still have 136,850 rested xp available, but because the xp for getting from lvl 29 to 30 is 163,250 points (for example), your rested xp cap has now increased, so you can head back to the cantina or your ship and gain more rested xp up to the new cap of 163,250 points.


Oh, and the higher your level, the faster you will gain each point of rested xp. I do not know the formula for working that out, but I suspect the time to get from 0 rested xp to the cap is constant for each level.

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Quest reward xp does not use up rested. only xp from killing things.


i know, if i need 2k exp from 2 to 3 and i have 1k rested it cant sum up with quest reward exp since we nee more exp from levelup to levelup.


maybe we find someone really bored to park a toon in cantina and then after a week do nothing else then slaying mobs ?

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Oh, if the end of your rested bar is on the same bar as your current level XP is (should be a vertical line). Hand in a quest and the end of the rested bar shifts along. However, kill something and it stays where it is but the XP you have will shift up making the "gap" between the end of your current XP and end of the rested XP shrink showing that you've used some of the rested.


The maximum rested you can ever have is the total you need for your current level. So if you need 1000 xp for that level, you will be able to have 1000xp max, even if you only need 1 xp to ding - this puts 999 rested in the next level. It takes about a week to get full rested if logged out in a rest zone.


Does that make sense?

Edited by Tatumsa
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Oh, if the end of your rested bar is on the same bar as your current level XP is (should be a vertical line). Hand in a quest and the end of the rested bar shifts along. However, kill something and it stays where it is but the XP you have will shift up making the "gap" between the end of your current XP and end of the rested XP shrink showing that you've used some of the rested.


The maximum rested you can ever have is the total you need for your current level. So if you need 1000 xp for that level, you will be able to have 1000xp max, even if you only need 1 xp to ding - this puts 999 rested in the next level. It takes about a week to get full rested if logged out in a rest zone.


Does that make sense?


yep, same system as almost all other games with an Exp bar use. Anyways, my toons will have lots of rested exp since i wont get on a while, or at least untill the GCD issue is solved, no sense in playing with an most annoying interface for me :)

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