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Has Bioware already lost the PvP base?


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What I don't understand about people who grief over a game like this is that Bioware the whole time said that it was going to focus on Story. Investing time and money on voice acting, planets, and that summarizes to PVE.


Yes, I understand that that have a PVP team in place now that is working on enhancements to PVP to make it more progressive and rewarding, but that takes time.


In the guild summit, they said they were surprised on how many people wanted to PVP. So obviously it took them off guard. So cry away.


All I heard on this post was pretty much, "Bohoo Only 1 warzone and PVE players get so much more"


"Why do games keep regressing" Its not a matter of regression, its a matter of stability" It would be like building a sky rise from the roof down and hold it up while you build the floors underneath it."


People who put unrealistic ideals on what the modern MMO is is only lying and disappointing themselves. Its that simple

But see, you're simply wrong, they DID market this game as having an "AMAZING PVP PLANET, AND pvp servers that fostered planets with both fractions. Which clearly the worlds designs discourage any form of pvp in most places.


Or how about the extremely active PVP forums on this very site since 2008 , but yea they "had no clue the players were gonna want pvp"....Don't be so naive.


I myself always knew they wouldn't be able to live up to the hype as most should have known.

Edited by Dego_Locc
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But see, you're simply wrong, they DID market this game as having an "AMAZING PVP PLANET, AND pvp servers that fostered planets with both fractions. Which clearly the worlds designs discourage any form of pvp in most places.


Yes they did, but it was never their 'focus" on the game. PvE was their focus.

Edited by dlaselle
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They just lost me. Unsubbed. I really had high hopes for this game and have been a huge advocate for since its released. But now with the route this game is going I am not looking to play a game that caters so much to complaining public. I have even loved pvp every minutes untill they now just throw valor away and medals mean nothing anymore. Enjoy your different colored gear!!
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Yes they did, but it was never their 'focus" on the game. PvE was their focus.


They said they wanted their game to have an e-sport scene. Best case scenario they lied to get a type of playerbase that doesn't/didn't belong in this game, worst case scenario they failed horribly.

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They said they wanted their game to have an e-sport scene. Best case scenario they lied to get a type of playerbase that doesn't/didn't belong in this game, worst case scenario they failed horribly.


MMO's will never be balanced, even with equal gear handouts to all who are 50. MMO's are the laughing stalk of e sports. Nobody takes it seriously in the s sport world.

Edited by Dego_Locc
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It was obvious since Beta that End game (pvp and operations) were put to the back burner. I can only say they've probably been working on a lot of stuff for a long time but due to circumstances haven't been able to really hit these things yet till now.


Evidence for my statement would be the scales of bugs in end game and pvp during beta and release, compared to that of the storylines etc. Just look at Karagga's, it used to just be Bonethrasher, they obviously through him out there cus they didn't want peeps to get bored smacking Soa around all night.

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It was obvious since Beta that End game (pvp and operations) were put to the back burner. I can only say they've probably been working on a lot of stuff for a long time but due to circumstances haven't been able to really hit these things yet till now.


Evidence for my statement would be the scales of bugs in end game and pvp during beta and release, compared to that of the storylines etc. Just look at Karagga's, it used to just be Bonethrasher, they obviously through him out there cus they didn't want peeps to get bored smacking Soa around all night.


Most of the bugs I reported in the last three general testing beta builds are still in the game.

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Most of the bugs I reported in the last three general testing beta builds are still in the game.


Exactly, and I believe they planned to hold us over until they got around to it with Ilum, but Ilum was so fail and they couldn't figure out a good system to make it work. Which I found very strange considering all they had to do was concentrate the pvp and raise the reward factor. When I first started on beta, I imagined Ilum to be something of a runescape wilderness without all the flaming, deceit, and risk, and loads of community interactions and duels etc. Sadly, our interactions with the other faction are limited to Warzones... This needs to be fixed.

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"First" must be lost on you. He was correct. If you think WoW was the first mainstream anything.. perhaps you are confusing that word with "Commercially produced crap" that is more befitting of such a title. Because the only thing WoW was first at was pumping millions of dollars in to advertising.. Not exactly something I'd go boasting about with glee.. It paid off I suppose seeing as the inheritors of Blizzard's IPs are laughing themselves to the bank.. Sadly, those who actually worked for Blizzard North all quit the company soon after it was acquired by Activision. A lot of people forget this.


I didn't say WoW was the first mainstream MMO. It was the first mainstream MMO to adapt such a PvP orientation.


Hate on WoW all you want, but it was a good game at release. It wasn't the biggest and best because of advertising but from a many factors not the least of which was that it was a very fun, well designed, and polished game at release. There was no "it's release- it'll get better" in critical areas of combat mechanics, game play, or content. There was massive server latency due to hardware limitations at the time. The worst bug was that you fell through the world sometimes. In the grand scheme of things, that's relatively minor.

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