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Requesting Some Feedback From Marauders


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Okay so here is the thing. The first character I made was a Sith Warrior. Once I got the choice on whether to go Juggernaut or Marauder, I went with Marauder. It looked like it would be my enjoyable for me, and I liked the idea of dual sabers.


I could solo most of the missions and things until after somewhere between 25-30. What I mean by that is if I had a mission that was the same level as me it became very hard for me to solo. By the time I got to Hoth, if I wasn't 3 levels higher than the suggested level it seemed next to impossible for me to do. Once I headed over to Corelia, enemies would look at me and I seemed to fall over dead without the time to even say "Meep!".


Luckily I had plenty of people to help me out when I needed it.


I would always make sure I had the best gear that I could get my hands on, but things never seemed to get any easier for me.


Last night however, something seemed to have changed for me. I started doing the Dailies on Belsavis. To my great surprise the mods I was able to buy with commendations seemed to help tremendously.


I was able to buy three mods from the vendor. I felt a small confidence boost in my abilities. So I headed off to the last remaining daily I had. I can't remember which one it was exactly, but I handled it with ease. Which beforehand at my previous levels, I know would have been impossible for me.


After a bit of thought I've come to the conclusion that what I had thought to be "good gear" was in fact, not good at all.


So here is my question for you guys. How can I further improve my use of this class?

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First off it would be nice to know what Spec you're running. As of right now, and I'm sure everyone will tell you this, Annihilation is the best spec pretty much all around and only stubborn people like me stick with Carnage and work our asses off for the same result.


Secondly, Marauders have a bell curve when it comes to difficulty with the levels. We start out awesome, hit a suck pit, and then once we hit 40 things become easier and easier.


Tips/Tricks to Making your Marauder work (This is noted for all Specs):


- Cloak of Pain is your friend. If you're in a fight, and it's available, no real reason not to activate it. Only 1 min CD, 20% damage reduction from all sources. As long as you're getting hit, or you're lucky enough to have a DoT on you, you're going to stay alive longer.


- You know how to get to Carnegie Hall right? Practice. And it makes perfect on this class no matter your level. Get your basic rotations down and be very aware of what's going on in the fight. We have to use strategy, quick thinking, and in some cases a twitch reflex in order to make things work MORE in our favor. We don't have the ability to control fights like other people do.


- Key bindings are essential. I don't know if you're a "clicker" or not, but if you have the money I'd recommend a Razer Naga mouse to help with this problem. We usually need access to our buffs, Fury dumps, extra attacks, etc in a second's notice. So make sure you keep everything needed very handy. It'll help you survive.


- Stats to stack in any situation will definitely be Crit and Surge. Both Carnage and Annihilation rely on both of these stat's mechanics for all of our essential damage dealing (And in Anni's case, healing). You want more of everything. Accuracy is also a big issue.


That's all I can really tell you right now without any information given on your part. If you tell us what Spec you are, we could suggest rotations, PvP tactics, etc. Hope you enjoy it. :]

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If you cannot easily compete any and EVERY solo quest in the game then you are doing something wrong.




This class is not baddie friendly so if you do not find the class good that means you are a baddie. The class is not broken, and you do use EVERY skill you learn.



Frankly i these posts are old and tired now. If you cannot figure this class out then it is not the class for you, if you think using 4 skills is complicated go play a bounty hunter, at max level you actively use over 20 skills on any given fight in a flashpoint/op setting.

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If you cannot easily compete any and EVERY solo quest in the game then you are doing something wrong.




This class is not baddie friendly so if you do not find the class good that means you are a baddie. The class is not broken, and you do use EVERY skill you learn.



Frankly i these posts are old and tired now. If you cannot figure this class out then it is not the class for you, if you think using 4 skills is complicated go play a bounty hunter, at max level you actively use over 20 skills on any given fight in a flashpoint/op setting.


If you find them so tiring then there's no reason for you to respond and bring more poor attitude towards someone asking for help and advice. That makes a bad player, not the inability to play a class.

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we're gear dependent


when i was fresh 50, the every planet seemed the dangerous place of entire galaxy every fight was a little war with my keyboard...once i get some mods and gears, i do dailies while watch tv and talk with my gf lol even the 4 ppl quests..

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As has been stated before Marauders are not an easy class to play and do have a bell curve as the other poster said, personally I overleveled almost every planet I was on, didnt hit Taris till 36, hoth till 41 etc. etc. also aside from your own gear being kept up to date make sure whatever companion you use is also kept up gear wise.


Finally make sure to use a marauder guide for whatever spec you use, I believe there is a pretty good one stickied at the top of this forum.

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If you cannot easily compete any and EVERY solo quest in the game then you are doing something wrong.


Though his tone is alittle rough this is pretty much it. Don't know what spec you are but going 10-50 annihalation using Quinn I've yet to find a mission that wasn't pretty easy. Even did Vette's companion quests when they were still red(5 levels higher than me).


Charge in get all threat on you so Quinn isn't getting hit. Pick off all the weak 2-3sec kill targets then focus on the silver/gold mob then repeat. Keep dots ticking, use Berserk every time you hit 30 fury for some little self heals.

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go annilhilation, gear out quinn and vette (i just bought them the pvp gear), profit


the other guy had some good tips


get yourself a naga mouse if you have the funds, they're pretty sweet. I just got mine and I just got past the clumsy phase and it's starting to pay off in spades. Keep your "oh ****" buttons close to your field of vision so you know when they're up and map them to an easy to reach hotkey so you can ham-fistedly mash it if need be. Put points into force camo for the 100% damage reduction and that is basically a free life for you.

Edited by HBninjaX
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go annilhilation, gear out quinn and vette (i just bought them the pvp gear), profit


the other guy had some good tips


get yourself a naga mouse if you have the funds, they're pretty sweet. I just got mine and I just got past the clumsy phase and it's starting to pay off in spades. Keep your "oh ****" buttons close to your field of vision so you know when they're up and map them to an easy to reach hotkey so you can ham-fistedly mash it if need be. Put points into force camo for the 100% damage reduction and that is basically a free life for you.


I got a Naga mouse when they first came out because regardless of what mmo I'm playing I love keybinding everything and for a Marauder it takes you from being that confused half clicker marauder people laugh at to the deadly one that people hunt just because you're pissing them off.

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Like someone else said, we are very gear dependent. We are at a disadvantage and do seem to have to work harder for certain things. Doing the dailys are the best bet for the armoring and mod upgrades. There is one that gives enhancement rewards too however I chose to go with other options then the ones that are given. Also, the daily commendation vender is a great source which you said you already used so that was good. Only other advice I can say is surf the GTN as much as you can for good stuff.


As far as key bindings go, I have a regular mouse and keyboard. I binded my middle button to force charge, and right button to normal attack (the rage builder.) That alone works wonders for me.


On a side note, I'm at the point where I feel like Cloak of Pain should somehow be changed to a passive ability or talent since you pretty much HAVE to use it, or else. It would have to be changed of course, though. It's not right that something that's supposed to be a utility is instead a requirement. But thats another story...

Edited by SillyTurtle
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If you find them so tiring then there's no reason for you to respond and bring more poor attitude towards someone asking for help and advice. That makes a bad player, not the inability to play a class.


the inability to play a class is really the only definition of a bad player


what you meant was to say "stop being a d-bag" :D

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If you cannot easily compete any and EVERY solo quest in the game then you are doing something wrong.




This class is not baddie friendly so if you do not find the class good that means you are a baddie. The class is not broken, and you do use EVERY skill you learn.



Frankly i these posts are old and tired now. If you cannot figure this class out then it is not the class for you, if you think using 4 skills is complicated go play a bounty hunter, at max level you actively use over 20 skills on any given fight in a flashpoint/op setting.


You are a forum baddie, how you read the op's entire topic and countered with this is just bad.

Edited by Irishbrewed
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You are a forum baddie, how you read the op's entire topic and countered with this is just bad.


What hizoka said is true. Alot of people do no have trouble with soloing. Some times its more challenging than others, thats what makes it great, if you travel at the same difficulty and never get challenged, this game would get boring.


To the OP, this is an MMO, you can ask for help from general chat, friends, and guildies. There are other people playing this game, hence why they added social points....

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@OP what spec are you? I just finished off correlia yesterday at 50.


I soloed the entire game and nearly every 2 man heroic (some of them I couldn't because the champions at the end would hit like a truck)


I had no problems leveling. At 30 or so it got a bit harder but it picked up again on belsavis.


My advice: go annihilation and use Quinn.


Also buy a Razer naga mouse. You need to be able to reliably use all of your cool downs when the need arises.

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What hizoka said is true. Alot of people do no have trouble with soloing. Some times its more challenging than others, thats what makes it great, if you travel at the same difficulty and never get challenged, this game would get boring.


To the OP, this is an MMO, you can ask for help from general chat, friends, and guildies. There are other people playing this game, hence why they added social points....


yes, what hizoka said is true, but hes still a dick


the OP comes in here and instead of QQing like a little girl saying "marauders are bad, i cant solo things, waa waa, we suck" he makes a well written post about the issues he had and asks for help improving


no QQing, no marauder bashing ... just asking for some advice so he can get the same performance out of the class that many of us are already getting


if it was a QQ post there would be no issue with a mean (read: truthful) response like hizokas, but it wasnt a QQ post, it was a "can i have some advice, please" post

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yes, what hizoka said is true, but hes still a dick


the OP comes in here and instead of QQing like a little girl saying "marauders are bad, i cant solo things, waa waa, we suck" he makes a well written post about the issues he had and asks for help improving


no QQing, no marauder bashing ... just asking for some advice so he can get the same performance out of the class that many of us are already getting


if it was a QQ post there would be no issue with a mean (read: truthful) response like hizokas, but it wasnt a QQ post, it was a "can i have some advice, please" post


Thank you, I swear some ppl just can't read.

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Hey guys. Me again. Read all the replies and wanted to say thanks.


Additional Info I left out last night. (Sorry guys it was early)


I'm Carnage Spec, I know some people prefer the other specs but this one is mine.


As far as reading guides for marauder, I've read the Mach 5 Marauder Guide. A lot.


If I left anything out let me know.


If you cannot easily compete any and EVERY solo quest in the game then you are doing something wrong.




This class is not baddie friendly so if you do not find the class good that means you are a baddie. The class is not broken, and you do use EVERY skill you learn.



Frankly i these posts are old and tired now. If you cannot figure this class out then it is not the class for you, if you think using 4 skills is complicated go play a bounty hunter, at max level you actively use over 20 skills on any given fight in a flashpoint/op setting.


I'm sorry Hizoka how I was going off on the fact that I can't play Marauder in my OP. In retrospect instead asking for the devs to buff us or some such I should have started a thread asking more experienced players for advice.... Oh wait...

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Hey guys. Me again. Read all the replies and wanted to say thanks.


Additional Info I left out last night. (Sorry guys it was early)


I'm Carnage Spec, I know some people prefer the other specs but this one is mine.


As far as reading guides for marauder, I've read the Mach 5 Marauder Guide. A lot.


If I left anything out let me know.




I'm sorry Hizoka how I was going off on the fact that I can't play Marauder in my OP. In retrospect instead asking for the devs to buff us or some such I should have started a thread asking more experienced players for advice.... Oh wait...


Carnage....suck:(.Its a glass canon both in pvp and pve.Great burst with gore,nice control,nice mobility...only if you backed by a healer.Not to mention ataru procc bug on big bosses.For grinding lots of mobs quicly rage is a best specc with its aoe.Ani is best all around specc atm.Stay carnage if you like,but at least try out ani for like 3 days for pve and pvp,will save you alot of nerves in wz`s.

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Thank you, I swear some ppl just can't read.


Its important to remember that most people are ***** in this(or any) forums, so dont take what people say personally. Yes hizoka IS a dick, just go read his/her previous posts, but what he/she said is typically true. Just ignore the anger and frustration woven into replies like that and focus on the facts. Responding with your own anger/frustation post only exasperates the problem. Focus on the facts.


Remeber, the ignore function works outside the game in these forums as well.

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Carnage....suck:(.Its a glass canon both in pvp and pve.Great burst with gore,nice control,nice mobility...only if you backed by a healer.Not to mention ataru procc bug on big bosses.For grinding lots of mobs quicly rage is a best specc with its aoe.Ani is best all around specc atm.Stay carnage if you like,but at least try out ani for like 3 days for pve and pvp,will save you alot of nerves in wz`s.


I'll try em out.


The reason I'm Carnage was after looking through the other trees, it seemed Carnage would have been better suited for me. After getting to 50 with Carnage, I feel comfortable with it. To me atm Carnage is the shallow end of the pool. I don't worry about drowning in the shallow area. Sometimes I do wander into the deep end, I can usually get back to the shallow end but there are times I drown. Though when I drown, that is my fault.

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I'm Carnage Spec, I know some people prefer the other specs but this one is mine.



You say that...and so did my friend (we both maras) and I. We both thought it was the spec to be when reading the talents and the feel for the combat and the controlled roots.


But when i switched anni and could destroy him in stats and duels, he soon switched anni and there is no going back until they buff the carnage tree.


Try it out and you will not regret it.

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I found my marauder was like this through leveling. oh wow i am strong! after lvl 23 or so, omg i am so weak!, hit 35-40 oh yah im strong and uber again look at me, 45-50 *** weak again nooooooooooo. hit 50 ran dailies got the gear up back on top baby!!!


the class is very "hands on" takes getting used to tough to play harder to master. i switched spec while leveling i was carnage at first then tried annihilation which i wasnt keen on at first cause im not a DoT type person. but the way they made it for DoTs is so simple and awesome you get the hang of it right away.

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You say that...and so did my friend (we both maras) and I. We both thought it was the spec to be when reading the talents and the feel for the combat and the controlled roots.


But when i switched anni and could destroy him in stats and duels, he soon switched anni and there is no going back until they buff the carnage tree.


Try it out and you will not regret it.


Alright, Ill try it out.


Another question for you guys.


Which should be the higher priority?


1. Finding out if the other specs are better for me.


2. Getting geared up and all that.

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I'll try em out.


The reason I'm Carnage was after looking through the other trees, it seemed Carnage would have been better suited for me. After getting to 50 with Carnage, I feel comfortable with it. To me atm Carnage is the shallow end of the pool. I don't worry about drowning in the shallow area. Sometimes I do wander into the deep end, I can usually get back to the shallow end but there are times I drown. Though when I drown, that is my fault.


its possible to level to 50 as carnage, i did, still am. But you should know its an up hill battle all the way.

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