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Giving a grace period for STAR WARS: The Old Republic


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Okay, so I pre-ordered, but went with the free shipping from Amazon, so it sounds like I probably won't get it until December 24. That's fine, I just want to know one thing, though. If I don't redeem the code right away since I may not get it right on time, will I lose anything I've gotten up until the 22nd, or does it just mean I can't play for those few days until my CE arrives? I'm fine if it means I'll just lose a few days of playing. Figure with the holiday, I'll be plenty busy anyway. But I've already logged a bunch of time as my smuggler, and I just started a Jedi Consular. It would suck to lose that progress.
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This is a good example of BW/EA listening to the customers and taking action before it's too late! Great job guys/gals!


Absolutely, fantastic work to all parties involved. I'm sure it wasn't an easy job but this really shows the community that they are listening to players concerns. This gives me great hope, thank you very much. :)

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In the post it's says that "for digital editions of the game from Origin.com, the registration code will have been emailed.''


Anyone know if Collector Editions that were ordered through Origin will receive e-mails with the code, or will we only get it when the box arrives. And if we only get it when the box arrives does anyone know where to check for an estimated arrival date?

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amazon says they are not shipping CE edition until somewhere between dec. 22nd and dec. 29th...


Does this mean i will not be able to play until i physically get the game? I guess until dec. 22nd i can play.


I wonder why amazon is slow to getting their copies? You'd think a company so big would have had some speedy preference. Please EA/Bioware get them their stock so they can fulfill our orderes please.


that sort of ruins the Christmas holiday for us then. You'd think people who shelled out the extra $$$ would get some leeway here. I mean as long as we pay with our credit card i wonder y cant they wait a little while longer for our codes?


hopefully amazon magically gets their orders soon.


The only reason i went with amazon is that best buy didnt deliver pre-order codes.....so i had to cancel there. If you ask me unless you got digital edition.....its been pretty sloppy launch for collectors edition folks....You guys know were star wars fans and have us by our.....erm happy spot.


Worse yet....i organized work days off around this launch. Go figure how this goes. I mean swtor already knows we had it preordeed as well....so y the extra step?

Edited by crifrhee
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*** **** ***.. I cancelled my CE edition because you didnt give a grace period. I ordered the digital version because of this


Now you give a grace period...jezus



Im pissed


some ppl are not happy with anything... seriously? I mean, screw it I'll get another warning and you are not worth it mate...

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I'm glad to see a grace period. I was expecting to lose access on the 20th until my box arrives. I am, however, surprised to see it come with free game time. I don't think the people asking for a grace was trying to get free gametime out of Bioware. It is probably from this misconception that Bioware is reluctant to give out more than 2 days of grace.


If I were running it, I would have given a 7-day grace on the retail code, but require a payment from day 1. If the player doesn't have the retail box on the 20th but has a pre-order code, they pay for a month and get 7 days. Once they have put in their retail code, they get the other 3 weeks they paid for, along with the 30 days free. Not only does this allow for a longer grace period, but it would allow Bioware to get extra money from those paid subscriptions, and anyone trying to take advantage of it by not having an actual order would be losing out by paying a month's subscription but only getting 7 days.


I suppose limits in their billing design preventing from doing it the best way possible. Integration with Origin must not have allowed them to be very flexible.

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Wait, I'm confused.

In the U.S., where it's released on the 20th, they are now giving a grace period until the 22nd.

However in europe, where it's released on the 22nd, nothing has changed?

-_- Am I right?


It's the 20th everywhere, 22nd hasn't been the release for months.


Also, europe started shipping last week and MANY people in europe already have their copy of the game.


The Grace Period is really for the US where they can't get the product moving any faster.

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Managing expectations report card:


Pre-release = b-


(people just wanted an approximate time and date they could expect to get in game, this would have been even worse if you had not provided an extension to start with)


Release Logistics issue with Retailers (grace period) = A+ (very well done)


The 3 C's (content, clarity, and communications) = A

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Wait a second here. I pre-ordered my game back in October. I Chose my shipping options back in October. Amazon told me that it's estimated delivery time would be December 27th, due to you releasing the game 5 days before Christmas, the busiest time of the year for shipping and NOW....JUST NOW you tell me that I have to enter my game's product code on the 22nd of December when there is nothing I can do about my shipping!!! Are you serious?!? what kind of logic is that?


I already feel screwed for pre-ordering the game because I had no choice but to log onto one of your early servers, and even though I chose the lightest population one I could find, by the end of that very same day there is a 30 minute queue to log onto it and now you are screwing me out of my game play because I didn't have the psychic powers needed to choose the shipping option I would need to actually be able to play the game!!! I don't know what to say except Merry Christmas and thanks for the punishment you dealt me for my pre-emptive support of your game.

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The grace period is much appreciated. We are international and Amazon states our copy is not to arrive until the 28th.


We have my family coming up both my parents play, my husband, his brother and myself are going to be playing. Unfortunately, my husband ordered the collectors addition. If Amazon's shipping times are correct he will be missing out on all of the holiday fun.


Is there anyway to get an extension on an individual account by providing proof-of-purchase?


We ordered this product in August and are now being penalized by ordering a hard copy? Some how this does not seem right to me.

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Not the worst story on here by far, but my copy will also likely be here after the deadline and as well as several others from what I've read, would really like a more generous extension due to the late arrivals of the hard copy.
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Disregard my post. Lack of sleep induced a brain fart and made me misinterpret something. I thought it was saying our free month that comes with the game doesn't start until you put in a pre-paid card or a subscription. The FAQ snapped me back to reality. >_> Edited by Delnoir
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