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Thank You Bioware


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They're called armaments. I finished my daily last night in about 30 minutes. And that's after battling the same Merc 3 times. He killed me once, I killed him the next two times. I noticed the second time I got no valor. Then I went back to gathering armaments and finished my daily. This could have waited until next Tuesday. The end.
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They're called armaments. I finished my daily last night in about 30 minutes. And that's after battling the same Merc 3 times. He killed me once, I killed him the next two times. I noticed the second time I got no valor. Then I went back to gathering armaments and finished my daily. This could have waited until next Tuesday. The end.



agreed. BUt all teh people must have this incredibly important and game breaking bug fixed!!!!!

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Took Blizzard 9 months to nerf DKs in season 5 (and countless other bugs to other classes I could mention but would hit the character limit in the post)


Took Bioware <1 week to fix a major pvp issue like this


Guess which company gets my sub.


What does that have to do with something they broke with a patch and now need to take servers offline to fix? Can I borrow your mommies credit card to pay for my sub too? Then I won't care how often it's offline, like you.

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If they actually fix it I will be impressed. But usually the fixes they post in their patch notes don't actually work (see "The activation bar now appears at the correct time (when the activation of an ability begins) and disappears when activation is complete.")
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Thank you BioWare for taking down all servers for all paying subscribers for fixing an issue that affects barely anyone playing your incredibly broken open PvP world that isn't worthwhile PvP'ing in for valor anyway.


Kudos. OP is an egg.

Edited by KiwiFella
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For seeing a problem that was game breaking for a chunk of people and fixing it in a timely and decisive manner. Kudos, keep up the good work.


Thankyou Bioware


For seeing a problem that wasn't in any way game breaking for a chunk of whiners and taking the servers down another night so Oceanics can't play.

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Took Blizzard 9 months to nerf DKs in season 5 (and countless other bugs to other classes I could mention but would hit the character limit in the post)


Took Bioware <1 week to fix a major pvp issue like this


Guess which company gets my sub.


Blizzard. Because you had fun on your DK for 9 months.



. . . just a guess.

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they're called armaments. I finished my daily last night in about 30 minutes. And that's after battling the same merc 3 times. He killed me once, i killed him the next two times. I noticed the second time i got no valor. Then i went back to gathering armaments and finished my daily. This could have waited until next tuesday. The end.



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