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No Movement Enchantments in Huttball


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Ball carrier should not be able to move faster then the snare it applies when you have the ball, but maybe it gives the holder a dfensive bonus instead. You won't be able to fly accross the map, but it will be harder to be facerolled.


thats just not well thought out.


Some classes can spec into a 15% run speed increase, so not all runners are equal before they even get the ball.


The game is fine, adapt to circumstances and quit whining about how wrong it is, when there is a counter for everything.

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thats just not well thought out.


Some classes can spec into a 15% run speed increase, so not all runners are equal before they even get the ball.


The game is fine, adapt to circumstances and quit whining about how wrong it is, when there is a counter for everything.


Snare from the ball would override any bonuses, it was just a suggestion to the issue brought up by the OP and a possible compromise. I didn't whine and don't actually care. I have both a sage and a sorc btw.

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You should not be able to use ANY movement enchantments while carrying the ball in Huttball. This includes: Intercede, Force Charge, Force Speed, Force Pull. Any of these kind of abilities should return the ball to the neutral position.


However, enemies should still be able to pull the ball carrier into hazard, pit etc.


Your abilities are ok but theirs are not.

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You should not be able to use ANY movement enchantments while carrying the ball in Huttball. This includes: Intercede, Force Charge, Force Speed, Force Pull. Any of these kind of abilities should return the ball to the neutral position.


However, enemies should still be able to pull the ball carrier into hazard, pit etc.


One Sorc/Sage can't force run all the way, it's a chain of two or three. So break that chain to slow them down.


Disable all pulls/speed buffs on the ball carrier would be the only fair way. To disable friendly but not enemy abilities isn't fair. This *would* make passing the ball more important than giving the pall to the Sage/Sorc.

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Snare from the ball would override any bonuses, it was just a suggestion to the issue brought up by the OP and a possible compromise. I didn't whine and don't actually care. I have both a sage and a sorc btw.


Yeah sorry, I wasn't clear about that. I wasn't meaning you personally.

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a way to counter/prevent anything can be found, but if u just sit and think over, u would agree:


charging up with a ball/charging to goal line

sprinting in shield unsnared through hazards (and passing while while in this state to another same)

pulling ball handler up the catwalk


that just does not sound quite right

and you will agree to the upper statement if you answer honestly.

It can be done, it works, but it does not seem how it should be

(it is huttball- where have u seen flying hutt??)


(i know BW told the catwalk pull is fixed- iw seen- it is not) and ball-charge-around works too

(it does make sprinter look useless)

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