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Why do people think Empire are catered to more than republic?


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Wow, cool your engines because your flying off into the wrong direction!


Remember there are 4 classes under Rep:


  1. Trooper
  2. Smuggler
  3. Jedi Knight
  4. Jedi Consular


Now, I'll start with the last 2:

Take Ep VI: Obi-Wan is running around in robes... which may just have been because he was living on sandy Tatooine as a hermit...

Take Ep V: we find Yoda hobbling around in robes... which may have been because he was living on swampy Dagobah as a hermit... oh, yeah, there is that vision bit of Obi-Wan... not much to see really...


The fact that Jedi wear the outfit that we are used to is actually only established in, well, Ep VI (via all 3 Jedi showing in robes, which could still be explained as being similar to either Angelic visions: I don't think any person who got apparently turned into an angel ran around in some white dress and barefooted... so the robes may have been a part of the Jedi 'afterlife concept...)


But obviously the 'dress code' was established thru Ep I.


Now, pretty much most Jedi we see in Ep I - III are wearing plain robes or rather simple clothes.


Care to venture a guess why? Maybe because vanity would be considered a sign of fear and as we know, fear leads to ... the dark side.


A Jedi doesn't need flashy clothes, being a humble 'servant', a defender of the Republic is enough for him.


And by the way, for a good long while I had my Jedi Concular running around 'topless' i.e. just in her strap-bra thing. Which actually looked rather sexy combined with both the lower robes as well as pants.


Let's move on to the Trooper:


A trooper is a soldier... when was the last time you saw a soldier in some designer 'uniform'?


I think we don't need to further dive into that one...


Which leaves the Smuggler...


now, your smuggler could be just about anything: a flashy gunslinger, a 'space trucker' in overalls, you pick, you choose...


So, unless you are playing a smuggler who like to show off his money or a Jedi who traded being humble for being 'in tune with Fashion', I don't really see anything wrong with the dress options given right now... *shrug*


I'd like to add that THE BEST looking outfit in the WHOLE game is Republic ONLY. The social outfit on Coruscant. I dare them to say Empire got something better than that.

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Wait until you PvP a little. There are many posts and videos that reportedly show small differences between the Republic and Empire PvP abilities and how they fire off, their rate of damage, the delay between the button push and response, the ticks of damage. Check out YouTube and see what the discussion is about.


I play the Republic side because I grew up knowing the Republic side is the side of good, and the Empire is evil. And that's a fact. Sure there's corruption on the Republic side, but would you rather tolerate some corruption or mass murderers?

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Great post, but you forgot one thing.


Most people playing aren't playing for lore, they want to look cool and different.


Most MMOs these days have become fashion shows. (clothes, titles......)


Then Star Wars and Jedi are not for them?



huh? sage animations cooler??? u really prefer throwing pebbles (that pebble rain channel skill) rather than lightning out of your fingers? really????


Yes, the force powers(except the stone throwing and those aren't the only ones.) are generally prettier, force lightning is a thing of the devil. There's a reason I never bought it in either of the KOTORs.

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Because in every game they make, the evil side is more appealing both aesthetically and story-wise. It's the same for every game, yet they never learn from their mistakes. Take the jedi guardian vs sith juggernaut armors. Jedi guardian looks the same from level 1-60, and their PvE and PvP gear looks either pure and utter ****, like they're not even trying, or the same as every other gear. HOODED *********** ROBES.


But hey, lets not do anything about it. In fact, lets add some more HOODED ROBES to the Cartel market, and make the imposing stature of the sith warrior unobtainable for everyone else but empire players.


They should really implement faction change and just remove the republic side. It's ****.

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It's just in the design. Everyone can see it. If you don't see it, then you just don't have an eye for design / aesthetics.


Seriously, I'm often that surprised that people can't see it.

But it is so obvious, I often think, and shake my head.


Just take a look at the Fleet station. Design. That turning ring in the middle alone looks fantastic - from a design perspective. Also the colours scheme. How the colours fit together, what kind of aestetical impace they have and do.


And Black Hole, my favourite example, maybe : Imperial side : Everything looking clear and orderly - Republic side : Everything looking ugly and in ruins. Which of both would you prefer from an easthetical point of view ? Ugly ruins or a nice looking park (apart from that fact that it is inhabited by enemies) ?

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I've never understood why people think the Empire is catered to more. Certainly the Combat team seems to do that, but the content/story seems to favor the Republic completely.


Look at the capitals. The Republic gets Coruscant, the ancient capital seen all over the prequels (and the end of special edition RoTJ). Who besides game players and SW nuts have heard of Dromund Kaas?


Or how about Tatooine? I've heard of Anchorhead, those Imperial areas, not so much.


Look at Alderaan. The Republic gets to ally with the the house that we all know immediately will win in the end. The Empire gets to ally with another made up faction that no one has ever heard of.


And Act III is all about the Republic kicking the Empire's butt and taking names. While the Empire players wind up murdering members of their own faction more likely than not, every single Republic class takes out or weakens a major Imperial asset, including the frikken Emperor.


Act IV sees the Republic getting the Hutt Cartel under its thumb while the Empire gets some unspecified amount of super fuel that the Republic gets some of too.


By Act V, the new kick-butt take names Supreme Chancellor has been chasing the Empire off planet after planet. She's even:



Got triple agent moles undercutting Sith Intelligence.



Yes, the Empire started the game in a better position than the Republic, but ever since the Republic has been turning them back. The Empire is now a rudderless ship, the Republic a monolith.



Edited by Master-Nala
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I've played all 8 stories.


JK vs Warrior: I feel the stories were pretty balanced and well done. They both felt like heroes of their factions.

Imp Agent vs Smuggler: Honestly, I like the smuggler story better. It was more enjoyable for me but there is depth in the agent story which is why I'm playing it a second time

BH vs Trooper: Trooper story is way WAY better. The BH story was poorly written and should have fit better the mercenary roll of the Empire instead it feels disjointed.

Inquisitor vs Consular: Consular story is really bad before act 2, fits the sage only, and doesn't fit the shadow at all. After act1, I started to enjoy it more. Inquisitor is a fun story. You get treated like crap but it's so much fun to show them all and rise above everyone who tried to put you down.


There are reasons to like both sides. In the Empire, if you are Sith, you feel like you have a grand purpose, to bring power to the Empire. As an agent, you feel like the spy you are. In the Republic, the trooper feels like the trooper should feel, a soldier through and through. The jedi knight feels to me like a soldier of the jedi order, doing a job that needs to be done as it should be.


The smuggler story is fun, but the smuggler feels more like a mercenary to me than the BH does. BH and Consular, I already mentioned above.


With collections, there is no need to stick with the armor in game. You can buy anything off the GTN and look the way you think your character should look.


Fleet: The Empire fleet is clean but at the same time it gives you the feeling of being controlled. The Republic fleet is not so clean but it feels like a place that you can have a party and are not being watched.


So honestly, from my perspective, Bioware treated them equally.

Edited by AlaricSevGirl
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I've never understood why people think the Empire is catered to more. Certainly the Combat team seems to do that, but the content/story seems to favor the Republic completely.


Look at the capitals. The Republic gets Coruscant, the ancient capital seen all over the prequels (and the end of special edition RoTJ). Who besides game players and SW nuts have heard of Dromund Kaas?


You kinda beat yourself here, Dromund Kaas is cooler than Coruscant.

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LoL... I think its funny when people say or think the republic are the "good" guys.


Both sides have issues.. a general break down I would say is this.


Republic: Corrupt, chaotic, back stabbing, crime ridden.. with a few idealistic people trying to good.


Empire: Control, doing the best for empire, everyone has a place, less corruption.... with a few that miss use that control for there own gain.


Jedi: Control, try to do good as long as its their way and their goals, claim to support a democracy when they them self's do not uphold it with in there own order.


Sith: Personal power, to gain that power no matter what the cost... but hey at least you know that they are going to act that way. Do to power struggles causes chaos.


The interesting thing is that the Empires society has more in common with the Jedi and the Republic chaos and infighting has more in line with the Sith.


So I see no side being "good" all sides screwed up in there own way.


As far as in game... I just think that the empire lends to better story's and it shows.. the only really good republic storys I have liked was the Jedi Knight as far as epicenes of the arc.

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Class Story




General "Cool" factor with gear, buildings, ships et cetera


Funny / Amazing "One liners" in dialog


Whenever DEVS gave examples on videos, they were always on Imperial Toons


DEVS wear black imperial gear to Cantina events

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Empire is cooler in terms of clothing, animations etc.


At least in my opinion.


Sentinel gets stupid hammer slash animation on one of the specs, marauder steals the 'good' animation from sent.


Sorc animation = better than Sage. Sage force quake is, like a friend of mine once mentioned, looks like you're sh*tting in your pants and nothing much but some stupid rocks fly upwards.


Imp fleet looks way better than pub side.




Other than that, I like coruscant as one of the best worlds to play on. I guess its all personal preference.

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I've played all 8 stories.


JK vs Warrior: I feel the stories were pretty balanced and well done. They both felt like heroes of their factions.

Imp Agent vs Smuggler: Honestly, I like the smuggler story better. It was more enjoyable for me but there is depth in the agent story which is why I'm playing it a second time

BH vs Trooper: Trooper story is way WAY better. The BH story was poorly written and should have fit better the mercenary roll of the Empire instead it feels disjointed.

Inquisitor vs Consular: Consular story is really bad before act 2, fits the sage only, and doesn't fit the shadow at all. After act1, I started to enjoy it more. Inquisitor is a fun story. You get treated like crap but it's so much fun to show them all and rise above everyone who tried to put you down.


There are reasons to like both sides. In the Empire, if you are Sith, you feel like you have a grand purpose, to bring power to the Empire. As an agent, you feel like the spy you are. In the Republic, the trooper feels like the trooper should feel, a soldier through and through. The jedi knight feels to me like a soldier of the jedi order, doing a job that needs to be done as it should be.


The smuggler story is fun, but the smuggler feels more like a mercenary to me than the BH does. BH and Consular, I already mentioned above.


With collections, there is no need to stick with the armor in game. You can buy anything off the GTN and look the way you think your character should look.


Fleet: The Empire fleet is clean but at the same time it gives you the feeling of being controlled. The Republic fleet is not so clean but it feels like a place that you can have a party and are not being watched.


So honestly, from my perspective, Bioware treated them equally.



I disagree on alot of this.


I have done all 8 class stories, some of them 2x.


Imperial side is significantly better.


Knight vs Warrior = are about the same, but you feel more epic ****** as a Juggernaut due to the rank you get and the animations you have


Consular vs Inquisitor = not even close. Consular story is horrible and animations are almost as bad. Inquisitor though? Who doesn't love shocking people in dialog?


Trooper vs BH = Chapter 1 for Trooper is awesome, but so is Bounty Hunter... after this, the BH gets alot better - plus, again... animations are one liners are way better for BH


Smuggler vs Agent. = No comparison. Slipping between English and American accents, cloak and dagger 007 action... Smuggler is trying to find his stolen ship for ever, and sniper rifle is way cooler than 2 pistols

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I disagree on alot of this.


I have done all 8 class stories, some of them 2x.


Imperial side is significantly better.


Knight vs Warrior = are about the same, but you feel more epic ****** as a Juggernaut due to the rank you get and the animations you have


Consular vs Inquisitor = not even close. Consular story is horrible and animations are almost as bad. Inquisitor though? Who doesn't love shocking people in dialog?


Trooper vs BH = Chapter 1 for Trooper is awesome, but so is Bounty Hunter... after this, the BH gets alot better - plus, again... animations are one liners are way better for BH


Smuggler vs Agent. = No comparison. Slipping between English and American accents, cloak and dagger 007 action... Smuggler is trying to find his stolen ship for ever, and sniper rifle is way cooler than 2 pistols


In regards to the bolded text: wrong.


Consular story is amazing, once you get past act 1. Inquisitor story is decent, but hardly good throughout.

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Meh. A fun necro, I guess? I wouldn't say they're catered to more, but damn the imp side is so much better in almost every facet.


The imp storylines are funny as ****. Every time I shocked someone on my sorc, I laughed. When my merc beat the **** out of a noble, I laughed. Plus, my operatives sense of loyalty, pride and passion was almost palpable. Left me with a sense of belonging. While the pub side left me with a whole lot of indifference.


The republic stories are boring save for the scoundrel. Play them if you want to be lulled to sleep. I felt like an NPC on my trooper. Just didn't care about anything going on.


Also, most importantly, imps look cool. Most of them anyway.


Sorc animations > sage

Merc animations > commando

Powertech animations > vanguard

Juggernaut animations > guardian


Only pub that looks better than their imp counterpart is the scoundrel, imo.


I played on pub side as sage for a good long time(progression raiding as heals), because a friend begged me to switch sides shortly after I joined the game. Now that I've come back(resubbed) from a long break, I'm not playing pub anymore.

Edited by Radzkie
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Empire stuff feels space age. You feel like you are part of a warmachine rather than an incompetent bureacracy. Sure there is some infighting and a few power struggles but all in all there is more purpose to the storyline, I feel less like a Mr Fixit on Empire than I do on Republic.


All in all it seems like more work went into making things work for the Empire with more polished stories.


If you consider SLAVERY space age, then, yeah, the Empire is for you. It's only seen on DK, but is referenced throughout the game. Also, in the portion of the game that actually had a fully-made story, 1-50, the "incompetent bureaucracy" was beating the Empire handily at the end of Ch. 3.


Personally, I agree with another post in this thread - the writing didn't really make it clear how evil the Sith and their society (it is their society, despite how factions work in the game) is. Perhaps they wanted to keep the game too PG to do that.


As for why the faction imbalance occurred, I think a lot of it has to do with combat animations and the initial launch armor being more appealing on the Imperial side.


Animations are generally more engaging on the Empire side, even for non-Force users. Why this decision was made is unclear - for example, it doesn't make much sense to me that a Gunslinger or Commando would have less powerful looking or sounding animations than their counterparts on the Imperial side, but that is how the developers made them. Inquisitor vs. Consular is self-explanatory, especially for the Sage and Sorcerer ACs. Knight vs. Warrior is preference, and this is one base class where I think the Republic got the better of the two animation sets. But that is generally rare (the difference between a Vanguard and Powertech is just plain sad).


Even though the Fleet areas are re-skins of one another, most people think the Empire side looks better. I think they are both pretty awful looking compared to the rest of the game, which often has fantastic visuals for an MMO.


Sometimes people also say the class stories are better for the Empire, but after playing all 8 and some more than once, I don't find this to be true at all. All 8 stories are good in different ways, and I don't think the Republic's are any better or worse.


Now that the imbalance does exist, though, I agree with you that BW sometimes puts more effort into the Empire's content - the story arcs on Makeb are an example of this.


Since 3.0, though, everyone gets the shaft. :(

Edited by arunav
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In regards to the bolded text: wrong.


Consular story is amazing, once you get past act 1. Inquisitor story is decent, but hardly good throughout.



Its all personal opinion but I can count the number of people who liked the consular story line on one hand (and that includes you in the figures)


Inquiz is heads and tails above the consular storyline.


In fact, since closed beta the consular storyline has widely been called the worst class story line in game


And that pains me as sage healer was my first max character outta retail launch and up until recently was my clear cut main character. Also have a shadow tank who is my main tank character. So its not like I hate the class, quite the opposite.


but the class story was absolute trash


the inquiz story had everything one could ask for from a sith inquiz class outlook.

Ancient sith temples, lost power sources, political intrigue, betrayal, dominance over others (everything any sith player could ask for)


Consular story line most memorable moment is getting a cave dropped on your head


Its all personal opinion but you are in the vast minonity if you liked the Consular class story line sadly

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Its all personal opinion but I can count the number of people who liked the consular story line on one hand (and that includes you in the figures)


Inquiz is heads and tails above the consular storyline.


In fact, since closed beta the consular storyline has widely been called the worst class story line in game


And that pains me as sage healer was my first max character outta retail launch and up until recently was my clear cut main character. Also have a shadow tank who is my main tank character. So its not like I hate the class, quite the opposite.


but the class story was absolute trash


the inquiz story had everything one could ask for from a sith inquiz class outlook.

Ancient sith temples, lost power sources, political intrigue, betrayal, dominance over others (everything any sith player could ask for)


Consular story line most memorable moment is getting a cave dropped on your head


Its all personal opinion but you are in the vast minonity if you liked the Consular class story line sadly


The Consular storyline is mostly about diplomacy. It's not a shoot first and take names later story, like most of the other stories in the game. That doesn't make it the "worst" story. It means most people like shoot first and take names later stories, because they don't enjoy playing through a different approach in the war. Typically, the folks I know that like the Consular storyline are a bit more mature or appreciate an alternate take on the events of levels 1-50.


It's interesting you compare it to the Inquisitor story. Ch 1 of the stories parallel one another entirely, yet one is really good to you, but the other is terrible - as a Sith, you seek out power by consuming Force ghosts, as a Consular you are attempting to save others attacking the Order through the Force, sacrificing yourself in the process.

Edited by arunav
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